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Menu Monday


Up on the menu this week…
Monday… Taco Soup
Tuesday… Asian Pork Chops
Wednesday… Leftover Night
Friday… Pizza Night
This is WEEK SEVEN of prepping the week’s dinners on Sunday, and we have definitely been eating better as a result!  More home cooked meal and less fast food or take out going on!  Wahoo for that!
Since I had to run out for some shopping Sunday afternoon, I had to do my meal prep Sunday night!  Eek!
Here’s my ingredients and supplies ready to go…
And… after many spills and aggravations and hubby stepping in to help me finish up… my finished meals…
Ah! Four meals prepped in around 50 minutes! 
I’ve got an Asian/Mexican theme going on this week… purely by accident.  One would think I would be getting better about planning better balanced variety within each week.  You would think.
While we’re on the topic, I wanted to share our fun lunch we had last week…
We had a playdate coming over, so I thought that I would try to make our egg salad sandwiches a bit more fun with a turtle cookie cutter.  :)  I thought they turned out pretty cute and the kids seemed to like them!  I have fond memories of my mom cutting our sandwiches into the shape of a house!  She would cut a door shape out and then add it to the roof as a chimney!  :)
This is a special week for us.  Happy Anniversary to the Hubs & Me!  Friday marks ELEVEN years together! 
Hmmm… only took eleven years to finally “learn” how to cook some decent meals?!
Sorry, hun.
{Find tons more Menu Mondays here…}
One Response to Menu Monday
  1. Ellen
    March 15, 2011 | 12:10 am

    First off, Happy Anniversary! :) Isn't it great to have continued success with the meals? We made a great Broccoli and Beef with Rice tonight. It was SOOOOOOOOO good!! (

    The grilled chicken looks good too. Can't wait to get weather suitable for our grilling again.

    Have a great week.

Menu Monday


Up on the menu this week…
Monday… Taco Soup
Tuesday… Asian Pork Chops
Wednesday… Leftover Night
Friday… Pizza Night
This is WEEK SEVEN of prepping the week’s dinners on Sunday, and we have definitely been eating better as a result!  More home cooked meal and less fast food or take out going on!  Wahoo for that!
Since I had to run out for some shopping Sunday afternoon, I had to do my meal prep Sunday night!  Eek!
Here’s my ingredients and supplies ready to go…
And… after many spills and aggravations and hubby stepping in to help me finish up… my finished meals…
Ah! Four meals prepped in around 50 minutes! 
I’ve got an Asian/Mexican theme going on this week… purely by accident.  One would think I would be getting better about planning better balanced variety within each week.  You would think.
While we’re on the topic, I wanted to share our fun lunch we had last week…
We had a playdate coming over, so I thought that I would try to make our egg salad sandwiches a bit more fun with a turtle cookie cutter.  :)  I thought they turned out pretty cute and the kids seemed to like them!  I have fond memories of my mom cutting our sandwiches into the shape of a house!  She would cut a door shape out and then add it to the roof as a chimney!  :)
This is a special week for us.  Happy Anniversary to the Hubs & Me!  Friday marks ELEVEN years together! 
Hmmm… only took eleven years to finally “learn” how to cook some decent meals?!
Sorry, hun.
{Find tons more Menu Mondays here…}
One Response to Menu Monday
  1. Ellen
    March 15, 2011 | 12:10 am

    First off, Happy Anniversary! :) Isn't it great to have continued success with the meals? We made a great Broccoli and Beef with Rice tonight. It was SOOOOOOOOO good!! (

    The grilled chicken looks good too. Can't wait to get weather suitable for our grilling again.

    Have a great week.