My little one is sick. It’s crazy how your life can change when you’ve got a sick one. She woke up Monday with a fever, but we put off taking her to the doctor hoping it was nothing major. She’s been exposed to Strep lately though and when she drank her milk and said “Ow” after each swallow we feared the worst.
You’ve got to understand how freaked she gets at the doctor. It is crazy. She had a bad experience probably a year ago where the doctor tried to scrape the wax out of her ear and took of some of the skin in her ear too. Once she found out she was indeed going to the dreaded place, a cloud of doom hung over her. Thankfully, for me, Chris was home because of Pres’s day so he got to go with me. It is impossible to keep her calm once a nurse or doctor comes in and the panic ensues. It is definitely an ordeal. Exhausting for parent and child alike. Once the doctor visit was over, the weight of worrying over it was lifted and she seemed much better!
Thankfully, she does not have strep, but she is still down with whatever this is. It is weird this time, because she is complaining very frequently about her head hurting. In fact, she does not want to walk at a quick pace at all because she says with a whimper that it makes her head hurt. Chris said maybe she’s going to be taking after me with my migraines! That’s just what we need. A 3 year old with migraines. :) She is feeling better today I think, but is night and day difference when the meds (Motrin) have worn off.
I can definitely relate! Only, it was me who had it first and passed it on to the girls who have apparently now passed it on to Matt!! Haley sounds like she has the SAME thing we all had/have! I do not get migraines, but let me tell you,… I did while I was in the thick of this illness! They were the worst part of having this cold. Both of my girls are on their 8th day now,… not fun. I am SO sorry that she has such trouble seeing the Dr.! I can only imagine. Our last experience was a total meltdown due to them both having blood drawn. Claire LOVES her Dr, but does not feel too fondly of the nurses! I will be thinking of you all in my prayers. Hopefully you can ward off the illness, it’s brutal.
I really hope Hayley feels better soon. We’ve all come down with something that sounds similar. Poor Andy still hasn’t gotten quite over it, yet. He’s taking a nap right now, because his head hurt so much he could hardly stand straight. I really hope she is able to get over it soon. This is such a nasty illness!