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More Outdoor Fun?

Chris had a softball game last night at church, so we loaded up the family and headed out. Last week we nearly baked in the direct sun of the bleachers, so we decided to be “smart” and bring our chairs to stay cool in the shade.
Things went fine until a pop up foul ball headed for us. Out of all the places it could have landed, it found Haylee’s little head. I saw the ball coming, and panicked trying to protect Wade. You can see it coming , but you just never know where it’s going to go. She never even saw it coming. The poor girl was in the middle of eating her chicken tender. We put ice on it right away and she sat pitifully with me for quite awhile. Daddy is hard core and went back out on the field to finish…
After an hour or so, she got up and started playing and acting more like herself. It never formed a bump, but there was an obvious red spot on her head from the hit. I called her doctor when we got home and spoke with a nurse. She said I could give her some Motrin, and that we would need to wake her up every 2 hours that night and ask her a few simple questions to make sure she was still doing okay. She also advised her to take it easy today and said she may have a headache for the next few days.

(The redness has mostly faded…)
Last night was interesting to say the least waking her up every two hours. So funny, really, that Wade is just now sleeping more and more, and now we had to get up with Haylee! I had the first shift around 12:30 am, and I think she might have been at her sleepiest. She sat up going on and on about something. I’m guessing it was whatever she was dreaming about. I only caught something about a girl. :) I was up at least 5 to 10 minutes with her because she soooo wanted to go back to sleep, and I was having to practically hold her up. One of the funniest things EVER is watching Haylee talk while she’s “awake… but really sleeping.” It’s kind of this crazy “drunken” stupor.

(It hit the top of her head directly above her left eye…)

The nurse said to ask her simple questions such as “Who am I?” or “What’s your name?” etc. She was able to answer most of the questions fine, but did struggle with a few. She got “What’s your brother’s name?” and “What’s your doll’s name?”, but she couldn’t tell me how old she was or what my name was. I think mainly because she was sooooo sleepy. I really was having a very hard time not laughing at her. She also couldn’t remember her cousins’ names either. Finally, after asking her repeatedly and I think giving her time to wake up, she answered all my questions. :)

Things went much quicker on my next shift… She answered three questions right off the bat and went back to sleep. I only wish I could have gone back to sleep each time with the same ease…
She said that it is feeling much better this morning, but is still tender to the touch and is still aching some…
Please keep her in your prayers that she will feel better soon, and if there is something more serious we need to deal with that it would be obvious, especially to those of us (Chris) who aren’t worriers like others of us (Renee).
7 Responses to More Outdoor Fun?
  1. Leah
    July 3, 2008 | 1:29 am

    OUCH! Poor kid! They do bounce back quickly, but it’s always a bit alarming when there is no bump! We will keep her in out prayers. Keep is posted on her. At least she is smiling! :-)

  2. Ellen
    July 3, 2008 | 1:32 am

    Yikes! I will be praying as well…

  3. Bette Anne
    July 3, 2008 | 2:20 am

    I started tearing up when I first read this… :( So scary! Praying that everything will be fine!

  4. Twinmama
    July 3, 2008 | 3:40 am

    Oh my! Poor thing. We’ll be praying. And you’re a mom, you have a right to be worried! About Chris not worrying… You know how freaked you would be if Chris was really worried too? Keep us posted, but she will be fine. Their bones are still softer than ours…although they seem really hardheaded! LOL

  5. Mack & Jennifer Swaringen
    July 3, 2008 | 8:43 pm

    Next time make sure she wears a helmet!! Poor girl. I would be freaking out if a softball hit my child!!! Tell Haylee we love her so much. Have a great 4th of July trip. See you next week!?

  6. AmyQ
    July 5, 2008 | 4:16 pm

    Wow, that sounds like quite a shot. Dan was the concussion child in his family. He gave Mom many scares. Hope she is feeling much better now.

  7. Sam
    July 6, 2008 | 1:13 am

    What! Chris just went back out to the game. I thought for sure he would be rushing Haylee to the hospital, but I guess the game must have been really important.

More Outdoor Fun?

Chris had a softball game last night at church, so we loaded up the family and headed out. Last week we nearly baked in the direct sun of the bleachers, so we decided to be “smart” and bring our chairs to stay cool in the shade.
Things went fine until a pop up foul ball headed for us. Out of all the places it could have landed, it found Haylee’s little head. I saw the ball coming, and panicked trying to protect Wade. You can see it coming , but you just never know where it’s going to go. She never even saw it coming. The poor girl was in the middle of eating her chicken tender. We put ice on it right away and she sat pitifully with me for quite awhile. Daddy is hard core and went back out on the field to finish…
After an hour or so, she got up and started playing and acting more like herself. It never formed a bump, but there was an obvious red spot on her head from the hit. I called her doctor when we got home and spoke with a nurse. She said I could give her some Motrin, and that we would need to wake her up every 2 hours that night and ask her a few simple questions to make sure she was still doing okay. She also advised her to take it easy today and said she may have a headache for the next few days.

(The redness has mostly faded…)
Last night was interesting to say the least waking her up every two hours. So funny, really, that Wade is just now sleeping more and more, and now we had to get up with Haylee! I had the first shift around 12:30 am, and I think she might have been at her sleepiest. She sat up going on and on about something. I’m guessing it was whatever she was dreaming about. I only caught something about a girl. :) I was up at least 5 to 10 minutes with her because she soooo wanted to go back to sleep, and I was having to practically hold her up. One of the funniest things EVER is watching Haylee talk while she’s “awake… but really sleeping.” It’s kind of this crazy “drunken” stupor.

(It hit the top of her head directly above her left eye…)

The nurse said to ask her simple questions such as “Who am I?” or “What’s your name?” etc. She was able to answer most of the questions fine, but did struggle with a few. She got “What’s your brother’s name?” and “What’s your doll’s name?”, but she couldn’t tell me how old she was or what my name was. I think mainly because she was sooooo sleepy. I really was having a very hard time not laughing at her. She also couldn’t remember her cousins’ names either. Finally, after asking her repeatedly and I think giving her time to wake up, she answered all my questions. :)

Things went much quicker on my next shift… She answered three questions right off the bat and went back to sleep. I only wish I could have gone back to sleep each time with the same ease…
She said that it is feeling much better this morning, but is still tender to the touch and is still aching some…
Please keep her in your prayers that she will feel better soon, and if there is something more serious we need to deal with that it would be obvious, especially to those of us (Chris) who aren’t worriers like others of us (Renee).
7 Responses to More Outdoor Fun?
  1. Leah
    July 3, 2008 | 1:29 am

    OUCH! Poor kid! They do bounce back quickly, but it’s always a bit alarming when there is no bump! We will keep her in out prayers. Keep is posted on her. At least she is smiling! :-)

  2. Ellen
    July 3, 2008 | 1:32 am

    Yikes! I will be praying as well…

  3. Bette Anne
    July 3, 2008 | 2:20 am

    I started tearing up when I first read this… :( So scary! Praying that everything will be fine!

  4. Twinmama
    July 3, 2008 | 3:40 am

    Oh my! Poor thing. We’ll be praying. And you’re a mom, you have a right to be worried! About Chris not worrying… You know how freaked you would be if Chris was really worried too? Keep us posted, but she will be fine. Their bones are still softer than ours…although they seem really hardheaded! LOL

  5. Mack & Jennifer Swaringen
    July 3, 2008 | 8:43 pm

    Next time make sure she wears a helmet!! Poor girl. I would be freaking out if a softball hit my child!!! Tell Haylee we love her so much. Have a great 4th of July trip. See you next week!?

  6. AmyQ
    July 5, 2008 | 4:16 pm

    Wow, that sounds like quite a shot. Dan was the concussion child in his family. He gave Mom many scares. Hope she is feeling much better now.

  7. Sam
    July 6, 2008 | 1:13 am

    What! Chris just went back out to the game. I thought for sure he would be rushing Haylee to the hospital, but I guess the game must have been really important.