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Menu Monday

menu monday 2

{This is what happens when you go to bed “early.”  You wake up and find out the world was a flutter with news that Bin Laden was killed in a real life Jack Bauer scene.  To quote former president George W. Bush… “tonight America has sent an unmistakable message:  No matter how long it takes, justice will be done.”  Took 10 years.  But we did it.

So thankful for the soldiers and those special ops people willing to give their all for our Country.}


I am in the throes of counting calories in an effort to try to f.o.r.c.e this baby weight off-a-me! I am at my pre-weight loss, pre-pregnancy weight currently and am doing my darndest to convince some more poundage to just GO already.

One BIG win last week was also an epic fail in the world of calories.  The meatball subs were SO easy and SO yummy. I thought they tasted just like Subway’s. After I polished off the first one, I considered trying for another {Yes, I did, so sue me.} but thankfully decided against it.  AFTER scarfing it down I figured out the calories to be around  700!  SEVEN HUNDRED!

Say what? 

It WAS good, though. At least I can take comfort in that. 

Our Mini Meatloaf was delicious too.  I used Ground Turkey instead and was surprised at how good they still were… and much lower calorie too. 

Up on the Menu this week…

Monday… Roasted Shrimp

Tuesday… Cheesy Ham & Broccoli

Wednesday… Broiled Steak Bites

Thursday… Leftovers

Friday… Pizza Night

Saturday… Cheese Enchiladas

My time this week was 7 minutes to gather ingredients and utensils and 53 minutes for FOUR MEALS.



Click for more info on my meal prep plan if you wanna take a stab at a stress free dinnertime {Did I mention I ♥ them?}.

…. and here for more Monday Menus!

6 Responses to Menu Monday
  1. Centsible Savings
    May 2, 2011 | 2:54 pm

    Love your GW platter! :)

    I have been stricken with the "love of all things white" bug! LOL! :

  2. Twinmama
    May 3, 2011 | 12:45 am

    Giggling at your 2nd (that I have noticed) shout out to your platter….It is a gorgeous piece! :)

  3. Kelly
    May 3, 2011 | 1:11 am

    do you have a specific recipe for the grilled shrimp?

  4. Phoebe @ GettingFreedom
    May 3, 2011 | 1:50 am

    I have GOT to get this post-baby weight off, too. Summer is coming! LOVE LOVE LOVE That platter, and that you can prep 4 meals in 1 hour!

  5. Renee
    May 3, 2011 | 11:05 am

    Thanks all! And lol Carla. Sorry, I guess I'm proud of it! :)

    Send me an email Kelly… :)

  6. Renee
    May 4, 2011 | 1:01 am

    @Centsible Savings
    It is amazing how white things can just brighten everything up. :)

Menu Monday

menu monday 2

{This is what happens when you go to bed “early.”  You wake up and find out the world was a flutter with news that Bin Laden was killed in a real life Jack Bauer scene.  To quote former president George W. Bush… “tonight America has sent an unmistakable message:  No matter how long it takes, justice will be done.”  Took 10 years.  But we did it.

So thankful for the soldiers and those special ops people willing to give their all for our Country.}


I am in the throes of counting calories in an effort to try to f.o.r.c.e this baby weight off-a-me! I am at my pre-weight loss, pre-pregnancy weight currently and am doing my darndest to convince some more poundage to just GO already.

One BIG win last week was also an epic fail in the world of calories.  The meatball subs were SO easy and SO yummy. I thought they tasted just like Subway’s. After I polished off the first one, I considered trying for another {Yes, I did, so sue me.} but thankfully decided against it.  AFTER scarfing it down I figured out the calories to be around  700!  SEVEN HUNDRED!

Say what? 

It WAS good, though. At least I can take comfort in that. 

Our Mini Meatloaf was delicious too.  I used Ground Turkey instead and was surprised at how good they still were… and much lower calorie too. 

Up on the Menu this week…

Monday… Roasted Shrimp

Tuesday… Cheesy Ham & Broccoli

Wednesday… Broiled Steak Bites

Thursday… Leftovers

Friday… Pizza Night

Saturday… Cheese Enchiladas

My time this week was 7 minutes to gather ingredients and utensils and 53 minutes for FOUR MEALS.



Click for more info on my meal prep plan if you wanna take a stab at a stress free dinnertime {Did I mention I ♥ them?}.

…. and here for more Monday Menus!

6 Responses to Menu Monday
  1. Centsible Savings
    May 2, 2011 | 2:54 pm

    Love your GW platter! :)

    I have been stricken with the "love of all things white" bug! LOL! :

  2. Twinmama
    May 3, 2011 | 12:45 am

    Giggling at your 2nd (that I have noticed) shout out to your platter….It is a gorgeous piece! :)

  3. Kelly
    May 3, 2011 | 1:11 am

    do you have a specific recipe for the grilled shrimp?

  4. Phoebe @ GettingFreedom
    May 3, 2011 | 1:50 am

    I have GOT to get this post-baby weight off, too. Summer is coming! LOVE LOVE LOVE That platter, and that you can prep 4 meals in 1 hour!

  5. Renee
    May 3, 2011 | 11:05 am

    Thanks all! And lol Carla. Sorry, I guess I'm proud of it! :)

    Send me an email Kelly… :)

  6. Renee
    May 4, 2011 | 1:01 am

    @Centsible Savings
    It is amazing how white things can just brighten everything up. :)