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trick or treating 2010

  We had great fun going trick or treating this year with our favorite neighbors, Sam, Heather and Emerald.  Wade was now old enough to get more of what we were doing and after hearing the explanation of "Say trick or treat and you get candy" he’s been ready to go for a while! He…

Punkin Patch

My facebook newsfeed has been FILLED with friends taking their little ones to Pumpkin Patches everywhere!  I don’t remember ever going before… even as a kid.  Do they grow pumpkins in Florida?? So on Chris’s day off, we finally made it to a real, live Pumpkin Patch.  We decided on Lineburger mostly because it was…

The Newest and Cutest Little Four Eyes!

My sweet girlie has officially followed in her mother’s footsteps… unfortunately it happens to be in her eyesight… or lack thereof.  We came to realize how poor her vision was and kept meaning to get her an appointment to get it checked.  Chris saved the day since he was the one that found a doctor…

Four Weeks Old!

     Little Davis is now ONE MONTH old!  Regardless of our good weight report last week things took a different turn unfortunately.  :( On Chris’s day off we decided to "drop by" the doctor and see if we could get an official weigh in.  We were very sad to see that he is now back…

Baby Update!

Baby Davis is now 3 weeks old! He has put his momma through the ringer worrying if he was okay since he was gaining weight veeeery slowly. Here’s the stats again… 7 lbs 15 oz at birth 7 lbs 7 oz day 2 7 lbs 2 oz at one week and only 7 lbs 4…

Crazy Hair Day!

While Mom and B were visiting, Haylee had crazy hair day for Awanas.  It was the perfect type of project I always like to pawn off as an "Aunt B Project." They spent some quality time Sunday afternoon crafting the perfect crazy ‘do. Haylee was quite torn between wanting it as crazy as possible and…

The Mommy Mobile…

After getting the shocking news way back when that we had a little #3 on the way, just about the ONLY area that we were prepared in was our vehicle.  Chris had surprised me for my birthday the year before with a Buick Rendezvous complete with a 3rd row seat.  Whoo hoo, perfect right? Well,…

Eat, Baby, Eat!

Our little one is now 2 weeks old!  It’s hard to believe he could already be that old especially when I think about how excruciatingly looong those last few days before he came seemed to be.  We’ve had quite an interesting time starting with his one week check up at the ped’s.  What I thought…

Birthday Greetings!

It’s Grandma’s birthday today, and since we can’t be with her, we decided to sing for her on video again!  Hopefully, she’s having a great day… even though she’s missing us while we’re missing her!  I am so happy that she got to come up and see the baby 2 weeks ago… having a baby…

The Scoop on the Big Day!

It’s hard to believe our little Davis has FINALLY come and we are officially a family of five!  Could it really be possible that I have 3 kids now? Of course prior to his coming out, I was beginning to wonder if it would ever happen and had gotten quite discouraged and a bit dramatic…

trick or treating 2010

  We had great fun going trick or treating this year with our favorite neighbors, Sam, Heather and Emerald.  Wade was now old enough to get more of what we were doing and after hearing the explanation of "Say trick or treat and you get candy" he’s been ready to go for a while! He…

Punkin Patch

My facebook newsfeed has been FILLED with friends taking their little ones to Pumpkin Patches everywhere!  I don’t remember ever going before… even as a kid.  Do they grow pumpkins in Florida?? So on Chris’s day off, we finally made it to a real, live Pumpkin Patch.  We decided on Lineburger mostly because it was…

The Newest and Cutest Little Four Eyes!

My sweet girlie has officially followed in her mother’s footsteps… unfortunately it happens to be in her eyesight… or lack thereof.  We came to realize how poor her vision was and kept meaning to get her an appointment to get it checked.  Chris saved the day since he was the one that found a doctor…

Four Weeks Old!

     Little Davis is now ONE MONTH old!  Regardless of our good weight report last week things took a different turn unfortunately.  :( On Chris’s day off we decided to "drop by" the doctor and see if we could get an official weigh in.  We were very sad to see that he is now back…

Baby Update!

Baby Davis is now 3 weeks old! He has put his momma through the ringer worrying if he was okay since he was gaining weight veeeery slowly. Here’s the stats again… 7 lbs 15 oz at birth 7 lbs 7 oz day 2 7 lbs 2 oz at one week and only 7 lbs 4…

Crazy Hair Day!

While Mom and B were visiting, Haylee had crazy hair day for Awanas.  It was the perfect type of project I always like to pawn off as an "Aunt B Project." They spent some quality time Sunday afternoon crafting the perfect crazy ‘do. Haylee was quite torn between wanting it as crazy as possible and…

The Mommy Mobile…

After getting the shocking news way back when that we had a little #3 on the way, just about the ONLY area that we were prepared in was our vehicle.  Chris had surprised me for my birthday the year before with a Buick Rendezvous complete with a 3rd row seat.  Whoo hoo, perfect right? Well,…

Eat, Baby, Eat!

Our little one is now 2 weeks old!  It’s hard to believe he could already be that old especially when I think about how excruciatingly looong those last few days before he came seemed to be.  We’ve had quite an interesting time starting with his one week check up at the ped’s.  What I thought…

Birthday Greetings!

It’s Grandma’s birthday today, and since we can’t be with her, we decided to sing for her on video again!  Hopefully, she’s having a great day… even though she’s missing us while we’re missing her!  I am so happy that she got to come up and see the baby 2 weeks ago… having a baby…

The Scoop on the Big Day!

It’s hard to believe our little Davis has FINALLY come and we are officially a family of five!  Could it really be possible that I have 3 kids now? Of course prior to his coming out, I was beginning to wonder if it would ever happen and had gotten quite discouraged and a bit dramatic…