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Mmmm…. All for Love!!!

Okay… Rachel’s post with the Bryan Adams video of “Everything I do” got me thinking about another Bryan Adams favorite of mine from back in the day. “All for Love” is from the movie, The Three Musketeers, which my friends and I all loved in high school. We even had a cd of Pavarotti and Friends where he sings that song with Bryan Adams. I think the only reason we had the cd was because Pavarotti was on it, lest you get the wrong idea about my musical upbringing ;).
After listening to and loving “Everything I do”, I decided to go on you tube and search for “All for Love.” To my utter joy and delight, I found the Pavarotti/Adams version. Tell me with Pavarotti singing that chorus, it is not awesome! Bocelli is singing with them, too, but for some reason, you can’t hear him. He almost looks like he’s unsure of the song or something.
So, enjoy a little of the 90’s…

2 Responses to Mmmm…. All for Love!!!
  1. Bette Anne
    June 1, 2007 | 3:59 pm

    Okay, that SERIOUSLY brings back some memories!! I get chills every time Pavarotti hits the “All” note, he is insane! And Bocelli does look like he is a little confused. :) I forgot how much I loved this song!

  2. Rachel
    June 1, 2007 | 5:45 pm

    Ha ha, I had a good laugh at the harp player at the beginning of the video. His hairdo looks like mine in the morning!

Mmmm…. All for Love!!!

Okay… Rachel’s post with the Bryan Adams video of “Everything I do” got me thinking about another Bryan Adams favorite of mine from back in the day. “All for Love” is from the movie, The Three Musketeers, which my friends and I all loved in high school. We even had a cd of Pavarotti and Friends where he sings that song with Bryan Adams. I think the only reason we had the cd was because Pavarotti was on it, lest you get the wrong idea about my musical upbringing ;).
After listening to and loving “Everything I do”, I decided to go on you tube and search for “All for Love.” To my utter joy and delight, I found the Pavarotti/Adams version. Tell me with Pavarotti singing that chorus, it is not awesome! Bocelli is singing with them, too, but for some reason, you can’t hear him. He almost looks like he’s unsure of the song or something.
So, enjoy a little of the 90’s…

2 Responses to Mmmm…. All for Love!!!
  1. Bette Anne
    June 1, 2007 | 3:59 pm

    Okay, that SERIOUSLY brings back some memories!! I get chills every time Pavarotti hits the “All” note, he is insane! And Bocelli does look like he is a little confused. :) I forgot how much I loved this song!

  2. Rachel
    June 1, 2007 | 5:45 pm

    Ha ha, I had a good laugh at the harp player at the beginning of the video. His hairdo looks like mine in the morning!