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More Grocery Gaming… Triple Style

Today both Bilo and Harris Teeter are tripling coupons! AHHH! It’s crazy enough doing triples for one store, let alone two. But, alas, I braved the grocery shopping experience once again and headed out for my deals.

Here are my stats…

Shelf Price: $21.62
OOP: $1.33
Savings: $20.29

Details… Cottonelle wipe refills= $.50, Tabasco sauce= $.19, Soy Sauce= free+overage, Ban deo= $.24, Nesquick Chocolate milk= free+overage

Shelf Price: $21.12
OOP: $2.68 (before tax)
Savings: $18.44

Details… French’s Worchestshire= free+overage, BBQ sauce= free+overage, More Worchestshire= $.34, Huggies baby wipes= one pack was $1 & one was $.25, Speed Stick deo= free+overage, Luzianne tea= $.09, Huggies Baby wash= $1

OOP: $4.01
Shelf Price: $42.74
Savings: $38.73

Haylee was ecstatic to see that some chocolate milk was on the list of things to get! She is definitely a chocolate milk LOVER! :) All my stash for only $4.01…

Here’s Wade looking all angelic… like how could anyone ever think that I would stress mommy out at the grocery store?? He did chill for a bit in his bouncer when we got home even though it was past time for him to eat. It was nice since it gave me a chance to fix his bottle and take a breather. He even gave me a smile. :)

3 Responses to More Grocery Gaming… Triple Style
  1. Sam
    May 15, 2008 | 10:28 pm

    I love Triple Coupon day. I can’t wait to find out how my wife made out.

  2. Rachel
    May 17, 2008 | 11:21 am

    Triple Coupons? I’m so jealous! I knew the South was the land of opportunity! The tight-wad Northern grocery stores up here don’t even double coupon, wah wah!

    Hayley and Wade are both so cute! My goodness, Wade’s getting big fast!

  3. Heather
    May 20, 2008 | 10:26 pm

    I’m not gonna lie, you did WAY better than me!

More Grocery Gaming… Triple Style

Today both Bilo and Harris Teeter are tripling coupons! AHHH! It’s crazy enough doing triples for one store, let alone two. But, alas, I braved the grocery shopping experience once again and headed out for my deals.

Here are my stats…

Shelf Price: $21.62
OOP: $1.33
Savings: $20.29

Details… Cottonelle wipe refills= $.50, Tabasco sauce= $.19, Soy Sauce= free+overage, Ban deo= $.24, Nesquick Chocolate milk= free+overage

Shelf Price: $21.12
OOP: $2.68 (before tax)
Savings: $18.44

Details… French’s Worchestshire= free+overage, BBQ sauce= free+overage, More Worchestshire= $.34, Huggies baby wipes= one pack was $1 & one was $.25, Speed Stick deo= free+overage, Luzianne tea= $.09, Huggies Baby wash= $1

OOP: $4.01
Shelf Price: $42.74
Savings: $38.73

Haylee was ecstatic to see that some chocolate milk was on the list of things to get! She is definitely a chocolate milk LOVER! :) All my stash for only $4.01…

Here’s Wade looking all angelic… like how could anyone ever think that I would stress mommy out at the grocery store?? He did chill for a bit in his bouncer when we got home even though it was past time for him to eat. It was nice since it gave me a chance to fix his bottle and take a breather. He even gave me a smile. :)

3 Responses to More Grocery Gaming… Triple Style
  1. Sam
    May 15, 2008 | 10:28 pm

    I love Triple Coupon day. I can’t wait to find out how my wife made out.

  2. Rachel
    May 17, 2008 | 11:21 am

    Triple Coupons? I’m so jealous! I knew the South was the land of opportunity! The tight-wad Northern grocery stores up here don’t even double coupon, wah wah!

    Hayley and Wade are both so cute! My goodness, Wade’s getting big fast!

  3. Heather
    May 20, 2008 | 10:26 pm

    I’m not gonna lie, you did WAY better than me!