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Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2011/2012!

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Just under TWO WEEKS until our FIRST day of school

Say what??

The summer has done what it always seems to do every year… f-l-y by!

One BIG question on every homeschooler’s lips at this point in the summer is “What are your curriculum choices this year??”

Our choices are pretty cut and dry since we decided to go with the BJU Distance Learning where you basically fork over a big ol’ chunk of change, and you get every last little subject for that price. 

You CAN actually just pick only a subject or two if you want, but the cost comparison is slightly ridiculous paying for just one or two subjects versus paying just a bit more and getting ALL subjects.

So… we paid our whopping $899 and got ALL of the subjects, though we did decide to switch one of the subjects.  Can you spot it?  :) 


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I spent some time listening to some Orientation Lessons meant just for parents for her subjects, and I have to say it was HILARIOUS to me that you could choose to speed up the video x3 making the teacher talk faster and therefore help you get through it faster. 

It reminded me of the old skits we used to do where the director tells the “cast” to do it slower, then faster, than opera style etc.    Hilarious though it was, I do appreciate the opportunity to still listen, but listen faster.  :)

I have to share this Free Homeschool Planner from Money Saving Mom that is pretty nifty to help plan your school year, and who doesn’t LOVE free???? 

{I personally get annoyed at blogs linking their cool printables to their ETSY shop, don’t you?  Boo!  Ha, Ha!}

I’m linking up to the *Not* Back to School Blog Hop at Heart of the Matter…


So… gotta ask that BIG question to YOU now!

What are your Curriculum Choices this year?? 

7 Responses to Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2011/2012!
  1. Lisa
    August 2, 2011 | 2:14 pm

    We have done the BJU package deal before (but not the distance learning part of it.) It is nice to have everything put together for you!

    I hope this year is a good one for you!

  2. fixedonHIM
    August 2, 2011 | 2:24 pm

    I recognize that Abeka Spelling & Poetry… that must be the one! We used to be exclusive to Abeka.

    I really like how you showed a pic of the inside of each subject. Very helpful! Have you used BJU before? I would like to know how your daughter likes their readers.


  3. Sherri
    August 2, 2011 | 3:10 pm

    Hope ya'll have a great year!

    I really had to look hard to realize that was an A-Beka book stuck in amongst all that BJU stuff! LOL

    And thanks for sharing that planner… I *love* that you can type everything in & then print it out!!!


  4. Renee
    August 2, 2011 | 3:14 pm

    Denise, I've used the BJU Bible, Spelling and English but most of the other subjects will be brand new. :) Hoping we'll be happy!

    Sherri, I know! It is nice to find a pdf someone shares that is editable.

  5. Leslie
    August 2, 2011 | 6:58 pm

    BJU is a great program. My SIL does the distance learning with her kids and they love it. I've always wanted to try it but it is so expensive. ): I know it is worth the money though! Do you have a link to see a sample of the videos? Thanks so much for your comment on my blog- I hope you have a great year!

  6. Cara Brooke
    August 2, 2011 | 7:36 pm

    Thanks for the comment on my blog! Thought I'd return the favor. :)

    I'm liking the idea of just handing over $900 and being done with it! Hmmm.

    Looks likes you've got a well-stocked, well-organized year ahead of you! Good luck!

  7. Alicia
    August 3, 2011 | 4:41 am

    We are doing Abeka this year. I am super nervous because I don't claim to be a teacher, but the Lord provided all the teacher books and all we had to do was buy the students books. Here goes nothing!!! Starting in less then one week!

Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2011/2012!

IMG_2676 2

Just under TWO WEEKS until our FIRST day of school

Say what??

The summer has done what it always seems to do every year… f-l-y by!

One BIG question on every homeschooler’s lips at this point in the summer is “What are your curriculum choices this year??”

Our choices are pretty cut and dry since we decided to go with the BJU Distance Learning where you basically fork over a big ol’ chunk of change, and you get every last little subject for that price. 

You CAN actually just pick only a subject or two if you want, but the cost comparison is slightly ridiculous paying for just one or two subjects versus paying just a bit more and getting ALL subjects.

So… we paid our whopping $899 and got ALL of the subjects, though we did decide to switch one of the subjects.  Can you spot it?  :) 


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I spent some time listening to some Orientation Lessons meant just for parents for her subjects, and I have to say it was HILARIOUS to me that you could choose to speed up the video x3 making the teacher talk faster and therefore help you get through it faster. 

It reminded me of the old skits we used to do where the director tells the “cast” to do it slower, then faster, than opera style etc.    Hilarious though it was, I do appreciate the opportunity to still listen, but listen faster.  :)

I have to share this Free Homeschool Planner from Money Saving Mom that is pretty nifty to help plan your school year, and who doesn’t LOVE free???? 

{I personally get annoyed at blogs linking their cool printables to their ETSY shop, don’t you?  Boo!  Ha, Ha!}

I’m linking up to the *Not* Back to School Blog Hop at Heart of the Matter…


So… gotta ask that BIG question to YOU now!

What are your Curriculum Choices this year?? 

7 Responses to Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2011/2012!
  1. Lisa
    August 2, 2011 | 2:14 pm

    We have done the BJU package deal before (but not the distance learning part of it.) It is nice to have everything put together for you!

    I hope this year is a good one for you!

  2. fixedonHIM
    August 2, 2011 | 2:24 pm

    I recognize that Abeka Spelling & Poetry… that must be the one! We used to be exclusive to Abeka.

    I really like how you showed a pic of the inside of each subject. Very helpful! Have you used BJU before? I would like to know how your daughter likes their readers.


  3. Sherri
    August 2, 2011 | 3:10 pm

    Hope ya'll have a great year!

    I really had to look hard to realize that was an A-Beka book stuck in amongst all that BJU stuff! LOL

    And thanks for sharing that planner… I *love* that you can type everything in & then print it out!!!


  4. Renee
    August 2, 2011 | 3:14 pm

    Denise, I've used the BJU Bible, Spelling and English but most of the other subjects will be brand new. :) Hoping we'll be happy!

    Sherri, I know! It is nice to find a pdf someone shares that is editable.

  5. Leslie
    August 2, 2011 | 6:58 pm

    BJU is a great program. My SIL does the distance learning with her kids and they love it. I've always wanted to try it but it is so expensive. ): I know it is worth the money though! Do you have a link to see a sample of the videos? Thanks so much for your comment on my blog- I hope you have a great year!

  6. Cara Brooke
    August 2, 2011 | 7:36 pm

    Thanks for the comment on my blog! Thought I'd return the favor. :)

    I'm liking the idea of just handing over $900 and being done with it! Hmmm.

    Looks likes you've got a well-stocked, well-organized year ahead of you! Good luck!

  7. Alicia
    August 3, 2011 | 4:41 am

    We are doing Abeka this year. I am super nervous because I don't claim to be a teacher, but the Lord provided all the teacher books and all we had to do was buy the students books. Here goes nothing!!! Starting in less then one week!