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Above the Cabinet De-Basket-fying!

So for some reason, all of a sudden I got inspired to redo the tops of my cabinets.  My goal was basically to de-basket-fy everything. Don’t get me wrong.  I am a lover of baskets, but I wanted a different and more contemporary look.  We moved in here January of ‘07, and I’m pretty sure…

Rockin’ Times…

The other night I snapped a picture of Wade in Nana’s rocker that she keeps out on her porch, and I remembered that I had a similar shot of Haylee around his same age.     My sweet little Haylee 10/23/05 about 2.5 years old… My wild Wadester 8/6/10 about 2.5 years old… I know everyone…

Yay for Baby!

I am so happy to report that the Baby is already showing at least ONE sign of being well behaved… he has turned head down again for me!  So far I have avoided the dreaded c-section once again!   If you’re keeping track, that’s head down and “I-don’t-think-he’ll-move” by the u/s tech at 34 weeks… “Is-that-a-foot-I-feel?Oh-no-he’s-breech”…

Cartwheel Commotion!

My girl is currently obsessed with cartwheels as you can read on my description of her on my sidebar.  She started practicing/attempting them probably around May sometime.  And when I say practice, I mean practice!   There is barely room in our Living Room to clear the furniture, but she manages.  Though she has run into…

Looking back… First Day Shots

I’ve seen this idea a few different places and decided to pull out the old First Day pics and reminisce myself.  Because I’m preggo and hormonal and need to create ways to become emotional, you know.  For some reason, we always do the first day pic in front of the front door, which helps you …

Nifty Free Timeline

The Classical Style of homeschooling is big on using timelines, which I first heard about at a Teacher’s Conference last Spring.   The idea is to create a Comprehensive timeline that each student keeps from K all the way through high school.  Making notes on whatever points in History are being learned about… regardless of whether…

Heads up?

I had my 36 week check up yesterday, and it started off with a bang with the dreaded weigh in.  I actually had to do it twice because I didn’t believe it at first.  I have gained SEVEN pounds in just the last 2 weeks.  SEVEN pounds… TWO weeks.  Did you get that?  I’m not…

Baby, Baby!

Last Saturday I had such a great time being spoiled at my Baby Shower given my good friends, Kristi and Sara! Thankfully, Chris was off and I got to leave the kiddos with him for the morning as I headed off for my Shower Brunch.   I felt very loved having a shower for Baby #3. …

A Day in the Life… and what a life it is!

This is the last week of  the Blog hop at Heart of the Matter.  This week’s theme is “A Day in the Life!” This is an interesting theme for sure since one the hallmarks of homeschooling seems to be the opportunity for flexibility.  Flexibility does not mean slacking.  Flexibility is not a dirty word!   In…

Our First Fun Friday!

Don’t you like the sound of that?  What kid wouldn’t like the sound of a FUN Friday? Well, it’s not going to be all fun and games, but my goal is to do a less structured day on Fridays minus the weekly tests and the math lesson…. I know, that doesn’t sound all that fun…

Above the Cabinet De-Basket-fying!

So for some reason, all of a sudden I got inspired to redo the tops of my cabinets.  My goal was basically to de-basket-fy everything. Don’t get me wrong.  I am a lover of baskets, but I wanted a different and more contemporary look.  We moved in here January of ‘07, and I’m pretty sure…

Rockin’ Times…

The other night I snapped a picture of Wade in Nana’s rocker that she keeps out on her porch, and I remembered that I had a similar shot of Haylee around his same age.     My sweet little Haylee 10/23/05 about 2.5 years old… My wild Wadester 8/6/10 about 2.5 years old… I know everyone…

Yay for Baby!

I am so happy to report that the Baby is already showing at least ONE sign of being well behaved… he has turned head down again for me!  So far I have avoided the dreaded c-section once again!   If you’re keeping track, that’s head down and “I-don’t-think-he’ll-move” by the u/s tech at 34 weeks… “Is-that-a-foot-I-feel?Oh-no-he’s-breech”…

Cartwheel Commotion!

My girl is currently obsessed with cartwheels as you can read on my description of her on my sidebar.  She started practicing/attempting them probably around May sometime.  And when I say practice, I mean practice!   There is barely room in our Living Room to clear the furniture, but she manages.  Though she has run into…

Looking back… First Day Shots

I’ve seen this idea a few different places and decided to pull out the old First Day pics and reminisce myself.  Because I’m preggo and hormonal and need to create ways to become emotional, you know.  For some reason, we always do the first day pic in front of the front door, which helps you …

Nifty Free Timeline

The Classical Style of homeschooling is big on using timelines, which I first heard about at a Teacher’s Conference last Spring.   The idea is to create a Comprehensive timeline that each student keeps from K all the way through high school.  Making notes on whatever points in History are being learned about… regardless of whether…

Heads up?

I had my 36 week check up yesterday, and it started off with a bang with the dreaded weigh in.  I actually had to do it twice because I didn’t believe it at first.  I have gained SEVEN pounds in just the last 2 weeks.  SEVEN pounds… TWO weeks.  Did you get that?  I’m not…

Baby, Baby!

Last Saturday I had such a great time being spoiled at my Baby Shower given my good friends, Kristi and Sara! Thankfully, Chris was off and I got to leave the kiddos with him for the morning as I headed off for my Shower Brunch.   I felt very loved having a shower for Baby #3. …

A Day in the Life… and what a life it is!

This is the last week of  the Blog hop at Heart of the Matter.  This week’s theme is “A Day in the Life!” This is an interesting theme for sure since one the hallmarks of homeschooling seems to be the opportunity for flexibility.  Flexibility does not mean slacking.  Flexibility is not a dirty word!   In…

Our First Fun Friday!

Don’t you like the sound of that?  What kid wouldn’t like the sound of a FUN Friday? Well, it’s not going to be all fun and games, but my goal is to do a less structured day on Fridays minus the weekly tests and the math lesson…. I know, that doesn’t sound all that fun…