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Miss Priss

Haylee’s teacher, the wonderful Mrs. Dehart, emailed me to invite Haylee to their Summer Birthday Bash where they celebrate all the children’s summer birthdays. So yesterday, we made the trek to school and Haylee had a blast being the long lost superstar once again. The day was filled with playing on the playground, watching a movie, eating lunch and cupcakes, with the grand finale being each of the birthday kids receiving a gift as well as a goody bag that the rest of the class got as well.

Isn’t is funny that at that age, you can’t handle everyone else getting a bag full of nothing even when you just opened fifteen awesome presents? :)

After the success of the toybox purge, I attempted another purge of greater measure… Haylee’s shoes. I just don’t know where she gets her obsessive shoe hording. I mean, I can’t think of anyone she’s related to that has an excessive number of let’s just say black shoes alone! Heehee… :)

So, I tried the previous toybox method and sent her in to get started sorting. Her shoes however, proved to be much, much harder to part with. Upon checking her work part way through, I could only laugh when I saw that she had picked out only TWO PAIR of shoes that she could bear to give up!

So I decided to help her with the decisions…. Here is the before pile….

And after sorting between too small, too big, don’t need and never wear, we managed to pick out these to give away or put up…

Ten pair is not too bad for two shoe horders like her mommy and her. :)

3 Responses to Miss Priss
  1. Rachel
    May 24, 2008 | 9:09 pm

    TEN PAIRS OF SHOES??? Okay, that puts my kids’ 5 pairs in a much better perspective, lol!

    I’m worried, though, because my daughter has a thing for shoes too!

  2. Ellen
    May 24, 2008 | 11:02 pm

    LOL. She has more shoes than I do!! (Not counting my boots/rain boots, etc.) LOL. Too funny… Thankfully, as girly and prissy as Claire is, she doesn’t seem to have a thing for shoes. Glad you were able to get her to part with some….

  3. Heather
    May 29, 2008 | 12:33 am

    That is CRAZY!!!! Oh my goodness. I know I couldn’t believe all the shoes lined up. I wanted to get her shoes for her b-day, but I restrained b/c I knew she had a TON! =)

Miss Priss

Haylee’s teacher, the wonderful Mrs. Dehart, emailed me to invite Haylee to their Summer Birthday Bash where they celebrate all the children’s summer birthdays. So yesterday, we made the trek to school and Haylee had a blast being the long lost superstar once again. The day was filled with playing on the playground, watching a movie, eating lunch and cupcakes, with the grand finale being each of the birthday kids receiving a gift as well as a goody bag that the rest of the class got as well.

Isn’t is funny that at that age, you can’t handle everyone else getting a bag full of nothing even when you just opened fifteen awesome presents? :)

After the success of the toybox purge, I attempted another purge of greater measure… Haylee’s shoes. I just don’t know where she gets her obsessive shoe hording. I mean, I can’t think of anyone she’s related to that has an excessive number of let’s just say black shoes alone! Heehee… :)

So, I tried the previous toybox method and sent her in to get started sorting. Her shoes however, proved to be much, much harder to part with. Upon checking her work part way through, I could only laugh when I saw that she had picked out only TWO PAIR of shoes that she could bear to give up!

So I decided to help her with the decisions…. Here is the before pile….

And after sorting between too small, too big, don’t need and never wear, we managed to pick out these to give away or put up…

Ten pair is not too bad for two shoe horders like her mommy and her. :)

3 Responses to Miss Priss
  1. Rachel
    May 24, 2008 | 9:09 pm

    TEN PAIRS OF SHOES??? Okay, that puts my kids’ 5 pairs in a much better perspective, lol!

    I’m worried, though, because my daughter has a thing for shoes too!

  2. Ellen
    May 24, 2008 | 11:02 pm

    LOL. She has more shoes than I do!! (Not counting my boots/rain boots, etc.) LOL. Too funny… Thankfully, as girly and prissy as Claire is, she doesn’t seem to have a thing for shoes. Glad you were able to get her to part with some….

  3. Heather
    May 29, 2008 | 12:33 am

    That is CRAZY!!!! Oh my goodness. I know I couldn’t believe all the shoes lined up. I wanted to get her shoes for her b-day, but I restrained b/c I knew she had a TON! =)