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Our First Baby Purchase!

Well,  I am now 18 weeks (and will be 19 wks on Monday), and we just made our first baby #3 purchase last week! Poor Baby #3 doesn’t get many new purchases unfortunately, though it would be fun to go out and buy all new everything!  :)  (Calm down, honey.  I’m just kidding.)   

Our big ultrasound is in just over a  week now, and I’m biding my time until we *hopefully* find out the gender before I begin shopping for the few things we will probably be purchasing.

I’ve saved all my gear and furniture so I’m good on that end, and I’ve got plastic bins filled with all my baby clothes for both Haylee and Wade stored in the attic.  A lot of it is not in great shape, so I know I’ll want to spruce up either “wardrobe” a bit.  :)  That’s perfectly normal, right??

I’m also unsure about crib bedding.  If it’s a girl, I’d love to get some girly pink bedding since Haylee’s was purchased before we found out she was a girl, so it is gender neutral… mostly yellow and green.  I really loved Wade’s bedding, so I may just use his again if it’s a boy.

Speaking of which, I am wishing for a girl, but I have a feeling that it’s a boy.  I don’t know if it’s some sort of a sense or intuition, or if it is just what is most familiar to me since my recent pregnancy was a boy.  We’ll see.  OF COURSE, we are happy with whatever it is…

So here it is… our big purchase!

Can you tell Wade got to “hold” the bottles in the cart?? Poor Baby #3.

Exciting, isn’t it.  :) I have decided to switch bottles… I used a mixture of everything for Haylee, but really wanted to use Avent for Wade.  I would probably just use my Avent again if it weren’t for the fact that now they are coming out with BPA free bottles that do not release chemicals into the formula like the older bottles do.  So… since I don’t want to use the bottles with the harmful BPA chemical, that brings me back to picking a bottle. There are about a thousand different kinds out there, of course, just like every other baby product on the market.  I think these will be nice b/c of the convenience of the disposable liners which means no bottles to wash and sterilize a gabillion times a day.  I’m sure there are negatives with these bottles too… like the liner breaking etc, but I know Avent isn’t perfect either.

Tell me what you think… Boy or Girl?

P.S. TODAY is my birthday!! :) I am a whopping big 3-2 years old. Hard to believe I’m still popping out babies, isn’t it? :)

Tell me about it.

2 Responses to Our First Baby Purchase!
  1. Ellen
    April 23, 2010 | 12:46 pm

    You just crack me up — with Lilli, those are the only bottles we used and I really liked them. I simply CANNOT wait to hear what you're having!! I'll be praying he/she is very cooperative (do the ol' drink orange juice trick…. ha ha…) when you have your US done. ;) Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  2. Sherri
    April 23, 2010 | 5:35 pm

    I love that they are yellow! :-)

    We've used just about every bottle imaginable in all these years… but these ARE really easy. And a neat plus is that Walmart & Target both carry "knock off" versions of the liners that are cheaper than the Playtex ones.

    Avent is still my personal fave… & they have a new line of BPA-Free bottles. But I'll be honest, I've never microwaved my bottles, so I'm not too overly concerned about the leaching BPA…

    That being said, the bottle that we have the MOST of is the old-fashioned, Evenflo Classic GLASS bottle. No chance of ANY chemical contamination there! :-)

Our First Baby Purchase!

Well,  I am now 18 weeks (and will be 19 wks on Monday), and we just made our first baby #3 purchase last week! Poor Baby #3 doesn’t get many new purchases unfortunately, though it would be fun to go out and buy all new everything!  :)  (Calm down, honey.  I’m just kidding.)   

Our big ultrasound is in just over a  week now, and I’m biding my time until we *hopefully* find out the gender before I begin shopping for the few things we will probably be purchasing.

I’ve saved all my gear and furniture so I’m good on that end, and I’ve got plastic bins filled with all my baby clothes for both Haylee and Wade stored in the attic.  A lot of it is not in great shape, so I know I’ll want to spruce up either “wardrobe” a bit.  :)  That’s perfectly normal, right??

I’m also unsure about crib bedding.  If it’s a girl, I’d love to get some girly pink bedding since Haylee’s was purchased before we found out she was a girl, so it is gender neutral… mostly yellow and green.  I really loved Wade’s bedding, so I may just use his again if it’s a boy.

Speaking of which, I am wishing for a girl, but I have a feeling that it’s a boy.  I don’t know if it’s some sort of a sense or intuition, or if it is just what is most familiar to me since my recent pregnancy was a boy.  We’ll see.  OF COURSE, we are happy with whatever it is…

So here it is… our big purchase!

Can you tell Wade got to “hold” the bottles in the cart?? Poor Baby #3.

Exciting, isn’t it.  :) I have decided to switch bottles… I used a mixture of everything for Haylee, but really wanted to use Avent for Wade.  I would probably just use my Avent again if it weren’t for the fact that now they are coming out with BPA free bottles that do not release chemicals into the formula like the older bottles do.  So… since I don’t want to use the bottles with the harmful BPA chemical, that brings me back to picking a bottle. There are about a thousand different kinds out there, of course, just like every other baby product on the market.  I think these will be nice b/c of the convenience of the disposable liners which means no bottles to wash and sterilize a gabillion times a day.  I’m sure there are negatives with these bottles too… like the liner breaking etc, but I know Avent isn’t perfect either.

Tell me what you think… Boy or Girl?

P.S. TODAY is my birthday!! :) I am a whopping big 3-2 years old. Hard to believe I’m still popping out babies, isn’t it? :)

Tell me about it.

2 Responses to Our First Baby Purchase!
  1. Ellen
    April 23, 2010 | 12:46 pm

    You just crack me up — with Lilli, those are the only bottles we used and I really liked them. I simply CANNOT wait to hear what you're having!! I'll be praying he/she is very cooperative (do the ol' drink orange juice trick…. ha ha…) when you have your US done. ;) Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  2. Sherri
    April 23, 2010 | 5:35 pm

    I love that they are yellow! :-)

    We've used just about every bottle imaginable in all these years… but these ARE really easy. And a neat plus is that Walmart & Target both carry "knock off" versions of the liners that are cheaper than the Playtex ones.

    Avent is still my personal fave… & they have a new line of BPA-Free bottles. But I'll be honest, I've never microwaved my bottles, so I'm not too overly concerned about the leaching BPA…

    That being said, the bottle that we have the MOST of is the old-fashioned, Evenflo Classic GLASS bottle. No chance of ANY chemical contamination there! :-)