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Home Alone…

So the kiddos and I are officially home alone. Chris left for Pennsylvania for some new software training Sunday afternoon, and I headed to mom’s for a day or two. Mom, B & Eli fly out tomorrow morning for New York, so Haylee, Wade & I all loaded up the car and headed back to Mt Holly.

I hate to even mention how much I don’t like staying alone because of others that I know that have endured much longer separations… but yet, still… I don’t like it.

I have lots to do while he’s gone. I am crossing my fingers that I can accomplish at least some of it. A lot of things will have to be limited to naps or night time, but maybe Wade will be sweet to his Momma! :)

He will arrive back Thursday evening and will most likely head straight to school from the airport to take his final in Economics. He has the option of taking the final or doing a 25 page research paper, and at this point, he thinks he is going with the final. This class has been somewhat of a nightmare for them as it is the professor’s first year teaching. Sometimes the most brilliant minds make less than stellar teachers, since it is hard for them to explain things on a simple enough level for the common folk. :)

After taking the final, he will then finally be able to come home! And then… as if his week hasn’t been crazy enough… we are planning to leave early Friday morning to drive up to New York for a Family Reunion/Birthday party. My most fabulous Grandma Bunts is turning a whopping 90 this year and throngs of family and friends are travelling to NY to celebrate with her.

This is Haylee & Grandma… July ’06

It’s about a 10 hour drive which will mean at least a couple of stops for feeding the Wadester. We have a dvd player thing somewhere that I must try to dig up for Haylee’s amusement. I haven’t seen it in a while, though, so who knows if my efforts will be successful. :)

I have laundry to fold and packing for all the fam… and of course, NOT focusing on every bump, creak and groan in the night. :)

7 Responses to Home Alone…
  1. Bette Anne
    June 4, 2008 | 1:59 am

    Good luck getting everything done! I still have quite a few things to accomplish, but I really enjoyed y’all coming over for a few days, yay! ;)

    See y’all in NY!

  2. Amy's Journal
    June 4, 2008 | 2:41 am

    Okay the way gas is is flying cheapier than driving.. Just wondering.. but the home alone thing.. not for amy at all… i hate everything about it.. i sleep on the couch with the tv on and hear everyone outside trying to break in.. LOL.. have fun.. what a fun trip

  3. Renee
    June 4, 2008 | 2:49 am

    We looked into flying, but leaving on a Friday would have been about $400 a ticket… So didn’t work out to be cheaper. It would have been nice though. :)

  4. Ellen
    June 4, 2008 | 1:08 pm

    You have just one more night… I don’t like being home alone either.

    Hope you are getting everything accomplished.

    Have a safe trip and enjoy the time with family!


  5. Rachel
    June 4, 2008 | 3:04 pm

    I hope you have a safe drive to New York, and that you’re not too lonely without your hubby! I’ve never really had to be away from Andy in the evenings, but I’m sure it’s not fun!

    Hope you have a great time with your mom, and tell her hello for me! To this day, she’s still my favorite teacher I’ve ever had!

  6. The Barth Family
    June 4, 2008 | 5:01 pm

    You sound like me… Not only do I not like being home alone, I think I’m less motivated to do stuff when Dnany’s not here. :(

    We’ll pray for ya! Take it easy on the drive and be careful… but most of all HAVE FUN!

  7. Amy
    June 5, 2008 | 6:08 am

    Hey Renee! I finally found your blog and I’ve seen you on facebook a time or two. I’m glad to see that you’re doing fine and Congratulations on your new baby!
    I’m home alone at the moment too. Brian is also in PA for some trianing and will be back Friday.
    Have fun on your trip to NY and be safe!

    ~Amy Cook

Home Alone…

So the kiddos and I are officially home alone. Chris left for Pennsylvania for some new software training Sunday afternoon, and I headed to mom’s for a day or two. Mom, B & Eli fly out tomorrow morning for New York, so Haylee, Wade & I all loaded up the car and headed back to Mt Holly.

I hate to even mention how much I don’t like staying alone because of others that I know that have endured much longer separations… but yet, still… I don’t like it.

I have lots to do while he’s gone. I am crossing my fingers that I can accomplish at least some of it. A lot of things will have to be limited to naps or night time, but maybe Wade will be sweet to his Momma! :)

He will arrive back Thursday evening and will most likely head straight to school from the airport to take his final in Economics. He has the option of taking the final or doing a 25 page research paper, and at this point, he thinks he is going with the final. This class has been somewhat of a nightmare for them as it is the professor’s first year teaching. Sometimes the most brilliant minds make less than stellar teachers, since it is hard for them to explain things on a simple enough level for the common folk. :)

After taking the final, he will then finally be able to come home! And then… as if his week hasn’t been crazy enough… we are planning to leave early Friday morning to drive up to New York for a Family Reunion/Birthday party. My most fabulous Grandma Bunts is turning a whopping 90 this year and throngs of family and friends are travelling to NY to celebrate with her.

This is Haylee & Grandma… July ’06

It’s about a 10 hour drive which will mean at least a couple of stops for feeding the Wadester. We have a dvd player thing somewhere that I must try to dig up for Haylee’s amusement. I haven’t seen it in a while, though, so who knows if my efforts will be successful. :)

I have laundry to fold and packing for all the fam… and of course, NOT focusing on every bump, creak and groan in the night. :)

7 Responses to Home Alone…
  1. Bette Anne
    June 4, 2008 | 1:59 am

    Good luck getting everything done! I still have quite a few things to accomplish, but I really enjoyed y’all coming over for a few days, yay! ;)

    See y’all in NY!

  2. Amy's Journal
    June 4, 2008 | 2:41 am

    Okay the way gas is is flying cheapier than driving.. Just wondering.. but the home alone thing.. not for amy at all… i hate everything about it.. i sleep on the couch with the tv on and hear everyone outside trying to break in.. LOL.. have fun.. what a fun trip

  3. Renee
    June 4, 2008 | 2:49 am

    We looked into flying, but leaving on a Friday would have been about $400 a ticket… So didn’t work out to be cheaper. It would have been nice though. :)

  4. Ellen
    June 4, 2008 | 1:08 pm

    You have just one more night… I don’t like being home alone either.

    Hope you are getting everything accomplished.

    Have a safe trip and enjoy the time with family!


  5. Rachel
    June 4, 2008 | 3:04 pm

    I hope you have a safe drive to New York, and that you’re not too lonely without your hubby! I’ve never really had to be away from Andy in the evenings, but I’m sure it’s not fun!

    Hope you have a great time with your mom, and tell her hello for me! To this day, she’s still my favorite teacher I’ve ever had!

  6. The Barth Family
    June 4, 2008 | 5:01 pm

    You sound like me… Not only do I not like being home alone, I think I’m less motivated to do stuff when Dnany’s not here. :(

    We’ll pray for ya! Take it easy on the drive and be careful… but most of all HAVE FUN!

  7. Amy
    June 5, 2008 | 6:08 am

    Hey Renee! I finally found your blog and I’ve seen you on facebook a time or two. I’m glad to see that you’re doing fine and Congratulations on your new baby!
    I’m home alone at the moment too. Brian is also in PA for some trianing and will be back Friday.
    Have fun on your trip to NY and be safe!

    ~Amy Cook