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Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!  I love my two babies and am so thankful for the chance to be a mother. My two sweeties had special gifts to give me, and I thought they were so cute.  :) Here was the message that was on Wade’s present… …and on the inside was…. That night for dinner we…

Something New…

Isaiah 43:18-19, “Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” So life has taken quite the unexpected turn…

Our Clubber of the Month

We are so proud of Haylee for achieving “Clubber of the Month” in Awana, though I’m not quite sure how, since we are very bad Awana parents, unfortunately.  (We don’t do too well reviewing verses or completing sections, etc, through the week.) Both Chris and I participated in Awanas when we were kids, so we…


Silly Bandz… Have you been struck?

The latest kid craze going STRONG right now is a little something you may or may not have even heard of…. Silly Bandz… It’s things like this that make me wonder why I can’t come up with something that will be the “thing to have” and make me a nice bundle! :) These magical bandz…

Pregnant Chicken

♥♥♥Thanks so very much to everyone for their congratulations and words of concern and comfort!  It means A LOT!!! I know my situation pales in comparison to so many mommies and babies out there, and I’m trying to count my blessings and remember that God has us in His hand.♥♥♥ If you’re preggo now, or…

The "Not so Good" News

  Well, Baby #3 has shown his goods, and we are going to be adding another Wild Man to the Clan. The ultrasound tech guessed it was a boy just from glancing at my belly, and actually took maybe 2 seconds before declaring that we had another B-O-Y!  I came to the realization rather quickly…

The verdict is in…

We are officially going to have one Crazy houseful.  I did receive some “not so fun” news which I’ll share more on later…

Birthday Bash

It was a great day for a birthday this year.  It was a Friday, first of all, AND it was Grandparent’s Day at school which meant a Half Day and only my middle school class to teach.  The celebration actually started the night before, however, after Chris took the kids shopping and brought home a…

Cruising Capers… Day 5

  Day five was upon as we set out for a Day at Sea! We found there really wasn’t much to do during the day except for the pool which was much too cold and much too crowded with little miss thang’s in their itsy bitsy teeny weenie’s. :) I was eyeing one such Miss…

Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!  I love my two babies and am so thankful for the chance to be a mother. My two sweeties had special gifts to give me, and I thought they were so cute.  :) Here was the message that was on Wade’s present… …and on the inside was…. That night for dinner we…

Something New…

Isaiah 43:18-19, “Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” So life has taken quite the unexpected turn…

Our Clubber of the Month

We are so proud of Haylee for achieving “Clubber of the Month” in Awana, though I’m not quite sure how, since we are very bad Awana parents, unfortunately.  (We don’t do too well reviewing verses or completing sections, etc, through the week.) Both Chris and I participated in Awanas when we were kids, so we…


Silly Bandz… Have you been struck?

The latest kid craze going STRONG right now is a little something you may or may not have even heard of…. Silly Bandz… It’s things like this that make me wonder why I can’t come up with something that will be the “thing to have” and make me a nice bundle! :) These magical bandz…

Pregnant Chicken

♥♥♥Thanks so very much to everyone for their congratulations and words of concern and comfort!  It means A LOT!!! I know my situation pales in comparison to so many mommies and babies out there, and I’m trying to count my blessings and remember that God has us in His hand.♥♥♥ If you’re preggo now, or…

The "Not so Good" News

  Well, Baby #3 has shown his goods, and we are going to be adding another Wild Man to the Clan. The ultrasound tech guessed it was a boy just from glancing at my belly, and actually took maybe 2 seconds before declaring that we had another B-O-Y!  I came to the realization rather quickly…

The verdict is in…

We are officially going to have one Crazy houseful.  I did receive some “not so fun” news which I’ll share more on later…

Birthday Bash

It was a great day for a birthday this year.  It was a Friday, first of all, AND it was Grandparent’s Day at school which meant a Half Day and only my middle school class to teach.  The celebration actually started the night before, however, after Chris took the kids shopping and brought home a…

Cruising Capers… Day 5

  Day five was upon as we set out for a Day at Sea! We found there really wasn’t much to do during the day except for the pool which was much too cold and much too crowded with little miss thang’s in their itsy bitsy teeny weenie’s. :) I was eyeing one such Miss…