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My Favorite Hobby?

I am seriously addicted in a sad, sad way to popping packing bubbles. There is something about them that calls out to me. It is an undeniable urge to pop each and every last bubble, and to even begrudge by own daughter popping privileges at times to satisfy my own selfish cravings. :)

We just bought an exercise bike off craig’s list that was actually new in the box. Now I have absolutely no viable excuse for not exercising as I should. :( Anyway, with the bike came many, many bubbles to pop! They made the purchase worthwhile at least, heehee! (Just kidding, honey!)

A friend sent me this link to a fun, slightly neurotic site that can indulge your ocd need for the popping frenzy…

I thought it was hilarious… and yet addicting. Make sure you check out the “manic mode!”

6 Responses to My Favorite Hobby?
  1. Ellen
    May 26, 2008 | 10:47 pm

    You are TOO FUNNY! You and Claire would get along well… ;) She seems to have some sort of obsession when it comes to packing bubbles as well.

    Hope you enjoy the new exercise bike! :)

  2. Ellen
    May 26, 2008 | 10:48 pm

    PS – The site was cute… I’ll have to show it to Claire later. LOL.

  3. Pumpkinhead-Michelle
    May 27, 2008 | 10:42 am

    I Love popping bubbles!Very relaxing to do.

  4. AmyQ
    May 27, 2008 | 12:32 pm

    I loved that site. I set it up at school, and all my jr. highers took a turn. We had a blast. My wonderful administrator hubby wasn’t too sure about it though. He did eventually take a turn. I so understand your obsession.

  5. Rachel
    May 27, 2008 | 1:48 pm

    Hee hee, you are too funny!

  6. Bette Anne
    May 28, 2008 | 3:16 am

    I loved the little voice when you click on “Fresh Sheet”! ;)

    Too funny!

My Favorite Hobby?

I am seriously addicted in a sad, sad way to popping packing bubbles. There is something about them that calls out to me. It is an undeniable urge to pop each and every last bubble, and to even begrudge by own daughter popping privileges at times to satisfy my own selfish cravings. :)

We just bought an exercise bike off craig’s list that was actually new in the box. Now I have absolutely no viable excuse for not exercising as I should. :( Anyway, with the bike came many, many bubbles to pop! They made the purchase worthwhile at least, heehee! (Just kidding, honey!)

A friend sent me this link to a fun, slightly neurotic site that can indulge your ocd need for the popping frenzy…

I thought it was hilarious… and yet addicting. Make sure you check out the “manic mode!”

6 Responses to My Favorite Hobby?
  1. Ellen
    May 26, 2008 | 10:47 pm

    You are TOO FUNNY! You and Claire would get along well… ;) She seems to have some sort of obsession when it comes to packing bubbles as well.

    Hope you enjoy the new exercise bike! :)

  2. Ellen
    May 26, 2008 | 10:48 pm

    PS – The site was cute… I’ll have to show it to Claire later. LOL.

  3. Pumpkinhead-Michelle
    May 27, 2008 | 10:42 am

    I Love popping bubbles!Very relaxing to do.

  4. AmyQ
    May 27, 2008 | 12:32 pm

    I loved that site. I set it up at school, and all my jr. highers took a turn. We had a blast. My wonderful administrator hubby wasn’t too sure about it though. He did eventually take a turn. I so understand your obsession.

  5. Rachel
    May 27, 2008 | 1:48 pm

    Hee hee, you are too funny!

  6. Bette Anne
    May 28, 2008 | 3:16 am

    I loved the little voice when you click on “Fresh Sheet”! ;)

    Too funny!