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OCD and Pretty in Pink!

So, I changed my blog background again! Do you like it?? My ocd nature just couldn’t handle the fact that my former background and header just didn’t match… regardless of how much I tried to make it be okay in my mind!

I got it from the totally fabulous and FREE site… www. thecutestblogontheblock . com. I attempted to design my own header which you may have seen earlier today, but of course I in no way come close to the photoshop skill of my sister.

She came over tonight, took pity on my pathetic skills… and created this fabulous header for me! She kept spouting off “computer jargon” step by step instructions as she went which I found amusing. As if I’m going to remember all this for the next time.

7 Responses to OCD and Pretty in Pink!
  1. Twinmama
    August 1, 2008 | 2:55 am

    Very cute! I wish I had a cute header….???! how often do you hear THAT??!? its just not everyday conversation, uh excuse me “everyday convo” ? LOL

  2. Bette Anne
    August 1, 2008 | 3:39 am

    Come on… It wasn’t that hard!! It’s not like I had to instruct you on HTML code or something!

    Glad you like it though! :)

  3. The Barth Family
    August 1, 2008 | 5:21 am

    LOVE IT! But I thought you old one did kinda match the background… In fact, I’d wondered how long you must’ve looked to find the ONE that actually DID match!!!

  4. Pumpkinhead-Michelle
    August 1, 2008 | 9:08 am

    I Love it!! I am gonna have to check out that site and see if there are any with pumpkins on it…gotta keep the theme going:)

  5. Sam
    August 1, 2008 | 9:48 am


  6. Ellen
    August 1, 2008 | 12:19 pm

    Already said this, but I love it!! :)

  7. Rachel
    August 4, 2008 | 12:53 am

    Very, very cute! I really want to update my blog, too, but finding the time . . .

    Maybe when the kids are having my grandchildren I’ll have the time!

OCD and Pretty in Pink!

So, I changed my blog background again! Do you like it?? My ocd nature just couldn’t handle the fact that my former background and header just didn’t match… regardless of how much I tried to make it be okay in my mind!

I got it from the totally fabulous and FREE site… www. thecutestblogontheblock . com. I attempted to design my own header which you may have seen earlier today, but of course I in no way come close to the photoshop skill of my sister.

She came over tonight, took pity on my pathetic skills… and created this fabulous header for me! She kept spouting off “computer jargon” step by step instructions as she went which I found amusing. As if I’m going to remember all this for the next time.

7 Responses to OCD and Pretty in Pink!
  1. Twinmama
    August 1, 2008 | 2:55 am

    Very cute! I wish I had a cute header….???! how often do you hear THAT??!? its just not everyday conversation, uh excuse me “everyday convo” ? LOL

  2. Bette Anne
    August 1, 2008 | 3:39 am

    Come on… It wasn’t that hard!! It’s not like I had to instruct you on HTML code or something!

    Glad you like it though! :)

  3. The Barth Family
    August 1, 2008 | 5:21 am

    LOVE IT! But I thought you old one did kinda match the background… In fact, I’d wondered how long you must’ve looked to find the ONE that actually DID match!!!

  4. Pumpkinhead-Michelle
    August 1, 2008 | 9:08 am

    I Love it!! I am gonna have to check out that site and see if there are any with pumpkins on it…gotta keep the theme going:)

  5. Sam
    August 1, 2008 | 9:48 am


  6. Ellen
    August 1, 2008 | 12:19 pm

    Already said this, but I love it!! :)

  7. Rachel
    August 4, 2008 | 12:53 am

    Very, very cute! I really want to update my blog, too, but finding the time . . .

    Maybe when the kids are having my grandchildren I’ll have the time!