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If you don’t make it…they will come!

The bed that is. I don’t if you can call it Murphy’s Law or not, but it seems to inevitably happen when I decide to let myself slack for a day and NOT make the bed that someone or group of someones HAPPEN to drop by! Now, don’t get me wrong. I am a big believer in the idea of a made bed and its benefits. There is something about a made bed and how it can change the appearance of a room. It also has a pleasing to the eye quality that is easing to my mind. It can psychologically make me feel good or bad based on whether I’ve made it yet or not.

Earlier in our marriage when I was working outside the home, I usually left the bed-making (GASP) to when I got home in the afternoon. A lot of times, Chris was still in bed when I left, so making the bed would have been quite interesting! :) But in reality, I’m not a morning person. I usually sleep as long as possible leaving me rushing around, running out the door trying to make it on time. :) I’m not proud of that fact, just sharing reality.

Making the bed at 4 or 5 or 6 pm makes the purpose of the task seem even less necessary. Making the bed when you are going to be “unmaking” it in mere hours seems frivolous maybe, but I always wanted it to look good when Chris got home. Having the bed made gives the impression of a clean house at the very least!

These days, I try to make it early in the day. It’s a good day when I roll out of bed and make it immediately. I should do that more often, I know. Yesterday, I decided to let myself slack a bit and not make it since I had not done it yet and was running out the door to do my triples shopping and after that I was heading to mom’s.
After church last night, Chris informed me that our place had indeed been Grand Central Station last night. His buddy from work had come by to check out all the work Chris had done as well as our neighbor Frances and her son. Argghh! Why didn’t I just take the 2 minutes and make the bed? Of course, if I had, no one would have come.
6 Responses to If you don’t make it…they will come!
  1. Jia
    March 29, 2007 | 7:54 pm

    Girl I am so with you about making the bed! I’m glad someone else says it on their blog! It’s important! Rock on Sistah-Friend!

  2. Rachel
    March 30, 2007 | 2:46 pm

    Now, I have to agree and disagree with you about your philosophy. You see, you have a lovely bedcover which deserves the opportunity to be seen.

    I, however, have a very sad, very ugly bedcover, that is much better left on the floor. I personally think my sheets are more interesting to the eye (and they are white).

    Maybe some day I’ll finally quilt myself a bedcover and then I’ll heartily agree with you! :)

  3. EE
    April 5, 2007 | 2:47 am

    Only 1 bed in our house gets made daily…that of my 10 year old daughter.
    I feel like such a slob!!!

  4. Lisa Knight
    April 5, 2007 | 1:55 pm

    I am a flybaby ( so making the bed is huge! I love how my room looks with it made, that said, dh works 3rd, so I haven’t been doing it, he doesn’t get up til noon or so & by then I am off doing other stuff…I can’t wait till he goes back to a “real” job & is gone all day so I can make my bed! (LOL!)

    BTW I love your bed & quilt!!!

  5. Renee
    April 5, 2007 | 5:12 pm

    Thanks… people are always shocked when I tell them I got it at good old Wally World!

  6. Bette Anne
    April 7, 2007 | 7:37 pm

    I never ever made my bed consistently until I joined the Army… That said, I still don’t do it everyday, but it definitely makes me feel so much better about the room when it’s done. And, I agree with Rachel, now that I have a comforter set that I love, I don’t mind making the bed nearly as much!

If you don’t make it…they will come!

The bed that is. I don’t if you can call it Murphy’s Law or not, but it seems to inevitably happen when I decide to let myself slack for a day and NOT make the bed that someone or group of someones HAPPEN to drop by! Now, don’t get me wrong. I am a big believer in the idea of a made bed and its benefits. There is something about a made bed and how it can change the appearance of a room. It also has a pleasing to the eye quality that is easing to my mind. It can psychologically make me feel good or bad based on whether I’ve made it yet or not.

Earlier in our marriage when I was working outside the home, I usually left the bed-making (GASP) to when I got home in the afternoon. A lot of times, Chris was still in bed when I left, so making the bed would have been quite interesting! :) But in reality, I’m not a morning person. I usually sleep as long as possible leaving me rushing around, running out the door trying to make it on time. :) I’m not proud of that fact, just sharing reality.

Making the bed at 4 or 5 or 6 pm makes the purpose of the task seem even less necessary. Making the bed when you are going to be “unmaking” it in mere hours seems frivolous maybe, but I always wanted it to look good when Chris got home. Having the bed made gives the impression of a clean house at the very least!

These days, I try to make it early in the day. It’s a good day when I roll out of bed and make it immediately. I should do that more often, I know. Yesterday, I decided to let myself slack a bit and not make it since I had not done it yet and was running out the door to do my triples shopping and after that I was heading to mom’s.
After church last night, Chris informed me that our place had indeed been Grand Central Station last night. His buddy from work had come by to check out all the work Chris had done as well as our neighbor Frances and her son. Argghh! Why didn’t I just take the 2 minutes and make the bed? Of course, if I had, no one would have come.
6 Responses to If you don’t make it…they will come!
  1. Jia
    March 29, 2007 | 7:54 pm

    Girl I am so with you about making the bed! I’m glad someone else says it on their blog! It’s important! Rock on Sistah-Friend!

  2. Rachel
    March 30, 2007 | 2:46 pm

    Now, I have to agree and disagree with you about your philosophy. You see, you have a lovely bedcover which deserves the opportunity to be seen.

    I, however, have a very sad, very ugly bedcover, that is much better left on the floor. I personally think my sheets are more interesting to the eye (and they are white).

    Maybe some day I’ll finally quilt myself a bedcover and then I’ll heartily agree with you! :)

  3. EE
    April 5, 2007 | 2:47 am

    Only 1 bed in our house gets made daily…that of my 10 year old daughter.
    I feel like such a slob!!!

  4. Lisa Knight
    April 5, 2007 | 1:55 pm

    I am a flybaby ( so making the bed is huge! I love how my room looks with it made, that said, dh works 3rd, so I haven’t been doing it, he doesn’t get up til noon or so & by then I am off doing other stuff…I can’t wait till he goes back to a “real” job & is gone all day so I can make my bed! (LOL!)

    BTW I love your bed & quilt!!!

  5. Renee
    April 5, 2007 | 5:12 pm

    Thanks… people are always shocked when I tell them I got it at good old Wally World!

  6. Bette Anne
    April 7, 2007 | 7:37 pm

    I never ever made my bed consistently until I joined the Army… That said, I still don’t do it everyday, but it definitely makes me feel so much better about the room when it’s done. And, I agree with Rachel, now that I have a comforter set that I love, I don’t mind making the bed nearly as much!