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Home Again, Home Again…

We left on our Roadtrip at the sad and late hour of 9 am on Friday, and 13 hours later we finally arrived in New York… exhausted, emotional (to be honest, I was the only emotional one…), and hungry.

We stopped several times along the way, and it really seemed that we were the travelling circus with all the hopping around I was doing in between the front and middle seat… trying whatever necessary to pacify the Wadester…

I’m sure I was giving motorists a nice shot from their rearview mirrors of me turned all the way around in the front seat on my knees soothing Wade with my derrière in full view. You could say that he definitely did not travel well, which was the reason I was drained when we FINALLY got there.

Haylee, on the other hand, did fabulous. She had four movies that she watched on the way up… and on the way back. :) Chris had the brilliant idea of taking headphones which was nice for us, but Haylee kept “yelling” questions and comments to me with no idea she was “yelling.” :)

She also had some other things to occupy her attention too. She absolutely loves anything artsy. Crayons, markers, paint… you name it, she loves it. This is one of my favorites, the Color Wonders markers and coloring book. I’m sure the whole world knows about Color Wonders, but just in case you don’t, it is a fabulous invention that only lets you color on the special paper, and NOT on clothes, walls or skin! :)

This is a shot of me taken by Haylee before I went insane from the 13 hour trip. :)

It was hot, hot, hot all weekend long. An interesting side note you think I’m sharing, right? No. This was pivotal to our weekend since nowhere we went had AC! We had the big birthday celebration at a nearby camp that has had a big part in the the lives of many in the Bunts family. The gala began at 1 pm and none of the camp facilities had air. We nearly melted our first day there. The church on Sunday also was air condition-less as well as my Grandma’s house. I am just not used to surviving w/o air. Everyone gets miserable and crabby after five minutes in the heat. You have to feel sorry for the babies b/c they look so hot and just seem to conduct heat when you’re holding them. Thankfully we did have the blessed sweet AC in our hotel!

The Reunion itself was CRAZY with all the Bunts relatives swarming around, but I know that Grandma was so thrilled that we all were there. There were some that came as far as Alaska and others from Colorado. One of my cousins, Rob, who is a warrant officer in the Army, was able to surprise everyone and came all the way from Iraq! I will post some pics of the crazy fam on a later post…

We left to come back home Monday morning about 11:30 and got in around 12:30 am… I think we picked up some tricks from the trip up there because everything seemed to go much better. I’m pretty sure I was back and forth between the front and back seat just as much, but with less screaming drama. :)

Ah! Home sweet home… nothing like it, especially after 13 hours in the car.

2 Responses to Home Again, Home Again…
  1. Twinmama
    June 11, 2008 | 9:31 pm

    Oh wow! Sounds like you did ok. I would have pulled my hair out! I could not have made it for THIRTEEN HOURS!! And no AC anywhere you went?? AAAhhhh! (Was it over 100 degrees like down here??)Oh the things we do for family…..!!
    Missed you in blogworld…:)

  2. Rachel
    June 12, 2008 | 3:30 am

    I can COMPLETELY relate with the going insane after a car trip thing. It’s about a 16 hour drive from my house to my parents’, and I feel like dying rather than make the drive. It’s never easy with kids, either.

    Glad you’re home safe and sound! Turn down the AC!

    (Seriously, how in the world did people SURVIVE before AC?)

Home Again, Home Again…

We left on our Roadtrip at the sad and late hour of 9 am on Friday, and 13 hours later we finally arrived in New York… exhausted, emotional (to be honest, I was the only emotional one…), and hungry.

We stopped several times along the way, and it really seemed that we were the travelling circus with all the hopping around I was doing in between the front and middle seat… trying whatever necessary to pacify the Wadester…

I’m sure I was giving motorists a nice shot from their rearview mirrors of me turned all the way around in the front seat on my knees soothing Wade with my derrière in full view. You could say that he definitely did not travel well, which was the reason I was drained when we FINALLY got there.

Haylee, on the other hand, did fabulous. She had four movies that she watched on the way up… and on the way back. :) Chris had the brilliant idea of taking headphones which was nice for us, but Haylee kept “yelling” questions and comments to me with no idea she was “yelling.” :)

She also had some other things to occupy her attention too. She absolutely loves anything artsy. Crayons, markers, paint… you name it, she loves it. This is one of my favorites, the Color Wonders markers and coloring book. I’m sure the whole world knows about Color Wonders, but just in case you don’t, it is a fabulous invention that only lets you color on the special paper, and NOT on clothes, walls or skin! :)

This is a shot of me taken by Haylee before I went insane from the 13 hour trip. :)

It was hot, hot, hot all weekend long. An interesting side note you think I’m sharing, right? No. This was pivotal to our weekend since nowhere we went had AC! We had the big birthday celebration at a nearby camp that has had a big part in the the lives of many in the Bunts family. The gala began at 1 pm and none of the camp facilities had air. We nearly melted our first day there. The church on Sunday also was air condition-less as well as my Grandma’s house. I am just not used to surviving w/o air. Everyone gets miserable and crabby after five minutes in the heat. You have to feel sorry for the babies b/c they look so hot and just seem to conduct heat when you’re holding them. Thankfully we did have the blessed sweet AC in our hotel!

The Reunion itself was CRAZY with all the Bunts relatives swarming around, but I know that Grandma was so thrilled that we all were there. There were some that came as far as Alaska and others from Colorado. One of my cousins, Rob, who is a warrant officer in the Army, was able to surprise everyone and came all the way from Iraq! I will post some pics of the crazy fam on a later post…

We left to come back home Monday morning about 11:30 and got in around 12:30 am… I think we picked up some tricks from the trip up there because everything seemed to go much better. I’m pretty sure I was back and forth between the front and back seat just as much, but with less screaming drama. :)

Ah! Home sweet home… nothing like it, especially after 13 hours in the car.

2 Responses to Home Again, Home Again…
  1. Twinmama
    June 11, 2008 | 9:31 pm

    Oh wow! Sounds like you did ok. I would have pulled my hair out! I could not have made it for THIRTEEN HOURS!! And no AC anywhere you went?? AAAhhhh! (Was it over 100 degrees like down here??)Oh the things we do for family…..!!
    Missed you in blogworld…:)

  2. Rachel
    June 12, 2008 | 3:30 am

    I can COMPLETELY relate with the going insane after a car trip thing. It’s about a 16 hour drive from my house to my parents’, and I feel like dying rather than make the drive. It’s never easy with kids, either.

    Glad you’re home safe and sound! Turn down the AC!

    (Seriously, how in the world did people SURVIVE before AC?)