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Menu Monday

menu monday 2

This is our first week of SUMMER BREAK!! Wahoo! I am so looking forward to waking up WITHOUT having school on the to do list! :)

{Although, now I guess I can’t put off next year’s curriculum choices much longer, though, huh?}

I am so ready for the lazy, hazy days of summer! The days of swimming and grilling out, of playing outside and going on VACATION!

PLUS… in just a few weeks my parents are moving back to NC! They’ve been down in Florida for TWO WHOLE YEARS! Their house never sold up here so they will be able to move right back in.

Can’t wait.

Up on the menu this week…

Monday… Porcupine Meatballs

Tuesday… Calzone

Wednesday… Teriyaki Honey Mustard Chicken

Thursday… Favorites Night

Friday… Pizza Night

Saturday… French Dip Subs

Sunday… Crockpot Ham

I know I’ve already said this, but I’m serious! If you haven’t tried the Porcupine Meatballs then you just gotta.  My version is pretty low-calorie too using ground turkey and brown rice.  So easy and a kid fave too!

Hoping we can grill the chicken Wednesday on our new grill…a cheap, albeit new and shiny one! It was the result of my recent inspiration to spruce up our deck!  I was bitten by the bug after reading this post from Sand & Sisal.  She has a great step by step list on how to make the most of your outside retreat! Hopefully I’ll be able to show you a fabulous-to-us oasis shortly!  :)

We’re having hubby’s favorite meal Saturday… French Dip Subs!  This one definitely ISN’T low calorie for sure, but it is HIGH on yummy goodness! 

We are both still plugging away on our weight loss goals.  It makes it easier since we’re both doing it!  Chris has even completed his first ever 5K!

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I am so happy to report that at the moment, I’ve lost NINE pounds!  I have my one big ultimate weight loss goal that I hope to reach sometime in the future, but recently it has helped me to set quicker, smaller goals too.  I like getting the more immediate gratification in reaching those smaller goals as I’m trudging along.  :) 

My weekly meal prep this week was only 26 minutes for three meals!  You just can’t beat the return on that investment.  :) 



Click here for more scrumptious menu inspiration from orgjunkie as well as here and here for more info on the 5 dinners in 1 hour Prep Plan that just may change your life


3 Responses to Menu Monday
  1. Heatherfeather
    February 3, 2012 | 8:32 pm

    Do you have the recipe posted (or a link) for the calzone recipe?

  2. Renee Living Laughing Loving
    February 5, 2012 | 4:00 am

    It's really simple. Just roll out refrigerated pizza crust dough add your sauce and toppings down the center. Cut small slits about an inch or so apart down both sides and wrap up.

  3. Heatherfeather
    February 6, 2012 | 3:51 am

    Thanks – I will try that. Sounds perfect on a softball night :)

Menu Monday

menu monday 2

This is our first week of SUMMER BREAK!! Wahoo! I am so looking forward to waking up WITHOUT having school on the to do list! :)

{Although, now I guess I can’t put off next year’s curriculum choices much longer, though, huh?}

I am so ready for the lazy, hazy days of summer! The days of swimming and grilling out, of playing outside and going on VACATION!

PLUS… in just a few weeks my parents are moving back to NC! They’ve been down in Florida for TWO WHOLE YEARS! Their house never sold up here so they will be able to move right back in.

Can’t wait.

Up on the menu this week…

Monday… Porcupine Meatballs

Tuesday… Calzone

Wednesday… Teriyaki Honey Mustard Chicken

Thursday… Favorites Night

Friday… Pizza Night

Saturday… French Dip Subs

Sunday… Crockpot Ham

I know I’ve already said this, but I’m serious! If you haven’t tried the Porcupine Meatballs then you just gotta.  My version is pretty low-calorie too using ground turkey and brown rice.  So easy and a kid fave too!

Hoping we can grill the chicken Wednesday on our new grill…a cheap, albeit new and shiny one! It was the result of my recent inspiration to spruce up our deck!  I was bitten by the bug after reading this post from Sand & Sisal.  She has a great step by step list on how to make the most of your outside retreat! Hopefully I’ll be able to show you a fabulous-to-us oasis shortly!  :)

We’re having hubby’s favorite meal Saturday… French Dip Subs!  This one definitely ISN’T low calorie for sure, but it is HIGH on yummy goodness! 

We are both still plugging away on our weight loss goals.  It makes it easier since we’re both doing it!  Chris has even completed his first ever 5K!

IMG_2239 2

I am so happy to report that at the moment, I’ve lost NINE pounds!  I have my one big ultimate weight loss goal that I hope to reach sometime in the future, but recently it has helped me to set quicker, smaller goals too.  I like getting the more immediate gratification in reaching those smaller goals as I’m trudging along.  :) 

My weekly meal prep this week was only 26 minutes for three meals!  You just can’t beat the return on that investment.  :) 



Click here for more scrumptious menu inspiration from orgjunkie as well as here and here for more info on the 5 dinners in 1 hour Prep Plan that just may change your life


3 Responses to Menu Monday
  1. Heatherfeather
    February 3, 2012 | 8:32 pm

    Do you have the recipe posted (or a link) for the calzone recipe?

  2. Renee Living Laughing Loving
    February 5, 2012 | 4:00 am

    It's really simple. Just roll out refrigerated pizza crust dough add your sauce and toppings down the center. Cut small slits about an inch or so apart down both sides and wrap up.

  3. Heatherfeather
    February 6, 2012 | 3:51 am

    Thanks – I will try that. Sounds perfect on a softball night :)