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What’s on the brain…

Can you tell I have homeschooling on the brain? Well, what about this… Is it weird that I’m excited that I purchased our very own electric Pencil Sharpener?  Some other super cool things we’ve gotten… The first one is a Laminator!  I’ve printed some file folder games and other printable games, so they needed to…

One of my faaaaaav places…

is GOODWILL…  or GW Fashions as we use to call it in college.  :)  I don’t make it there often, sadly, and my hubby has somewhat of the opposite feeling towards it.  Can you believe he would actually drop off our old stuff there and not even go in?? A travesty, I tell you. So…

Taking the Plunge in the Workbox World!

(Sorry… this is ANOTHER post on homeschooling… Feel free to scroll on down if you aren’t as enthused as I am on the topic… Unfortunately for you, there are more hs’ing posts in your future. Hope you don’t totally lose interest!) I have done much researching on workboxes and think I am going to give…

What’s out there in the Homeschool web-world?

Any good homeschool blogs or message boards out there I should check out? I’ve joined a few message boards… homeschool spot and homeschool lounge… I found a few blogs that look interesting, promising, and entertaining too.  :) Homeschool ChickGinger Snap ShotsHomeschool CreationsLive Learn & Love TogetherConfessions of a Homeschooler I somehow stumbled upon  Confessions of…

Evolution of a Trampoline…

You start with this…   and then… and then… and then… and then… and then…   Four Hours Later… you’ll get this! Chris The kids really wanted a trampoline so we decided to get one this weekend.  We had done some research previously online at sizes and prices etc and ended up finding a pretty…

Back to School!!!

Well, vacation is over and our summer time is drawing to a close as well.  Not sure how it could be coming to an end so soon! With the end of summer comes the dawn of our very first adventure in homeschooling.  Back in May, I met with some other homeschooling moms at Panera Bread…

Good News, Good News!

After TEN long weeks of waiting for my follow up ultrasound to recheck my issues… ie.. Complete Placenta Previa and Fluid on the baby’s kidney,  I FINALLY got to go yesterday and get some answers.   My appointment was at ten and despite my hope that they would be less “backed up” earlier in the morning,…

Fun in the Sun… Part 2

I have to share some of the rest of our adventures at the beach.  Did I already mention how much fun we had during our week away?  Hope that’s not getting annoying, but it really was so nice to get away with the fam for a few days. We really didn’t do much in the…

Ten Weeks to go…

  As of yesterday, I am now shockingly THIRTY weeks preggo.  Somehow the days have passed quickly and I now only have 10 weeks left before Baby #3 arrives on the scene.  It seems as though we were just getting the big news, and now we are getting so close to the big day itself. …

Fun in the Sun!

We are having the most grand time here at the beach… along with the other scads of people that are here this week with us.  :)  At the moment, Wade is napping while the rest of us occupy ourselves in the meantime.  Chris and I are finding that we enjoy having an excuse to come…

What’s on the brain…

Can you tell I have homeschooling on the brain? Well, what about this… Is it weird that I’m excited that I purchased our very own electric Pencil Sharpener?  Some other super cool things we’ve gotten… The first one is a Laminator!  I’ve printed some file folder games and other printable games, so they needed to…

One of my faaaaaav places…

is GOODWILL…  or GW Fashions as we use to call it in college.  :)  I don’t make it there often, sadly, and my hubby has somewhat of the opposite feeling towards it.  Can you believe he would actually drop off our old stuff there and not even go in?? A travesty, I tell you. So…

Taking the Plunge in the Workbox World!

(Sorry… this is ANOTHER post on homeschooling… Feel free to scroll on down if you aren’t as enthused as I am on the topic… Unfortunately for you, there are more hs’ing posts in your future. Hope you don’t totally lose interest!) I have done much researching on workboxes and think I am going to give…

What’s out there in the Homeschool web-world?

Any good homeschool blogs or message boards out there I should check out? I’ve joined a few message boards… homeschool spot and homeschool lounge… I found a few blogs that look interesting, promising, and entertaining too.  :) Homeschool ChickGinger Snap ShotsHomeschool CreationsLive Learn & Love TogetherConfessions of a Homeschooler I somehow stumbled upon  Confessions of…

Evolution of a Trampoline…

You start with this…   and then… and then… and then… and then… and then…   Four Hours Later… you’ll get this! Chris The kids really wanted a trampoline so we decided to get one this weekend.  We had done some research previously online at sizes and prices etc and ended up finding a pretty…

Back to School!!!

Well, vacation is over and our summer time is drawing to a close as well.  Not sure how it could be coming to an end so soon! With the end of summer comes the dawn of our very first adventure in homeschooling.  Back in May, I met with some other homeschooling moms at Panera Bread…

Good News, Good News!

After TEN long weeks of waiting for my follow up ultrasound to recheck my issues… ie.. Complete Placenta Previa and Fluid on the baby’s kidney,  I FINALLY got to go yesterday and get some answers.   My appointment was at ten and despite my hope that they would be less “backed up” earlier in the morning,…

Fun in the Sun… Part 2

I have to share some of the rest of our adventures at the beach.  Did I already mention how much fun we had during our week away?  Hope that’s not getting annoying, but it really was so nice to get away with the fam for a few days. We really didn’t do much in the…

Ten Weeks to go…

  As of yesterday, I am now shockingly THIRTY weeks preggo.  Somehow the days have passed quickly and I now only have 10 weeks left before Baby #3 arrives on the scene.  It seems as though we were just getting the big news, and now we are getting so close to the big day itself. …

Fun in the Sun!

We are having the most grand time here at the beach… along with the other scads of people that are here this week with us.  :)  At the moment, Wade is napping while the rest of us occupy ourselves in the meantime.  Chris and I are finding that we enjoy having an excuse to come…