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Our Big Boy

Wade is growing lightning fast, and it is hard to believe that he is already 12 weeks old. He slept through the night a few times as a big tease and then regressed almost to newborn stage of eating every four or so hours at night. He gave us our freedom and then took it back!

He has been gradually getting better and better… sleeping longer and longer stretches which has been wonderful. Last night he actually went 7 hours again and we were thrilled!

I’m not sure what he weighs exactly now, but he is definitely growing out of some of his 0-3 month clothes. I really need to pull out the 3-6 months things to make sure he hasn’t outgrown half of them before I get them out! Don’t you hate that? :)

He loves to stare and give me these serious looks… It’s a challenge to get his smile captured on camera. I thought his outfit was so cute, so I had to snap a pic… :)

3 Responses to Our Big Boy
  1. Rachel
    May 24, 2008 | 9:10 pm

    Don’t worry about them starting to revert back to newborn stage of eating. My kids always did that shortly before a major growth spurt, when they really did need the extra feedings. Then, they went right back to their (thankfully) normal stage of sleeping.

  2. Ellen
    May 24, 2008 | 11:00 pm

    WOW, he’s changing so much! He’s such a cutie. :)

  3. Amy's Journal
    May 25, 2008 | 1:36 am

    i swear he is such a cute baby…

Our Big Boy

Wade is growing lightning fast, and it is hard to believe that he is already 12 weeks old. He slept through the night a few times as a big tease and then regressed almost to newborn stage of eating every four or so hours at night. He gave us our freedom and then took it back!

He has been gradually getting better and better… sleeping longer and longer stretches which has been wonderful. Last night he actually went 7 hours again and we were thrilled!

I’m not sure what he weighs exactly now, but he is definitely growing out of some of his 0-3 month clothes. I really need to pull out the 3-6 months things to make sure he hasn’t outgrown half of them before I get them out! Don’t you hate that? :)

He loves to stare and give me these serious looks… It’s a challenge to get his smile captured on camera. I thought his outfit was so cute, so I had to snap a pic… :)

3 Responses to Our Big Boy
  1. Rachel
    May 24, 2008 | 9:10 pm

    Don’t worry about them starting to revert back to newborn stage of eating. My kids always did that shortly before a major growth spurt, when they really did need the extra feedings. Then, they went right back to their (thankfully) normal stage of sleeping.

  2. Ellen
    May 24, 2008 | 11:00 pm

    WOW, he’s changing so much! He’s such a cutie. :)

  3. Amy's Journal
    May 25, 2008 | 1:36 am

    i swear he is such a cute baby…