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Organizing with Subject Folders… Back 2 School Printables!

Organizing with Subject Labels

People… we have less than THREE week until I’m back to school! Three more weeks of the prepping madness, and then it turns into an all out tornado during our Teacher In-Service week. :)  Of course, that’s in between teacher meetings and gab sessions with the other teachers, you know.

Part of my goal in ALL my Prepping Frenzy is finding ways to get things organized minutely and looking cute and fabulous.  Is that too much to ask?!

I loved this Pinterest pic… So funny because it’s so true, ha!

A trick for organizing the onslaught of daily materials {and, of course, I made it cute!} I picked up from my mom is Binderizing. I love keeping all my master copies in a HUGE, ginormous, behemoth binder.

binder cover

Everything is there at my fingertips for easy pulling and copying as I need it.  I had hoped to run masses of copies off this summer and have them filed away, but that has NOT managed to happen.  Looks like I’ll be working that into my weekly or monthly routine.  :)

I have the removable post it tabs dividing by subject across the top.  It’s hard to tell in the pic, but this is the tip top of the binder…

subject tabs across top of binder

Then they divide by chapter, etc along the side.

I call it uber-organized.

You may call it a sickness.  :)


I also like my Answer Keys kept by subject in individual folders.  It works so much better for me than filing them in with my other masters in the huge binder OR in the filing cabinet with the student copies.

Organizing with Subject Labels

When it’s time to grade a quiz or test, all I have to do is grab the correct folder!  I can also throw it in my teacher bag easily and take it home for grading.

Uh, not that teachers ever have any take home work though, right?  :)

I use a 2 pocket, 3 prong PLASTIC folder for each subject.  Right now they are about 50 cents each, and they will pretty much last FOREVER, unlike their cheaper paper counterparts.

I punch holes in all the Answer Keys and put them in the 3 prong part.  That leaves the two pockets for something AMAZING!!

This trick saves me SO MUCH TIME!


Every Friday after I’ve done my lesson plans for the upcoming week, I pull out ALL the papers, worksheets, quizzes, tests, and study sheets I’ll need for the following week.

Organizing with Subject Labels

I paper clip them by item and put each subject’s stack in that folder!  When it’s time for any subject, I grab the Teacher Book and the Folder and I’m ready to go with everything I’ll need for that subject.  No going into the file cabinet repeatedly, day after day!

I’ve seen lots of people organize materials by DAY, but I really love the Subject method!

Are you ready for some PRINTABLES?

Here’s a Binder Cover for you for K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th.  If you want to add your name, just open in ribbet {which I L-O-V-E!} or picmonkey and customize away.  :)

3rd grade Binder Cover

And here’s the Subject Labels… for 4th grade subjects as well as a set where I took out the “4th” so there’s no specific grade.  Just open in Word and add a text box to customize with your grade level.

Subject Labels

A little bit of preparation goes a LONG way in the classroom, and knowing where your materials are and having them organized and handy makes a huge impact on the stress of your year!

Binderizing and separating into subject folders works great for homeschooling too, by the way! 


Stay tunes for lots more Back 2 School Printables coming soon!!  You can also check out what we’ve done so far… Classroom Ticket System & Multiplication Memory Chart.

The first day of school will be here before we know it, ack!  Last weekend we went school and uniform shopping for Haylee, and she was flying high from the euphoria.  :)  As we were exiting Target, she sort of hung her head and said, “Aw… it’s oooover!”

Funny girl!!  I know how she feels about being excited getting new supplies.  I got a super cute ceramic owl pencil holder in the dollar spot as well as a small rug that says Hi! among other things, ahem.  That dollar spot is dangerous especially during back to school season, right?!  :)


What’s YOUR favorite way to stay on top of ALL your materials?

Isn’t it SO frustrating not to be able to find a resource when you need it?  Or worse yet when you run across the perfect activity AFTER you’ve already taught that content?!!


Linking up to…

Weekend Bloggy Link up, & Five Days Five Ways. You should check ‘em out!!

14 Responses to Organizing with Subject Folders… Back 2 School Printables!
  1. Susan
    July 25, 2012 | 2:31 pm

    Love all your ideas! I also put my answer keys in sleeve protectors so they last longer.

  2. Laine
    July 25, 2012 | 3:15 pm

    You are SO organized, thanks for the inspiration! And i totally cracked up about the picture…that’s how I feel about our homeschool stuff, lol! And why I’m stressing about getting it all cute and perfect before we start! =) Must show to my hubby…maybe then he’ll understand, lol.

  3. Christina @ The Frugal Homemaker
    July 25, 2012 | 7:49 pm

    Love all your cutesy organizational stuff. I always feel a little left out when all my teacher friends and homeschool mommy friends start talking back to school stuff. :( Maybe cause I taught before (and didn’t do NEAR what y’all do to prepare – I found out 2 weeks before school starting I was going to teach kindergarten for the FIRST time. And I had to work a one week notice at my previous job – not much time to prepare.)

    But I am inspired to try to do some more “school-type” things with my nieces this year. The oldest is 4 and won’t turn 5 until October so technically could only be in K-4 this year. Their other babysitter works a good bit with her and she already knows all her letters and can do the ba,be,bi, charts too.

    Think I might work on some fun things – focus on a letter each week and do an alphabet art that I did in kindergarten and some crafts, food, sounds, words that go with that letter.

    would be nice to have some structure or schedule too to my babysitting days when summer ends.

  4. KCoake
    July 27, 2012 | 10:25 am

    Looks great and looks like a system that makes it organized and simple. I am sending this to a friend who is going back to teaching. Thanks so much!

  5. Krista
    July 30, 2012 | 7:02 am

    Love, love, love, the labels. What a fun and colorful way to help you get organized! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Tracey
    July 30, 2012 | 9:41 am

    Great binder! You are very organized!
    Third Grade All Stars

  7. Dee Bibb
    July 30, 2012 | 5:10 pm

    I love your ‘binderizing’. Good luck with the new year!

    Mrs. B’s Nook

  8. Anisa
    July 31, 2012 | 12:41 am

    I need to get better organized with my materials this year. It’s all in file folders and I KNOW I’m going to be unprepared. Putting the answer keys in a separate folder is genius. Thanks so much for the freebie!

    What’s your binder size?

    Anisa @ Creative Undertakings

    • Renee
      July 31, 2012 | 8:16 am

      I’m not for sure and my binder is at school right now. I think it’s probably four inches. I would recommend getting the kind that opens up flat with the oblong shaped rings. Makes it so much easier to open when it’s ginormous like that. Especially if you’re going to be getting in and out through the year as opposed to making all your copies before school starts. :)

  9. Janna Finch
    July 31, 2012 | 4:56 pm

    I love your blog and your ideas. Thank you for sharing the Multiplication Memory Chart. I am going to use that this year with my 4th graders.


  10. […] Of course, I had to make a cute binder cover too! This one coordinates with my master binder cover. […]

  11. AliLily – 101 Back To School Free Printables
    September 27, 2012 | 4:56 pm

    […]  Folder Organizing Prints from Living Laughing & Loving […]

  12. […] is my Tips on Organizing at School with Subject Folders. I absolutely love this system and how well it works for […]

  13. My Classroom Setup |
    June 16, 2013 | 9:16 pm

    […] are my covers, which again, you can feel free to grab and edit.  The original can be found here, at Living, Laughing, and […]

Organizing with Subject Folders… Back 2 School Printables!

Organizing with Subject Labels

People… we have less than THREE week until I’m back to school! Three more weeks of the prepping madness, and then it turns into an all out tornado during our Teacher In-Service week. :)  Of course, that’s in between teacher meetings and gab sessions with the other teachers, you know.

Part of my goal in ALL my Prepping Frenzy is finding ways to get things organized minutely and looking cute and fabulous.  Is that too much to ask?!

I loved this Pinterest pic… So funny because it’s so true, ha!

A trick for organizing the onslaught of daily materials {and, of course, I made it cute!} I picked up from my mom is Binderizing. I love keeping all my master copies in a HUGE, ginormous, behemoth binder.

binder cover

Everything is there at my fingertips for easy pulling and copying as I need it.  I had hoped to run masses of copies off this summer and have them filed away, but that has NOT managed to happen.  Looks like I’ll be working that into my weekly or monthly routine.  :)

I have the removable post it tabs dividing by subject across the top.  It’s hard to tell in the pic, but this is the tip top of the binder…

subject tabs across top of binder

Then they divide by chapter, etc along the side.

I call it uber-organized.

You may call it a sickness.  :)


I also like my Answer Keys kept by subject in individual folders.  It works so much better for me than filing them in with my other masters in the huge binder OR in the filing cabinet with the student copies.

Organizing with Subject Labels

When it’s time to grade a quiz or test, all I have to do is grab the correct folder!  I can also throw it in my teacher bag easily and take it home for grading.

Uh, not that teachers ever have any take home work though, right?  :)

I use a 2 pocket, 3 prong PLASTIC folder for each subject.  Right now they are about 50 cents each, and they will pretty much last FOREVER, unlike their cheaper paper counterparts.

I punch holes in all the Answer Keys and put them in the 3 prong part.  That leaves the two pockets for something AMAZING!!

This trick saves me SO MUCH TIME!


Every Friday after I’ve done my lesson plans for the upcoming week, I pull out ALL the papers, worksheets, quizzes, tests, and study sheets I’ll need for the following week.

Organizing with Subject Labels

I paper clip them by item and put each subject’s stack in that folder!  When it’s time for any subject, I grab the Teacher Book and the Folder and I’m ready to go with everything I’ll need for that subject.  No going into the file cabinet repeatedly, day after day!

I’ve seen lots of people organize materials by DAY, but I really love the Subject method!

Are you ready for some PRINTABLES?

Here’s a Binder Cover for you for K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th.  If you want to add your name, just open in ribbet {which I L-O-V-E!} or picmonkey and customize away.  :)

3rd grade Binder Cover

And here’s the Subject Labels… for 4th grade subjects as well as a set where I took out the “4th” so there’s no specific grade.  Just open in Word and add a text box to customize with your grade level.

Subject Labels

A little bit of preparation goes a LONG way in the classroom, and knowing where your materials are and having them organized and handy makes a huge impact on the stress of your year!

Binderizing and separating into subject folders works great for homeschooling too, by the way! 


Stay tunes for lots more Back 2 School Printables coming soon!!  You can also check out what we’ve done so far… Classroom Ticket System & Multiplication Memory Chart.

The first day of school will be here before we know it, ack!  Last weekend we went school and uniform shopping for Haylee, and she was flying high from the euphoria.  :)  As we were exiting Target, she sort of hung her head and said, “Aw… it’s oooover!”

Funny girl!!  I know how she feels about being excited getting new supplies.  I got a super cute ceramic owl pencil holder in the dollar spot as well as a small rug that says Hi! among other things, ahem.  That dollar spot is dangerous especially during back to school season, right?!  :)


What’s YOUR favorite way to stay on top of ALL your materials?

Isn’t it SO frustrating not to be able to find a resource when you need it?  Or worse yet when you run across the perfect activity AFTER you’ve already taught that content?!!


Linking up to…

Weekend Bloggy Link up, & Five Days Five Ways. You should check ‘em out!!

14 Responses to Organizing with Subject Folders… Back 2 School Printables!
  1. Susan
    July 25, 2012 | 2:31 pm

    Love all your ideas! I also put my answer keys in sleeve protectors so they last longer.

  2. Laine
    July 25, 2012 | 3:15 pm

    You are SO organized, thanks for the inspiration! And i totally cracked up about the picture…that’s how I feel about our homeschool stuff, lol! And why I’m stressing about getting it all cute and perfect before we start! =) Must show to my hubby…maybe then he’ll understand, lol.

  3. Christina @ The Frugal Homemaker
    July 25, 2012 | 7:49 pm

    Love all your cutesy organizational stuff. I always feel a little left out when all my teacher friends and homeschool mommy friends start talking back to school stuff. :( Maybe cause I taught before (and didn’t do NEAR what y’all do to prepare – I found out 2 weeks before school starting I was going to teach kindergarten for the FIRST time. And I had to work a one week notice at my previous job – not much time to prepare.)

    But I am inspired to try to do some more “school-type” things with my nieces this year. The oldest is 4 and won’t turn 5 until October so technically could only be in K-4 this year. Their other babysitter works a good bit with her and she already knows all her letters and can do the ba,be,bi, charts too.

    Think I might work on some fun things – focus on a letter each week and do an alphabet art that I did in kindergarten and some crafts, food, sounds, words that go with that letter.

    would be nice to have some structure or schedule too to my babysitting days when summer ends.

  4. KCoake
    July 27, 2012 | 10:25 am

    Looks great and looks like a system that makes it organized and simple. I am sending this to a friend who is going back to teaching. Thanks so much!

  5. Krista
    July 30, 2012 | 7:02 am

    Love, love, love, the labels. What a fun and colorful way to help you get organized! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Tracey
    July 30, 2012 | 9:41 am

    Great binder! You are very organized!
    Third Grade All Stars

  7. Dee Bibb
    July 30, 2012 | 5:10 pm

    I love your ‘binderizing’. Good luck with the new year!

    Mrs. B’s Nook

  8. Anisa
    July 31, 2012 | 12:41 am

    I need to get better organized with my materials this year. It’s all in file folders and I KNOW I’m going to be unprepared. Putting the answer keys in a separate folder is genius. Thanks so much for the freebie!

    What’s your binder size?

    Anisa @ Creative Undertakings

    • Renee
      July 31, 2012 | 8:16 am

      I’m not for sure and my binder is at school right now. I think it’s probably four inches. I would recommend getting the kind that opens up flat with the oblong shaped rings. Makes it so much easier to open when it’s ginormous like that. Especially if you’re going to be getting in and out through the year as opposed to making all your copies before school starts. :)

  9. Janna Finch
    July 31, 2012 | 4:56 pm

    I love your blog and your ideas. Thank you for sharing the Multiplication Memory Chart. I am going to use that this year with my 4th graders.


  10. […] Of course, I had to make a cute binder cover too! This one coordinates with my master binder cover. […]

  11. AliLily – 101 Back To School Free Printables
    September 27, 2012 | 4:56 pm

    […]  Folder Organizing Prints from Living Laughing & Loving […]

  12. […] is my Tips on Organizing at School with Subject Folders. I absolutely love this system and how well it works for […]

  13. My Classroom Setup |
    June 16, 2013 | 9:16 pm

    […] are my covers, which again, you can feel free to grab and edit.  The original can be found here, at Living, Laughing, and […]