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Hooray… and other news…

So proud of my sweetie! Earned Principal’s list (straight A’s) this quarter and received the Good Conduct award for her class!

Last year, they didn’t give out letter grades. The report card was more of a “mastered”, “not mastered” type thing which is fine, but that didn’t really translate concretely like A, B, etc. First grade is somewhat different with real quizzes and tests and things, which so far we seem to be handling okay. Not that straight A’s are the measure of all things good, but we are proud of her for her accomplishments! She actually earned Good Conduct with the same boy she earned it with 1st quarter last year! *Good Job, Trent!*

Tonight we had an interesting convo…
Haylee… “What’s for supper?”
Me… “Frozen pizza.”
Haylee… “Why does it have to be frozen?”
Me, trying to curtail her complaining… “Why can’t it be frozen?”
Haylee, confused… “Well, then it will be… cold.”


This is at the Junior Jamboree at School last Friday… basically a carnival type fundraiser for the Junior class. She is showing off her painted nails and face… :)

Wade is doing well too… growing like crazy and keeping me ever and always on my toes! He has this devil-ish twinkle in his eye right before he sets out to conquer and destroy whatever is in his path. Mom and Dad are here to visit for the week and B and crew came down as well. We had fun Saturday night eating and talking and letting the kiddos play their hearts out. Wade was in his dream toyland with all of Jared and Jacob’s toys.. like, cars, trucks, and balls and all things boy! At our house, it seems the majority of the toys are either girl or just neutral. Lest you feel sorry for him, he does have PLENTY of toys of his own that he manages to get strewn about the house. Sometimes I think he loves the dumping of the toys more than the playing with the toys.

But, we are so happy to have the whole week to see Grandma and Grandpa!!! We have missed them so much!
B even brought me an overflowing boxful of Eli’s hand-me-downs! Lots of jeans, and cords, and polos, and jackets, a suit and a couple pair of oh-my-goodness-so-cute shoes…

I laid out his outfit for church today… l/s dress shirt, sweater vest, and cords (most of which was from Eli), and as I was about to change him, he reached down and touched it and said, “Daddy!” I think he thought his clothes were like Daddy’s clothes.

In other news, our church has FINALLY called a pastor with a 98% vote! It has been 2.5 years since the former pastor resigned which ironically was the 2nd or 3rd Sunday we visited the church! I am excited to see what good things are ahead of our church and school with Pastor Boyles…

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

2 Responses to Hooray… and other news…
  1. Leah
    November 25, 2009 | 1:00 pm

    How stinkin' cute does he look in his "big boy" outfit! Congrats to Hayley! Way to go!!! :)

  2. Ellen
    November 26, 2009 | 10:49 pm

    Congrats to Haylee. And I'm lovin' the big boy clothes on Wade, too. I hope you're having a wonderful time with your parents.

Hooray… and other news…

So proud of my sweetie! Earned Principal’s list (straight A’s) this quarter and received the Good Conduct award for her class!

Last year, they didn’t give out letter grades. The report card was more of a “mastered”, “not mastered” type thing which is fine, but that didn’t really translate concretely like A, B, etc. First grade is somewhat different with real quizzes and tests and things, which so far we seem to be handling okay. Not that straight A’s are the measure of all things good, but we are proud of her for her accomplishments! She actually earned Good Conduct with the same boy she earned it with 1st quarter last year! *Good Job, Trent!*

Tonight we had an interesting convo…
Haylee… “What’s for supper?”
Me… “Frozen pizza.”
Haylee… “Why does it have to be frozen?”
Me, trying to curtail her complaining… “Why can’t it be frozen?”
Haylee, confused… “Well, then it will be… cold.”


This is at the Junior Jamboree at School last Friday… basically a carnival type fundraiser for the Junior class. She is showing off her painted nails and face… :)

Wade is doing well too… growing like crazy and keeping me ever and always on my toes! He has this devil-ish twinkle in his eye right before he sets out to conquer and destroy whatever is in his path. Mom and Dad are here to visit for the week and B and crew came down as well. We had fun Saturday night eating and talking and letting the kiddos play their hearts out. Wade was in his dream toyland with all of Jared and Jacob’s toys.. like, cars, trucks, and balls and all things boy! At our house, it seems the majority of the toys are either girl or just neutral. Lest you feel sorry for him, he does have PLENTY of toys of his own that he manages to get strewn about the house. Sometimes I think he loves the dumping of the toys more than the playing with the toys.

But, we are so happy to have the whole week to see Grandma and Grandpa!!! We have missed them so much!
B even brought me an overflowing boxful of Eli’s hand-me-downs! Lots of jeans, and cords, and polos, and jackets, a suit and a couple pair of oh-my-goodness-so-cute shoes…

I laid out his outfit for church today… l/s dress shirt, sweater vest, and cords (most of which was from Eli), and as I was about to change him, he reached down and touched it and said, “Daddy!” I think he thought his clothes were like Daddy’s clothes.

In other news, our church has FINALLY called a pastor with a 98% vote! It has been 2.5 years since the former pastor resigned which ironically was the 2nd or 3rd Sunday we visited the church! I am excited to see what good things are ahead of our church and school with Pastor Boyles…

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

2 Responses to Hooray… and other news…
  1. Leah
    November 25, 2009 | 1:00 pm

    How stinkin' cute does he look in his "big boy" outfit! Congrats to Hayley! Way to go!!! :)

  2. Ellen
    November 26, 2009 | 10:49 pm

    Congrats to Haylee. And I'm lovin' the big boy clothes on Wade, too. I hope you're having a wonderful time with your parents.