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Menu Monday

Up on the menu this week…
Tuesday… Wade’s Bday Party at CEC! {He’s 3, sniff, sniff! I can’t believe it!}
Wednesday… Turkey Bacon Cheese Croissants
Friday… Eating OUT!
Before I say anything else I have to stop and SHOUT from the rooftop that we had some hits in our menu last week! The two biggest ones were the French Dip Sandwiches I added in for Saturday night and Crockpot Ranch Pork Chops for Sunday lunch. They were both super yummy! Chris requested that French Dip be a once a weeker and my extremely picky Wade shockingly said the pork chops were {wait for it} good!  That is, after he was made to try them, of course.  :)
We are heading to the mountains for a few days this week {Wednesday to Saturday}, but I still put my time in Sunday afternoon getting my meals ready for the week.  Aren’t you proud of me?
Here’s my menu with my supply list on the right of all the stuff I need to get out on the counter before starting my 5 meals in one hour prep…
Due to our schedule this week I was only prepping 3 meals but it wasn’t much quicker since several things I needed were dirty in the dishwasher so I had to stop and keep washing up things so I could use them.  :)
My total time was about 47 minutes to prep three meals… Pretty slow this week!  For shame! :)
meals ready
The reason I was still prepping meals this week was because eating out is sometimes just not worth it. Maybe it’s different for the rest of you with little ones. And I’m not even talking about wasting money on a tip or $2 drinks. 
For me, part of the fun of getting to go out to eat is the experience of it.  Being able to relax and enjoy the restaurant.  Being served and NOT HAVING TO COOK, of course, is nice too!
With three kids in the picture, however, there is not a whole lotta relaxing going on in a restaurant setting for me. So rarely do we venture out to eat, especially with Davis along.  In light of that, we are going to be eating “in” for dinner 2 of the 3 nights we’ll be gone, Wednesday {Turkey Bacon Cheese Croissants} and Thursday {Cheeseburger Sliders}.  I’ll shop for the croissants once we get there, but the sliders I  have shaped into patties and seasoned, and they are all ready to go in the fridge.
I am also going to try this Baked French Toast from Pioneer Woman for our Thursday morning breakfast that Laine posted with her lower fat revisions.  I plan  to prep it Wednesday morning before we leave, so all I have to do is add the topping and pop it in the oven that morning.  Chris is a BIG french toast fan so he was on board with the plan, even though it means one more thing to pack in the van!!
One other amazing thing I am tripping myself out with is the fact that when we back into town Saturday night… I’ll have dinner already prepped in the fridge, ready to slide in the oven! What, WHAT??? 
The BIG Carolina/Duke game is Saturday night so we’ll be able to get settled in and ready to watch the game without having to worry about dinner!  {Aren’t you happy, hunny?} GO HEELS!
Click here for some more Menu Monday Inspiration!
5 Responses to Menu Monday
  1. Faith
    February 21, 2011 | 4:00 pm

    WOW – what a good idea to prep all of your meals at once. We're doing egg salad this week too! Your blog is SO cute!! Happy Monday :)

  2. Betty @ Little Farm in the Big City
    February 21, 2011 | 4:57 pm

    Every once in a while, I'll prep my week's worth of meals, but I'm sorry to say I'm not regular with it. It's such a great idea, though. A"yuck" and "nasty" days!

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. Lindsey
    February 21, 2011 | 9:56 pm

    Oh my, I have one of those too! He's also my middle son :-) It's awesome that you prep your meals on one day. I have to say I am very intrigued and will be looking at trying that myself.
    Have a lovely week and I hope everyone enjoys your efforts :-)

  4. Ellen
    February 22, 2011 | 7:35 pm

    Because of our new "lifestyle" I too, have been trying to figure out how to make the cooking of weeknight meals easier. My "experiment has been a new crockpot that has the timer and will stop cooking, but keep your food warm until you turn it off. I'm trying to use it at least 4 out of the 5 days/week. I've been discouraged by some of the responses to the new recipes too… It's so frustrating to put time and effort into a meal only to have everyone turn their noses up at it, isn't it?! Even Matt "tolerated" 2 meals, which is unlike him since he likes just about anything. UGH! I feel like saying, "I give up!" ha ha… but instead, I'm trying 4 more new crock pot recipes next week! Am I a glutton for punishment? LOL I most certainly am enjoying just throwing everything in the crock in the morning and have no prep time in the evenings and very little clean-up after the meal is over… if I could just find some "WINNER" recipes that make EVERYONE happy! My big challenge is that I can't use any cheese or "cream of… " soups, etc., b/c of Lil's milk allergy. Here's to hoping that this week goes better for us both! ;)

  5. Ellen
    February 22, 2011 | 7:37 pm

    Oh, and P.S. can you share/pass on your ranch pork chops recipe? ;)

Menu Monday

Up on the menu this week…
Tuesday… Wade’s Bday Party at CEC! {He’s 3, sniff, sniff! I can’t believe it!}
Wednesday… Turkey Bacon Cheese Croissants
Friday… Eating OUT!
Before I say anything else I have to stop and SHOUT from the rooftop that we had some hits in our menu last week! The two biggest ones were the French Dip Sandwiches I added in for Saturday night and Crockpot Ranch Pork Chops for Sunday lunch. They were both super yummy! Chris requested that French Dip be a once a weeker and my extremely picky Wade shockingly said the pork chops were {wait for it} good!  That is, after he was made to try them, of course.  :)
We are heading to the mountains for a few days this week {Wednesday to Saturday}, but I still put my time in Sunday afternoon getting my meals ready for the week.  Aren’t you proud of me?
Here’s my menu with my supply list on the right of all the stuff I need to get out on the counter before starting my 5 meals in one hour prep…
Due to our schedule this week I was only prepping 3 meals but it wasn’t much quicker since several things I needed were dirty in the dishwasher so I had to stop and keep washing up things so I could use them.  :)
My total time was about 47 minutes to prep three meals… Pretty slow this week!  For shame! :)
meals ready
The reason I was still prepping meals this week was because eating out is sometimes just not worth it. Maybe it’s different for the rest of you with little ones. And I’m not even talking about wasting money on a tip or $2 drinks. 
For me, part of the fun of getting to go out to eat is the experience of it.  Being able to relax and enjoy the restaurant.  Being served and NOT HAVING TO COOK, of course, is nice too!
With three kids in the picture, however, there is not a whole lotta relaxing going on in a restaurant setting for me. So rarely do we venture out to eat, especially with Davis along.  In light of that, we are going to be eating “in” for dinner 2 of the 3 nights we’ll be gone, Wednesday {Turkey Bacon Cheese Croissants} and Thursday {Cheeseburger Sliders}.  I’ll shop for the croissants once we get there, but the sliders I  have shaped into patties and seasoned, and they are all ready to go in the fridge.
I am also going to try this Baked French Toast from Pioneer Woman for our Thursday morning breakfast that Laine posted with her lower fat revisions.  I plan  to prep it Wednesday morning before we leave, so all I have to do is add the topping and pop it in the oven that morning.  Chris is a BIG french toast fan so he was on board with the plan, even though it means one more thing to pack in the van!!
One other amazing thing I am tripping myself out with is the fact that when we back into town Saturday night… I’ll have dinner already prepped in the fridge, ready to slide in the oven! What, WHAT??? 
The BIG Carolina/Duke game is Saturday night so we’ll be able to get settled in and ready to watch the game without having to worry about dinner!  {Aren’t you happy, hunny?} GO HEELS!
Click here for some more Menu Monday Inspiration!
5 Responses to Menu Monday
  1. Faith
    February 21, 2011 | 4:00 pm

    WOW – what a good idea to prep all of your meals at once. We're doing egg salad this week too! Your blog is SO cute!! Happy Monday :)

  2. Betty @ Little Farm in the Big City
    February 21, 2011 | 4:57 pm

    Every once in a while, I'll prep my week's worth of meals, but I'm sorry to say I'm not regular with it. It's such a great idea, though. A"yuck" and "nasty" days!

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. Lindsey
    February 21, 2011 | 9:56 pm

    Oh my, I have one of those too! He's also my middle son :-) It's awesome that you prep your meals on one day. I have to say I am very intrigued and will be looking at trying that myself.
    Have a lovely week and I hope everyone enjoys your efforts :-)

  4. Ellen
    February 22, 2011 | 7:35 pm

    Because of our new "lifestyle" I too, have been trying to figure out how to make the cooking of weeknight meals easier. My "experiment has been a new crockpot that has the timer and will stop cooking, but keep your food warm until you turn it off. I'm trying to use it at least 4 out of the 5 days/week. I've been discouraged by some of the responses to the new recipes too… It's so frustrating to put time and effort into a meal only to have everyone turn their noses up at it, isn't it?! Even Matt "tolerated" 2 meals, which is unlike him since he likes just about anything. UGH! I feel like saying, "I give up!" ha ha… but instead, I'm trying 4 more new crock pot recipes next week! Am I a glutton for punishment? LOL I most certainly am enjoying just throwing everything in the crock in the morning and have no prep time in the evenings and very little clean-up after the meal is over… if I could just find some "WINNER" recipes that make EVERYONE happy! My big challenge is that I can't use any cheese or "cream of… " soups, etc., b/c of Lil's milk allergy. Here's to hoping that this week goes better for us both! ;)

  5. Ellen
    February 22, 2011 | 7:37 pm

    Oh, and P.S. can you share/pass on your ranch pork chops recipe? ;)