Since making our big life-changing decision for me to quit teaching and stay home, I have actually had more time to do luxurious things like O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-I-N-G!
I am by NO MEANS close to being an expert and somehow things are ALWAYS in need of a purge, but I find great inspiration from the fun organizing blogs I like to follow like I Heart Organizing, Bowl Full of Lemons, Organize and Decorate Everything, and OrgJunkie.
It’s amazing what is possible to accomplish with just a teensy bit of fabulous inspiration.
I have learned with THREE KIDS in a COZY house, if you don’t conquer the space, it will CONQUER YOU. Clutter really starts to make me crazy and in a small house it feels a meeeeeellion times worse.
I participated in BFoL’s 21 Day Organizing Challenge last January and am amazed at all I was able to clear out and ORGANIZE! All with three little ones attempting to thwart my efforts at every turn! :)
Feel free to gain some of your own inspiration as you peruse ALL THINGS ORGANIZATION!!