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Menu Monday


I don’t want to jinx it, but…

I’m really enjoying menu planning.

I have a system and it’s working.  I can do almost anything if I can find a good system with simple steps to follow.  :)  I’m all about the systems and lists and all that, you know. 

Right now my system involves Planning the Menu and making the Grocery List on Friday.  Saturday is Grocery Shopping and Sunday afternoon is the 5 dinners in 1 hour Meal Prep for the week.

I have to report that we had a Leftover Night last week that was actually a SUCCESS!  Chris is SO not a leftover eater.  So normally we’ll eat some leftovers for lunch, but to actually eat leftovers as a dinner meal?  Veeeeeery rare in this house. We had lots going on in the fridge though.  The Taco Soup? OH.MY.WORD. The Taco Soup alone was enough for two {or more} full meals! It was enormous.  I think it may have been enough for the Duggars.

Since we had several choices, I jotted down a menu and all of our names and had Haylee take everyone’s “order.”

During the meal, I had a moment of joy. It felt really good to be eating all those leftovers and not wasting FOOD!  :) 

On Wade’s plate was leftover corn on the cob that he ordinarily can not get enough of, but for some reason he wasn’t eating it very well.  {Hmmm, maybe he doesn’t like leftovers either!}  This corn on the cob was extremely juicy and when he squished it a bit, he sprayed himself nicely in the face!  He found that so very hi.larious.  {Just a few minutes earlier, mine had accidently sprayed Haylee.} So, he thought this was great fun.  He kept squishing.  It kept spraying.  Every time it would squirt him in the face, he would giggle uncontrollably. 

It was too adorable to put a stop to. 

Chris remarked that he had just discovered that his favorite veggie could also be converted to a toy.  :)

It’s moments like that around the dinner table that end up being priceless.

{♥♥So thankful that Daddy is home for dinner now!♥♥}


Here’s the menu plan for this week…

Monday… Leftover Night! {the fridge is FULL again!}

Tuesday… Shrimp Rolls

Wednesday…Calzone {Thanks, Amy!}

Thursday… Sweet & Sour Chicken

Friday…Pizza Night

Saturday… Cheese Enchiladas


Here’s our four meals READY TO GO! 


I went over an hour this week.  Took me about an hour and 15 minutes or so, but I can’t complain too much.  A small price to pay for an easy peasy dinner hour.

Click if you dare for more Menu Monday inspiration.

One Response to Menu Monday
  1. Ellen
    March 23, 2011 | 1:55 am

    Yay! So glad things are still going so well for you in this area. I have been having some good success with the crock pot too — hopefully I can get on my blog to share. ;) Food all sounds YUMMY. The corn story is hilarious, btw. ;)

Menu Monday


I don’t want to jinx it, but…

I’m really enjoying menu planning.

I have a system and it’s working.  I can do almost anything if I can find a good system with simple steps to follow.  :)  I’m all about the systems and lists and all that, you know. 

Right now my system involves Planning the Menu and making the Grocery List on Friday.  Saturday is Grocery Shopping and Sunday afternoon is the 5 dinners in 1 hour Meal Prep for the week.

I have to report that we had a Leftover Night last week that was actually a SUCCESS!  Chris is SO not a leftover eater.  So normally we’ll eat some leftovers for lunch, but to actually eat leftovers as a dinner meal?  Veeeeeery rare in this house. We had lots going on in the fridge though.  The Taco Soup? OH.MY.WORD. The Taco Soup alone was enough for two {or more} full meals! It was enormous.  I think it may have been enough for the Duggars.

Since we had several choices, I jotted down a menu and all of our names and had Haylee take everyone’s “order.”

During the meal, I had a moment of joy. It felt really good to be eating all those leftovers and not wasting FOOD!  :) 

On Wade’s plate was leftover corn on the cob that he ordinarily can not get enough of, but for some reason he wasn’t eating it very well.  {Hmmm, maybe he doesn’t like leftovers either!}  This corn on the cob was extremely juicy and when he squished it a bit, he sprayed himself nicely in the face!  He found that so very hi.larious.  {Just a few minutes earlier, mine had accidently sprayed Haylee.} So, he thought this was great fun.  He kept squishing.  It kept spraying.  Every time it would squirt him in the face, he would giggle uncontrollably. 

It was too adorable to put a stop to. 

Chris remarked that he had just discovered that his favorite veggie could also be converted to a toy.  :)

It’s moments like that around the dinner table that end up being priceless.

{♥♥So thankful that Daddy is home for dinner now!♥♥}


Here’s the menu plan for this week…

Monday… Leftover Night! {the fridge is FULL again!}

Tuesday… Shrimp Rolls

Wednesday…Calzone {Thanks, Amy!}

Thursday… Sweet & Sour Chicken

Friday…Pizza Night

Saturday… Cheese Enchiladas


Here’s our four meals READY TO GO! 


I went over an hour this week.  Took me about an hour and 15 minutes or so, but I can’t complain too much.  A small price to pay for an easy peasy dinner hour.

Click if you dare for more Menu Monday inspiration.

One Response to Menu Monday
  1. Ellen
    March 23, 2011 | 1:55 am

    Yay! So glad things are still going so well for you in this area. I have been having some good success with the crock pot too — hopefully I can get on my blog to share. ;) Food all sounds YUMMY. The corn story is hilarious, btw. ;)