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Much Thanks…

Well, after my shocking news was revealed I feel so very loved at all the comments from everyone!  Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU to everyone for your comments and messages encouraging me that we can do this.  It’s nice to know that many of you have been where we are… in all of our panic, stress, and glory and you survived!

It’s also quite humorous to me how many Baby #3’s were big fat surprises!  Too funny!

The news has officially leaked at school, and I have been asked by a few little ones in an incredulous and sometimes doubtful voice, “Do you have a baby in your belly?!!”  : )  I actually set up a hangman game for my middleschoolers to play with the message, “Mrs. C. is due in September.”  I was so surprised that the crazy kids barely gave me a reaction when they solved it.  Only 2 out of 40 actually even made a comment to me all!  At the end of class, though, I asked if no one was going to comment about my hangman message.  Then the comments and surprise (I guess some hadn’t gotten it) gradually rolled in.  I think they may be a bit shy/embarrassed about… you know… *pregnancy*!  Ironically, some of these kids I had in 5th grade when I was preggo with Wade.  I told them it was their fault, and coincidentally, I will NOT be agreeing to teach them again!  :)

The reason I went ahead and spilled the beans on Sunday afternoon was because of a oh-so-lovely incident I was unfortunately involved in Sunday morning… in CHOIR… in front of the WHOLE church.   Wonderful. You know how much I love attention right??  Ha! Well, I got my fill of it.

We were standing in the loft what seemed like forevah and it was soooo hot up there.  I was feeling more and more icky and it, of course, intensified as we were beginning to sing.  I was having a hard time holding it together, but I was weighing my options and they DIDN’T look good.  I was on end on the back row with no one in front of me, so there was no “hiding” going to be happening.  I tried my best to hang on, but finally I couldn’t take it anymore.  I decided it would be better for me to just sit down rather than fall out and really do my best to make a scene.  So there I sat while the choir continued to sing.  I tried my best to look like I was “praying” but don’t think I quite managed it because it wasn’t long before one of the ladies in the church who is a medical assistant snuck up the choir steps and whispered from her place hidden behind the curtain “Are you OKAY?”  I decided to let her help me down and really felt tons better just getting off that HOT stage.

When she discovered I was pregnant, I think she grew less worried, but that didn’t stop her from having me lie down on the Pastor’s couch.  There were a few “emergency personnel” that suddenly were on the scene as well, to really make sure I knew what a scene I had caused.  :) They weren’t like “just drove up in ambulance” emergency personnel.  They were church members who also doubled as firemen or policemen.  Yay.

After that drama, I got plenty of concern and questions from those that had noticed my pitiful plight.  Ssooo, I figured since the cat was pretty much out of the bag, I needed to go ahead and officially announce it!

It’s certainly a dramatic way to tell the world, isn’t it?

3 Responses to Much Thanks…
  1. Bakershalfdozen
    March 12, 2010 | 9:15 pm

    Since I can't stand typos, let me try this again. LOL

    What a great story! You'll enjoy telling that one in the future. ;) Glad you are ok.

    BTW, our #3 AND #4 were total surprises. Just a little heads-up there… :D

  2. Rachel
    March 12, 2010 | 11:01 pm

    That's true! Baby #3 was a bit of a "whoops" :)

  3. Ellen
    March 13, 2010 | 2:48 am

    WOW… what a story! Glad you're ok and it wasn't any more serious than that! Sounds like you had an exciting weekend!

Much Thanks…

Well, after my shocking news was revealed I feel so very loved at all the comments from everyone!  Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU to everyone for your comments and messages encouraging me that we can do this.  It’s nice to know that many of you have been where we are… in all of our panic, stress, and glory and you survived!

It’s also quite humorous to me how many Baby #3’s were big fat surprises!  Too funny!

The news has officially leaked at school, and I have been asked by a few little ones in an incredulous and sometimes doubtful voice, “Do you have a baby in your belly?!!”  : )  I actually set up a hangman game for my middleschoolers to play with the message, “Mrs. C. is due in September.”  I was so surprised that the crazy kids barely gave me a reaction when they solved it.  Only 2 out of 40 actually even made a comment to me all!  At the end of class, though, I asked if no one was going to comment about my hangman message.  Then the comments and surprise (I guess some hadn’t gotten it) gradually rolled in.  I think they may be a bit shy/embarrassed about… you know… *pregnancy*!  Ironically, some of these kids I had in 5th grade when I was preggo with Wade.  I told them it was their fault, and coincidentally, I will NOT be agreeing to teach them again!  :)

The reason I went ahead and spilled the beans on Sunday afternoon was because of a oh-so-lovely incident I was unfortunately involved in Sunday morning… in CHOIR… in front of the WHOLE church.   Wonderful. You know how much I love attention right??  Ha! Well, I got my fill of it.

We were standing in the loft what seemed like forevah and it was soooo hot up there.  I was feeling more and more icky and it, of course, intensified as we were beginning to sing.  I was having a hard time holding it together, but I was weighing my options and they DIDN’T look good.  I was on end on the back row with no one in front of me, so there was no “hiding” going to be happening.  I tried my best to hang on, but finally I couldn’t take it anymore.  I decided it would be better for me to just sit down rather than fall out and really do my best to make a scene.  So there I sat while the choir continued to sing.  I tried my best to look like I was “praying” but don’t think I quite managed it because it wasn’t long before one of the ladies in the church who is a medical assistant snuck up the choir steps and whispered from her place hidden behind the curtain “Are you OKAY?”  I decided to let her help me down and really felt tons better just getting off that HOT stage.

When she discovered I was pregnant, I think she grew less worried, but that didn’t stop her from having me lie down on the Pastor’s couch.  There were a few “emergency personnel” that suddenly were on the scene as well, to really make sure I knew what a scene I had caused.  :) They weren’t like “just drove up in ambulance” emergency personnel.  They were church members who also doubled as firemen or policemen.  Yay.

After that drama, I got plenty of concern and questions from those that had noticed my pitiful plight.  Ssooo, I figured since the cat was pretty much out of the bag, I needed to go ahead and officially announce it!

It’s certainly a dramatic way to tell the world, isn’t it?

3 Responses to Much Thanks…
  1. Bakershalfdozen
    March 12, 2010 | 9:15 pm

    Since I can't stand typos, let me try this again. LOL

    What a great story! You'll enjoy telling that one in the future. ;) Glad you are ok.

    BTW, our #3 AND #4 were total surprises. Just a little heads-up there… :D

  2. Rachel
    March 12, 2010 | 11:01 pm

    That's true! Baby #3 was a bit of a "whoops" :)

  3. Ellen
    March 13, 2010 | 2:48 am

    WOW… what a story! Glad you're ok and it wasn't any more serious than that! Sounds like you had an exciting weekend!