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24 Weeks already?

I can’t believe that I am already at 24 weeks. So that means I’m 6 months preggo!  I calculate the months by dividing the weeks by 4, but I’ve recently learned that they are apparently lots of different ways people figure months. School is out, and I am looking forward to a few months of…

More Party Pics…

Here’s more Party Pics from B’s camera… taken by B and Mack.  You can see from the pics that the foam pit was the fav activity of kids and grown-ups alike….

Party Time!

Today was Haylee’s 7th birthday party and we decided to try out a gymnastics theme this year.  She was thrilled as her current favorite pastime is practicing cartwheels 800 x’s in the living room each night. We started off the celebration by letting her open up a few gifts in the morning.  Chris had decided…

Amazing Art

Today is our LAST day of School!!  It is so hard to believe that this chapter is now ending, and our new adventure of babies and homeschooling is beginning. Haylee just LOVES anything and everything art related.  Art class is one of her favorite special classes. One of her projects was recently entered in a…


  So another change coming up in the horizon that I alluded to earlier is a housing one.  When we received our BFP (That means big fat positive, Mom…) we were stunned, of course, but one of our early worries was where to put this third little person.  It is a good thing they are…

I am Lost…

So, I have to say I have LOVED watching Lost.  Sam got us into it a while back, and we started by watching Seasons 1-3 on DVD.  It didn’t take long for us to be hooked! We have endured through the questions and twists and suspense hoping that ONE DAY those questions would be answered….

He Strikes Again…

The other day I was talking on the phone in the kitchen to a cousin that I don’t get to talk to very often, while Wade was watching Nick Jr in the living room.  I was happy he was content for quite a while before he came seeking me out saying, “Hold, ‘oo!” I should’ve…

Cruising Capers…. Day 6

Okay… believe it or not, THIS is the last installment of the incredibly drawn out series entitled… “Cruising Capers.”  I’m sure the anticipation is killing you. I am surprised that we are pushing June and I am just now finishing up, when our trip was the beginning of April. :)  So… this post is going…

What’s for Dinner?

I think we all know that the concept of Menu Planning is a good one, but it often comes with too high a price of time and prior, proper, planning.  Not to mention it becomes obsolete when plans for dinner are often sporadically changed, leaving us with no plan for dinner at all… Well, I’ve…

My OB said What??

I am now 22 weeks!  Over halfway there!  I am doing my best to hold off on the maternity clothes and have managed to elude them thus far. It helps, I think, that I was 12 lbs  down when I started down the road of unavoidable weight gain.  My mom is currently losing weight big…

24 Weeks already?

I can’t believe that I am already at 24 weeks. So that means I’m 6 months preggo!  I calculate the months by dividing the weeks by 4, but I’ve recently learned that they are apparently lots of different ways people figure months. School is out, and I am looking forward to a few months of…

More Party Pics…

Here’s more Party Pics from B’s camera… taken by B and Mack.  You can see from the pics that the foam pit was the fav activity of kids and grown-ups alike….

Party Time!

Today was Haylee’s 7th birthday party and we decided to try out a gymnastics theme this year.  She was thrilled as her current favorite pastime is practicing cartwheels 800 x’s in the living room each night. We started off the celebration by letting her open up a few gifts in the morning.  Chris had decided…

Amazing Art

Today is our LAST day of School!!  It is so hard to believe that this chapter is now ending, and our new adventure of babies and homeschooling is beginning. Haylee just LOVES anything and everything art related.  Art class is one of her favorite special classes. One of her projects was recently entered in a…


  So another change coming up in the horizon that I alluded to earlier is a housing one.  When we received our BFP (That means big fat positive, Mom…) we were stunned, of course, but one of our early worries was where to put this third little person.  It is a good thing they are…

I am Lost…

So, I have to say I have LOVED watching Lost.  Sam got us into it a while back, and we started by watching Seasons 1-3 on DVD.  It didn’t take long for us to be hooked! We have endured through the questions and twists and suspense hoping that ONE DAY those questions would be answered….

He Strikes Again…

The other day I was talking on the phone in the kitchen to a cousin that I don’t get to talk to very often, while Wade was watching Nick Jr in the living room.  I was happy he was content for quite a while before he came seeking me out saying, “Hold, ‘oo!” I should’ve…

Cruising Capers…. Day 6

Okay… believe it or not, THIS is the last installment of the incredibly drawn out series entitled… “Cruising Capers.”  I’m sure the anticipation is killing you. I am surprised that we are pushing June and I am just now finishing up, when our trip was the beginning of April. :)  So… this post is going…

What’s for Dinner?

I think we all know that the concept of Menu Planning is a good one, but it often comes with too high a price of time and prior, proper, planning.  Not to mention it becomes obsolete when plans for dinner are often sporadically changed, leaving us with no plan for dinner at all… Well, I’ve…

My OB said What??

I am now 22 weeks!  Over halfway there!  I am doing my best to hold off on the maternity clothes and have managed to elude them thus far. It helps, I think, that I was 12 lbs  down when I started down the road of unavoidable weight gain.  My mom is currently losing weight big…