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Menu Monday

Up on the menu this week…
Monday… Chicken Spaghetti @ Mom & Dad’s
Tuesday… Mini Meatloaves
Wednesday… BBQ Chicken Wings
Thursday… Favorites Buffet
Friday… Pizza Night
Saturday… Father’s Day Dinner at Howards
Sunday… Slow Cooked Steak

This week we brought Mom & Dad Sunday lunch which proved to be quite the challenging task since they had just arrived and hadn’t even had a chance to start unloading the moving truck.
That meant trying to think of everylittlebittything that you normally take for granted as just being there for your meal… like butter & salt… not to mention plates, cups, and silverware.
Since we were going to be enjoying lunch with them Sunday afternoon, I thankfully decided to prep my dinners on Saturday…
It was a jam-packed day and my hubby decided to help me again!  ♥
We ended up unloading the truck Sunday afternoon and evening.  We didn’t leave for home until after nine o’clock I think, and as tired as I was, I can’t imagine how everyone else feels.  If you haven’t tried to unload a moving truck with SEVEN kids under eight years old around then you are REALLY missing out… on a very interesting experience.  :)  
I wanted to help Mom & Dad with their unpacking craziness by bringing them their dinners for the week, and with the easy meal prep plan it was something I was able to do!!
Here’s what’s on their menu for the week…

Monday… Chicken Spaghetti
Tuesday… Tacos
Wednesday… Crockpot BBQ Chicken
Thursday… Turkey & Cheese Croissants
Friday… Broccoli Chicken Casserole
I had already browned the meat for the tacos last week, and the BBQ Chicken was frozen from the other week.  So we just had to prep five meals in all…

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Click for more info on my meal prep plan if you wanna take a stab at a stress free dinnertime. {Did I mention I ♥ them?}
…. and here for more Monday Menu Inspiration from orgjunkie!

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Menu Monday

Up on the menu this week…
Monday… Chicken Spaghetti @ Mom & Dad’s
Tuesday… Mini Meatloaves
Wednesday… BBQ Chicken Wings
Thursday… Favorites Buffet
Friday… Pizza Night
Saturday… Father’s Day Dinner at Howards
Sunday… Slow Cooked Steak

This week we brought Mom & Dad Sunday lunch which proved to be quite the challenging task since they had just arrived and hadn’t even had a chance to start unloading the moving truck.
That meant trying to think of everylittlebittything that you normally take for granted as just being there for your meal… like butter & salt… not to mention plates, cups, and silverware.
Since we were going to be enjoying lunch with them Sunday afternoon, I thankfully decided to prep my dinners on Saturday…
It was a jam-packed day and my hubby decided to help me again!  ♥
We ended up unloading the truck Sunday afternoon and evening.  We didn’t leave for home until after nine o’clock I think, and as tired as I was, I can’t imagine how everyone else feels.  If you haven’t tried to unload a moving truck with SEVEN kids under eight years old around then you are REALLY missing out… on a very interesting experience.  :)  
I wanted to help Mom & Dad with their unpacking craziness by bringing them their dinners for the week, and with the easy meal prep plan it was something I was able to do!!
Here’s what’s on their menu for the week…

Monday… Chicken Spaghetti
Tuesday… Tacos
Wednesday… Crockpot BBQ Chicken
Thursday… Turkey & Cheese Croissants
Friday… Broccoli Chicken Casserole
I had already browned the meat for the tacos last week, and the BBQ Chicken was frozen from the other week.  So we just had to prep five meals in all…

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Click for more info on my meal prep plan if you wanna take a stab at a stress free dinnertime. {Did I mention I ♥ them?}
…. and here for more Monday Menu Inspiration from orgjunkie!

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