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Our Big Surprise… the Rest of the Story

So, are you ready to hear the “rest of the story?” 

Let me start at the beginning by explaining that after Haylee we started having trouble in our attempts for a second baby.  We tried for about a year and a half, were devastated with a miscarriage, and tried another year and a half before we finally had our crazy little Wade!  In our attempts, I was diagnosed with PCOS which means I don’t always ovulate.

Fast forward to this past October when I decided to start counting calories in an attempt to lose 10 or 15 lbs before our big 10th Anniversary Cruise in April.  I was thrilled to actually start losing weight quickly.  By January I had lost about 12 lbs!!  This was all fabulous of course, and I was confident I would reach my goal in time for the cruise. Yay!

Well, ironically, the weight loss ended up backfiring on me.  I started having those nagging “oh-my-I-might-actually-be-pregnant” thoughts, and my mind somehow conjured up the memory of some random PCOS factoid I had read back in the infertility days…. “An overweight person with PCOS experiencing weight loss can trigger an ovulation.”  Uh-oh! Could this really be possible?

I had Chris pick up a test for me on his way home from work on Friday, January 23rd, and I got up early the next morning to find out the fate of the next nine months. As I was prepping, taking, and waiting on the results, I just KNEW I wasn’t pregnant, but thought this would just put my mind at ease.  **If you only knew how many negative HPT’s I’ve taken.**  I literally was in Shock when I read the results.

I crawled back in bed with the panic already setting in, while Chris earned the husband of the year award by reacting with great excitement and enthusiasm. (In spite of his strong opinions prior to this crazy revelation that we were DONE having kids…)

There were several reasons that this was one of those times in life that the thought of another baby was really stressful!  Just a few days after we got the shocking news, Chris was set to resign his job at Vanguard with great benefits and start a brand new job at Vector Vest where he has a 4 month waiting period before he is eligible for medical insurance. A due date in September is also one of those things that is not great when you’re in my profession!  Slam at the beginning of a new year is not the best time for a maternity leave. Another reason for my worry is that we are out of room in our house, and I just couldn’t imagine where we would put another kid!

I will also admit I am a bit obsessive about planning things out and knowing and being prepared for what’s coming in my life.  This was a LOT of unknowns that are just simply and TOTALLY out of my control.  I still don’t have all the answers, but I am excited along with my all my worry and stress.

Ultimately, us just GETTING pregnant without trying is a pretty amazing miracle if you ask me, and I can’t help but feel immensely grateful that we were given the opportunity to add another little terror blessing to our brood.

A 7 year old, 2.5 year old, and teeny tiny wee one.  Can I really do it??

3 Responses to Our Big Surprise… the Rest of the Story
  1. denise
    March 10, 2010 | 4:03 pm

    Yes, you can do it! It will somehow all work out. Loved reading your post today.

  2. Katie @ On the Banks of Squaw Creek
    January 10, 2012 | 4:45 pm

    Love this story! Clicked over from your more current post. And love, love, love his reaction!!!

  3. […] Year Cruise! This was the infamous cruise in which I ended up 13 weeks preggo by the time we […]

Our Big Surprise… the Rest of the Story

So, are you ready to hear the “rest of the story?” 

Let me start at the beginning by explaining that after Haylee we started having trouble in our attempts for a second baby.  We tried for about a year and a half, were devastated with a miscarriage, and tried another year and a half before we finally had our crazy little Wade!  In our attempts, I was diagnosed with PCOS which means I don’t always ovulate.

Fast forward to this past October when I decided to start counting calories in an attempt to lose 10 or 15 lbs before our big 10th Anniversary Cruise in April.  I was thrilled to actually start losing weight quickly.  By January I had lost about 12 lbs!!  This was all fabulous of course, and I was confident I would reach my goal in time for the cruise. Yay!

Well, ironically, the weight loss ended up backfiring on me.  I started having those nagging “oh-my-I-might-actually-be-pregnant” thoughts, and my mind somehow conjured up the memory of some random PCOS factoid I had read back in the infertility days…. “An overweight person with PCOS experiencing weight loss can trigger an ovulation.”  Uh-oh! Could this really be possible?

I had Chris pick up a test for me on his way home from work on Friday, January 23rd, and I got up early the next morning to find out the fate of the next nine months. As I was prepping, taking, and waiting on the results, I just KNEW I wasn’t pregnant, but thought this would just put my mind at ease.  **If you only knew how many negative HPT’s I’ve taken.**  I literally was in Shock when I read the results.

I crawled back in bed with the panic already setting in, while Chris earned the husband of the year award by reacting with great excitement and enthusiasm. (In spite of his strong opinions prior to this crazy revelation that we were DONE having kids…)

There were several reasons that this was one of those times in life that the thought of another baby was really stressful!  Just a few days after we got the shocking news, Chris was set to resign his job at Vanguard with great benefits and start a brand new job at Vector Vest where he has a 4 month waiting period before he is eligible for medical insurance. A due date in September is also one of those things that is not great when you’re in my profession!  Slam at the beginning of a new year is not the best time for a maternity leave. Another reason for my worry is that we are out of room in our house, and I just couldn’t imagine where we would put another kid!

I will also admit I am a bit obsessive about planning things out and knowing and being prepared for what’s coming in my life.  This was a LOT of unknowns that are just simply and TOTALLY out of my control.  I still don’t have all the answers, but I am excited along with my all my worry and stress.

Ultimately, us just GETTING pregnant without trying is a pretty amazing miracle if you ask me, and I can’t help but feel immensely grateful that we were given the opportunity to add another little terror blessing to our brood.

A 7 year old, 2.5 year old, and teeny tiny wee one.  Can I really do it??

3 Responses to Our Big Surprise… the Rest of the Story
  1. denise
    March 10, 2010 | 4:03 pm

    Yes, you can do it! It will somehow all work out. Loved reading your post today.

  2. Katie @ On the Banks of Squaw Creek
    January 10, 2012 | 4:45 pm

    Love this story! Clicked over from your more current post. And love, love, love his reaction!!!

  3. […] Year Cruise! This was the infamous cruise in which I ended up 13 weeks preggo by the time we […]