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Less than FIVE weeks!

I have less than FIVE WEEKS to go on the baby invasion countdown.  I am now 35 weeks preggo, and the days are ticking steadily by. This baby somehow has not quite sunk in yet as I continue to carry on with my life managing to quite ignore the large protruding thing that is now…

Blog Hop..The Momentous First Day Photos!

After much planning and research and preparation, our FIRST DAY of school… of homeschooling, that is, had finally arrived.  Haylee was very excited thankfully.  It is hard to believe it is even possible she actually be going into SECOND grade?? How did this happen? We had to get the customary “First Day of School” pictures…

It’s Time to SHARE!

I wanted to share some things I’ve made and/or collected from various places… I thought this was such a cute idea… Basically a chart showing the first 100 books you read this year. This is from Afterthoughts. We started this already last week, and I even numbered the back so we can keep track of…

Are we suckers? Truth or Fiction?

You tell me… truth or fiction?  Your carseat NEEDS to be replaced every six years because according to the manufacturer… it has expired. I did not have a clue about this fact until partway through this pregnancy and was informed by my sister.  The date is supposed to be imprinted on the carseat itself and…

Oh, Baby!

I had my 34 week check up yesterday and finally got the ultrasound to check the baby’s kidney.  I’m glad I chose not to stress about it since everything is NORMAL!  It was nice to get another peek at the wee little guy too.  He is head down contrary to what Dr. Peach thought at…

He strikes again… Oy!

Just look at that face… Our little stinker has struck again.  This time it actually brought me to tears.  Literally. I know that’s silly, but in the interest of full disclosure I must admit it.  In my defense, I find I must blame my reaction on my hormones and the fact that I was already…

Blog Hop… Our School Room… Ha!

This week the theme of the Blog Hop is Showing off your School Room.  That’s funny to me because  with our tiny place there is no such luxury of having a designated place  for school or school stuff. We are definitely in the group of those that are Schooling in Small Spaces!  We have less…

Insomnia is kicking my tail…

I’ve never had such trouble getting sleep as I have with this pregnancy.  I don’t know if it’s because I’m just O-L-D now or whether it’s because I’m not working a job this time.  With Haylee I worked until 36 weeks, and with Wade I worked until 38 weeks.  I guess in those cases my…

Blog Hop… Curriculum Choices!

Heart of the Matter is hosting a Blog Hop and the first week’s theme is sharing your Curriculum Choices for the year… Here’s the lowdown… forgive any repeats… * Bible… Standard Publishing. This curriculum is pricey at around $100 (and I couldn’t find it second hand), but it come complete with a CD to sing…

Less than 7 weeks to go!

We’ve hit 33 weeks folks, believe it or not.  There is something about hitting the single digits in the countdown process that makes you feel like IT’S GETTING CLOSE!!!  I somehow managed to escape with NO weight gain from my 30 to my 32 week appointment.  Whoo hoo! Chris was very surprised since he says…

Less than FIVE weeks!

I have less than FIVE WEEKS to go on the baby invasion countdown.  I am now 35 weeks preggo, and the days are ticking steadily by. This baby somehow has not quite sunk in yet as I continue to carry on with my life managing to quite ignore the large protruding thing that is now…

Blog Hop..The Momentous First Day Photos!

After much planning and research and preparation, our FIRST DAY of school… of homeschooling, that is, had finally arrived.  Haylee was very excited thankfully.  It is hard to believe it is even possible she actually be going into SECOND grade?? How did this happen? We had to get the customary “First Day of School” pictures…

It’s Time to SHARE!

I wanted to share some things I’ve made and/or collected from various places… I thought this was such a cute idea… Basically a chart showing the first 100 books you read this year. This is from Afterthoughts. We started this already last week, and I even numbered the back so we can keep track of…

Are we suckers? Truth or Fiction?

You tell me… truth or fiction?  Your carseat NEEDS to be replaced every six years because according to the manufacturer… it has expired. I did not have a clue about this fact until partway through this pregnancy and was informed by my sister.  The date is supposed to be imprinted on the carseat itself and…

Oh, Baby!

I had my 34 week check up yesterday and finally got the ultrasound to check the baby’s kidney.  I’m glad I chose not to stress about it since everything is NORMAL!  It was nice to get another peek at the wee little guy too.  He is head down contrary to what Dr. Peach thought at…

He strikes again… Oy!

Just look at that face… Our little stinker has struck again.  This time it actually brought me to tears.  Literally. I know that’s silly, but in the interest of full disclosure I must admit it.  In my defense, I find I must blame my reaction on my hormones and the fact that I was already…

Blog Hop… Our School Room… Ha!

This week the theme of the Blog Hop is Showing off your School Room.  That’s funny to me because  with our tiny place there is no such luxury of having a designated place  for school or school stuff. We are definitely in the group of those that are Schooling in Small Spaces!  We have less…

Insomnia is kicking my tail…

I’ve never had such trouble getting sleep as I have with this pregnancy.  I don’t know if it’s because I’m just O-L-D now or whether it’s because I’m not working a job this time.  With Haylee I worked until 36 weeks, and with Wade I worked until 38 weeks.  I guess in those cases my…

Blog Hop… Curriculum Choices!

Heart of the Matter is hosting a Blog Hop and the first week’s theme is sharing your Curriculum Choices for the year… Here’s the lowdown… forgive any repeats… * Bible… Standard Publishing. This curriculum is pricey at around $100 (and I couldn’t find it second hand), but it come complete with a CD to sing…

Less than 7 weeks to go!

We’ve hit 33 weeks folks, believe it or not.  There is something about hitting the single digits in the countdown process that makes you feel like IT’S GETTING CLOSE!!!  I somehow managed to escape with NO weight gain from my 30 to my 32 week appointment.  Whoo hoo! Chris was very surprised since he says…