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Marley & Me **** Warning! Spoiler Alert!****

If you know my husband at all, then you know of his unwavering love for dogs. He had several growing up, back when he was a cutie-patuty little youngster like this…

…and we even had an amazing golden retriever, Abby, right after Haylee was born. She was the absolute best dog ever, so incredible with Haylee. She was practically Haylee’s pull up toy, and she always sat ever willing to endure this abuse. We were soooooo sad when she was hit by a car when Haylee was around 18 months old.

One day we plan to get another dog when we have a house with a fenced in yard…

So, all that brings me to the other night when we finally rented Marley & Me. We cracked up at all the funny dog antics, but when we watched Marley hobble up the steps, Chris let out a “Uh oh. This isn’t a bad movie, is it???”

I had found out the ending way back when it was in the theater, so I grimaced a bit, and let him know to expect the worst. I had neglected to share the bad ending with him prior to that, because I didn’t want him to back out of watching the movie! It was only downhill from there, watching poor Marley as she got more and more pitiful. I wish you could have heard my tough, no-kind-of-scary-or-disturbing-movie-affects-me, husband.

You would have heard statements like, “This is the worst movie I’ve ever seen!” and “Ahhh! This movie is horrible!” I looked over at one point to see him pitifully wiping away tears over poor Marley! He did finish it, but the rest of the evening and even the next day he made sure I knew how much he hated that movie!

I find it so hilarious and somehow wrong, that we are so different. He can watch anything no matter how scary and seem to be totally unaffected while those kind of movies stay with me, and I often am lying in bed trying to go to sleep thinking about the characters, etc.

When we were dating, he was soooo excited to show me his favorite movie. What is it, you ask? Only one of the most disturbing movies ever… “Seven.” It’s with Brad Pitt and Kevin Spacey. Spacey is a serial killer and the ending is horrid. An important character dies and the good guy ends up getting arrested, and the middle is full of incredibly horrendous murders. When it ended, I sat there and cried. Poor Chris was not sure what to do with me at that point. I wonder if in that moment he realized that our lifetime of movie watching was NOT going to be movies like the one we had just watched! :) I think we ended up going to Cracker Barrel in an attempt to lighten the mood and get my mind off the wretchedness of that movie. :)

Maybe him experiencing Marley & Me will make him appreciate how the scary movies affect me! A little empathy can be a good thing…

As for me, I let him know that I was soooo blogging about this…

One Response to Marley & Me **** Warning! Spoiler Alert!****
  1. strike
    October 7, 2009 | 5:42 am

    Marley and me is a family comedy drama about John and Jennifer who have just started off with their careers and marriage and bring home a dog named Marley. .This movie is very funny movie .I download Marley and me movie from this website.

Marley & Me **** Warning! Spoiler Alert!****

If you know my husband at all, then you know of his unwavering love for dogs. He had several growing up, back when he was a cutie-patuty little youngster like this…

…and we even had an amazing golden retriever, Abby, right after Haylee was born. She was the absolute best dog ever, so incredible with Haylee. She was practically Haylee’s pull up toy, and she always sat ever willing to endure this abuse. We were soooooo sad when she was hit by a car when Haylee was around 18 months old.

One day we plan to get another dog when we have a house with a fenced in yard…

So, all that brings me to the other night when we finally rented Marley & Me. We cracked up at all the funny dog antics, but when we watched Marley hobble up the steps, Chris let out a “Uh oh. This isn’t a bad movie, is it???”

I had found out the ending way back when it was in the theater, so I grimaced a bit, and let him know to expect the worst. I had neglected to share the bad ending with him prior to that, because I didn’t want him to back out of watching the movie! It was only downhill from there, watching poor Marley as she got more and more pitiful. I wish you could have heard my tough, no-kind-of-scary-or-disturbing-movie-affects-me, husband.

You would have heard statements like, “This is the worst movie I’ve ever seen!” and “Ahhh! This movie is horrible!” I looked over at one point to see him pitifully wiping away tears over poor Marley! He did finish it, but the rest of the evening and even the next day he made sure I knew how much he hated that movie!

I find it so hilarious and somehow wrong, that we are so different. He can watch anything no matter how scary and seem to be totally unaffected while those kind of movies stay with me, and I often am lying in bed trying to go to sleep thinking about the characters, etc.

When we were dating, he was soooo excited to show me his favorite movie. What is it, you ask? Only one of the most disturbing movies ever… “Seven.” It’s with Brad Pitt and Kevin Spacey. Spacey is a serial killer and the ending is horrid. An important character dies and the good guy ends up getting arrested, and the middle is full of incredibly horrendous murders. When it ended, I sat there and cried. Poor Chris was not sure what to do with me at that point. I wonder if in that moment he realized that our lifetime of movie watching was NOT going to be movies like the one we had just watched! :) I think we ended up going to Cracker Barrel in an attempt to lighten the mood and get my mind off the wretchedness of that movie. :)

Maybe him experiencing Marley & Me will make him appreciate how the scary movies affect me! A little empathy can be a good thing…

As for me, I let him know that I was soooo blogging about this…

One Response to Marley & Me **** Warning! Spoiler Alert!****
  1. strike
    October 7, 2009 | 5:42 am

    Marley and me is a family comedy drama about John and Jennifer who have just started off with their careers and marriage and bring home a dog named Marley. .This movie is very funny movie .I download Marley and me movie from this website.