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He Strikes Again…

The other day I was talking on the phone in the kitchen to a cousin that I don’t get to talk to very often, while Wade was watching Nick Jr in the living room.  I was happy he was content for quite a while before he came seeking me out saying, “Hold, ‘oo!”
I should’ve known better.

This is what I discovered in the living room…


The remains of HIS mother’s day gift that was supposedly to ME!  It started out looking like this…


… but ended up like this…  Not quite sure exactly how many he actually ate!


And we have ANOTHER little terror boy coming?!
Yikes!  :)
2 Responses to He Strikes Again…
  1. Ellen
    May 23, 2010 | 12:07 pm

    ROFL…. sorry – I couldn't help but laugh. Only b/c I've been "there" with Lil far too many times to count. It's ALWAYS when she's being quiet, or seems to be contentedly entertaining herself. … That's when I should be afraid – very, very afraid! ha ha. It could have been worse, I guess… he could have smeared melted chocolate all over the couch – rubbing it in good, making it impossible to clean out. Look at the bright side, right? ;)

  2. Bette Anne
    May 23, 2010 | 2:52 pm

    I was thinking the same thing Ellen! It could have been SOO much worse! Chocolate stains are no fun on a microfiber couch! :) And girls can be terrors too.. Just ask Reagan the destroyer!

He Strikes Again…

The other day I was talking on the phone in the kitchen to a cousin that I don’t get to talk to very often, while Wade was watching Nick Jr in the living room.  I was happy he was content for quite a while before he came seeking me out saying, “Hold, ‘oo!”
I should’ve known better.

This is what I discovered in the living room…


The remains of HIS mother’s day gift that was supposedly to ME!  It started out looking like this…


… but ended up like this…  Not quite sure exactly how many he actually ate!


And we have ANOTHER little terror boy coming?!
Yikes!  :)
2 Responses to He Strikes Again…
  1. Ellen
    May 23, 2010 | 12:07 pm

    ROFL…. sorry – I couldn't help but laugh. Only b/c I've been "there" with Lil far too many times to count. It's ALWAYS when she's being quiet, or seems to be contentedly entertaining herself. … That's when I should be afraid – very, very afraid! ha ha. It could have been worse, I guess… he could have smeared melted chocolate all over the couch – rubbing it in good, making it impossible to clean out. Look at the bright side, right? ;)

  2. Bette Anne
    May 23, 2010 | 2:52 pm

    I was thinking the same thing Ellen! It could have been SOO much worse! Chocolate stains are no fun on a microfiber couch! :) And girls can be terrors too.. Just ask Reagan the destroyer!