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He’s here!

Here’s the stats… short and sweet… more of the details to come… Arrived at hospital… 8 am Pitocin started… 10:40 am 3 cm… 2:20 pm Fully dilated and ready to push… 4:40 pm Pushed a handful of times and Baby born… 4:51 pm! Baby #3… our BIG surprise {whoops-thought-I-was-losing-weight-for-our-cruise} “accident” baby is finally here!  I…

The Last Update??

I think this might just be the very last pregnancy update given by me on this little ole blog!  That is, if things go as planned and there are no more little ones joining us after #3 makes his appearance.  :) This has been a long few days, as I have never experienced these final…

Daddy’s Birthday

***Previously scheduled post for your reading pleasure…*** Chris’s birthday was the beginning of last month, but I am just now getting around to sharing our birthday fun.  It was our first Friday in school, and part of our Fun Friday was spent making birthday cards.         We also made a shopping trip to…

Good News & Bad News

Well, I’m still here {as of the moment I’m writing this, anyway}  probably gaining multiple pounds as we speak.   I had contractions most of the afternoon and evening last Saturday, and I really thought it was time.  I had a few random ones Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, and then Thursday night up they started again……

It’s a miracle, no really!

I received a Baby Boy scrapbook for the Wadester before he was even born, but yet somehow up until a few weeks ago it sat with the other scrapbooks lonely and forlorn.  Empty and neglected.  Pretty standard procedure for those poor deprived middle kids, though, right?  As I’ve mentioned once or a million times before,…

Yes, Another Update… sorry.

My 39 week appointment was today, and I had to seriously groan upon seeing my current weight. {To be perfectly honest, I put both hands up on the scale and leaned my head on my hands as I groaned.} This is the most I have gained of my three pregnancies, and I am obviously the…

So much for Planning!

Well, if you haven’t already figured it out, my "planning" to deliver last Sunday didn’t exactly work.  Okay, I guess it didn’t work at all.  Labor and delivery is kind of an "all or nothing" deal, isn’t it?  My new "plan" is to try not to plan.  Except maybe planning to go on or past…

9/11… Where were you?

 Today is a momentous day in our nation’s history… a sad day, to be sure.  This is one day that I definitely did NOT want to have the baby on. In the most recent years after it happened, I remember feeling sorry for people that that 9/11 as their birthday.  It just seems like it…

The New Plan

Since I am the uber-planner, I like to at least pretend that I can “plan” this baby’s arrival into our fam.  :)  Here’s the plan… Baby#3 is going to arrive this Sunday, September 12th.  Why? You ask? Well, it’s simple really.  Are you ready for the facts? The reliable and concrete statistics?? :) First of…

Baby Carriers

My little Wadester was definitely momma’s boy {and still is, actually} and gave me a fit in his early months because he NEVER wanted to be put down!  I was not accustomed to this, as Haylee was so laid back and easy going.  She would be fine with being put down in most any baby…

He’s here!

Here’s the stats… short and sweet… more of the details to come… Arrived at hospital… 8 am Pitocin started… 10:40 am 3 cm… 2:20 pm Fully dilated and ready to push… 4:40 pm Pushed a handful of times and Baby born… 4:51 pm! Baby #3… our BIG surprise {whoops-thought-I-was-losing-weight-for-our-cruise} “accident” baby is finally here!  I…

The Last Update??

I think this might just be the very last pregnancy update given by me on this little ole blog!  That is, if things go as planned and there are no more little ones joining us after #3 makes his appearance.  :) This has been a long few days, as I have never experienced these final…

Daddy’s Birthday

***Previously scheduled post for your reading pleasure…*** Chris’s birthday was the beginning of last month, but I am just now getting around to sharing our birthday fun.  It was our first Friday in school, and part of our Fun Friday was spent making birthday cards.         We also made a shopping trip to…

Good News & Bad News

Well, I’m still here {as of the moment I’m writing this, anyway}  probably gaining multiple pounds as we speak.   I had contractions most of the afternoon and evening last Saturday, and I really thought it was time.  I had a few random ones Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, and then Thursday night up they started again……

It’s a miracle, no really!

I received a Baby Boy scrapbook for the Wadester before he was even born, but yet somehow up until a few weeks ago it sat with the other scrapbooks lonely and forlorn.  Empty and neglected.  Pretty standard procedure for those poor deprived middle kids, though, right?  As I’ve mentioned once or a million times before,…

Yes, Another Update… sorry.

My 39 week appointment was today, and I had to seriously groan upon seeing my current weight. {To be perfectly honest, I put both hands up on the scale and leaned my head on my hands as I groaned.} This is the most I have gained of my three pregnancies, and I am obviously the…

So much for Planning!

Well, if you haven’t already figured it out, my "planning" to deliver last Sunday didn’t exactly work.  Okay, I guess it didn’t work at all.  Labor and delivery is kind of an "all or nothing" deal, isn’t it?  My new "plan" is to try not to plan.  Except maybe planning to go on or past…

9/11… Where were you?

 Today is a momentous day in our nation’s history… a sad day, to be sure.  This is one day that I definitely did NOT want to have the baby on. In the most recent years after it happened, I remember feeling sorry for people that that 9/11 as their birthday.  It just seems like it…

The New Plan

Since I am the uber-planner, I like to at least pretend that I can “plan” this baby’s arrival into our fam.  :)  Here’s the plan… Baby#3 is going to arrive this Sunday, September 12th.  Why? You ask? Well, it’s simple really.  Are you ready for the facts? The reliable and concrete statistics?? :) First of…

Baby Carriers

My little Wadester was definitely momma’s boy {and still is, actually} and gave me a fit in his early months because he NEVER wanted to be put down!  I was not accustomed to this, as Haylee was so laid back and easy going.  She would be fine with being put down in most any baby…