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Haylee… The Early Years…

I used to use a Babies Online website to update with pics and little tidbits about Haylee and her funny antics and things. It’s kind of an obsolete concept now – at least in my opinion. You can only have a few pics on the actual page, and obviously I’m better at updating on blogspot and facebook. The main reason I’ve been hanging onto the babies online page is because of the journal. I started keeping the journal in 2004 with some of Haylee’s firsts and just can’t bear to part with it all. Soooooo…. my solution in order to enable me to LET GO of it is to just post my journal here. Then it will be preserved for posterity, and I can forget about the babies online site. (You have to log in every 90 days or something, or they will delete your page.)

Sooooo, I present to you “My Journal of Haylee’s life” 2004 to 2006….

Please don’t feel obligated to read all of it… I know it’s quite long and a bit boring. Plus I’m too lazy to edit it. I’m pretty sure that I completely overused the exclamation point. So I apologize in advance… :)

Monday, July 24, 2006
Last week, Mom and I began starting our day walking in the mall, so that meant getting Haylee up perhaps before she was quite ready to join the world. One morning she seemed rather grouchy and I repeatedly reminded her to be sweet. After being reminded yet again, she looked at me calmly and said, “If you say that again, I will beat you up.” Needless to say that wasn’t an answer I was expecting! We’re not even sure where she heard it, and when Chris asked her later what does it mean to “beat someone up” she shrugged her shoulders and said,”I don’t know!”

Saturday, May 20, 2006
Well, Haylee is nearly at her 3 year birthday. So hard to believe! She is growing so much. Surprising us each day with something new! Her new favorite word is “Why?” It is just about every other word in her vocabulary. She finished up this year in preschool and is very excited to be able to “stay home with mommy!” She likes to tell me each night before she goes to bed that she’ll be staying with me the next day! It’s nice to feel loved! :)

Sunday, January 22, 2006
Nana taught Haylee what her Pastor’s name is. If you ask her, she’ll say something like, “Pastor Rett.” Short for Surrett! She even knows Mrs. Surrett’s name. When Robin first asked her the Pastor’s name she replied with “Bro. Bru!” (He’s our Music Man!) She loves Bro. Bru’s hair, or should I say his lack of it! He let her feel his bald head a week or so ago and now she must do it every time she sees him! He came and spoke to us last Sunday and Haylee turned to me and said, “He doesn’t have any hair?” She loves his enthusiastic response when she does rub his head!

Sunday, January 15, 2006
After church, Haylee said to me, “Mommy, I want to show you.” She then said, “Be ye kind one to another!” We were both so shocked at the memory of her first Bible verse so I asked where she learned the verse, Sunday School (Grandma is her teacher) or Miss Sarah (her teacher during the AM service). She said, “No, no. Miss Grandma!”

Monday, August 01, 2005
Haylee is now a great big girl. She turned two years old May 30, 2005! We were so excited because Uncle Mack, Aunt Jen, & Jared and Aunt B got to come to her birthday party! She actually got to have two parties. One at Grandma’s house on Saturday, the 28th with Mommy’s side of the family and one Monday the 30th at Nanny’s house with Daddy’s side of the family! Her theme was Strawberry Shortcake, and Mommy had lots of fun shopping for the party decorations and for Haylee’s birthday gifts. She got lots of neat presents from lots of people! She is finally getting the last of her teeth! We are so happy! She has just started spending lots of time in the pool and does really well with her floaties! She doesn’t want to be held so she can feel like she’s swimming by herself! She also loves to count to three and jump off the edge to Mommy or Daddy! She’s definitely keeping us busy everyday, but it’s lots of fun!

Sunday, July 17, 2005
On the way home from church tonight, Haylee started singing a song she’s heard in her class, “God made Haylee, God made Haylee, God made everything, God made Haylee!” Then of course she started singing it with everyone that she knows name plugged in!

Saturday, July 16, 2005
Chris was teaching Haylee her middle and last name. He told her say “Elaine”, and say “ourlastname.” When she said “ourlastname” he said that’s your last name. So she said, “Haylee ourlastname.” We were shocked that she would be able to make that connection all by herself, and then she looked at me and said, “Mommy OurLastName” and then “Daddy OurLastName.” We asked what everyone’s last name was and she would answer, “OurLastName” no matter what side of the family we were asking about. Only it sounded more like “Cotton” than “OurLastName.”

Thursday, July 14, 2005
We were watching the new Ambassador college promotional video at the Alumni Fellowship and Pastor Surrett started talking so I told Haylee to look, it was Pastor. Then they shot to Dr. Comfort and Haylee said, “Where the Pastor??” Everyone around us heard and started laughing! It then shot back to Pastor Surrett and she said, “There the Pastor!” About 10 or 15 minutes later, she came running up to me saying, “Pastor, Pastor” because he had just come into the room!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005
We were lying in bed with Haylee this morning singing some of her favorite songs. I asked her what she wanted to sing and she said, “Jesus loves me, this I know.” We were both shocked and asked her to say it again and she did! She normally just mouths along while we sing so it surprised us when she actually said it outloud!

Thursday, June 30, 2005
Haylee was playing outside with Grandma watching the lightning bugs and they kept flying to close to her face. She would hold her hands up on either side of her face to ward them off and she would say, “Haylee no like bugs!” She also saw a guy riding down the road on a bicycle and said really loudly, “Motorcycle!” Haylee loves the pool! She wanted to get up on the side, but I told her it was too hot. So she started blowing on it like she does when her food’s too hot! She also started jumping off the second step by herself and swimming away (with the arm floaties on) like she’s been doing this all her life!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Haylee is recently getting into Barney! OH NO! She loves to watch him, and can get upset waiting for him to appear on the screen! She especially loves the “I love you, you love me” song since Mommy has sung that to her lots of times! She’s enjoying VBS this week, especially putting pennies in the girl’s bucket for the penny offering!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Haylee is growing so fast! She’ll be 21 months old the end of February. It seems hard to believe, but she shows us she’s growing by all the new things she is learning. I counted 100+ words she can say including phrases like, “I love you, Mommy”, “Bye Bye, Daddy”, “Here, Grandma”, and “Thank you, Nana.” Her favorite song is “Sleep, Baby” and she sings or hums it seemingly 24/7! She only sings the words “Sleep baby”, but the rest of the song she sings in gibberish but with the right tune and number of syllables! She gives great hugs and kisses with lots of sound effects. She was giving all the Valentine teddy bears hugs last week in Walmart with a nice “Ahhhh” sound effect! She loves her two cousins, Miller (Daddy’s side) and Jared (Mommy’s side.) But she prefers to call them Mee-Mee and JJ! Each day brings more exiting surprises and we look forward to the “terrible two’s” ahead of us!

Saturday, January 08, 2005
Haylee gave up her passy this week! Mommy put her down for her nap forgetting to bring it in the room. That seemed like a good time to decide to go without it. She had napped before occasionally without it, but this time was goodbye for good! She asked for it occasionally after that but overall it was an easy transition!

Thursday, October 21, 2004
Haylee just chipped one of her front teeth! She was standing on a 6 inch high rubbermaid box and shifted her weight. That made the box tip and she went down and hit her tooth on the edge of the plastic box. We didn’t even realize she had chipped it until about 30 minutes later! We took her to the Pediatric Dentist, but he recommended just leaving it alone and letting her lose it naturally!

Thursday, September 30, 2004
Haylee is such a big girl! She is now 16 months old! She loves to be put down so she can run “free.” She is saying lots of words and performing lots of tricks for us! She now has 4 teeth and 4 more coming in! One of her new tricks is to hold out her tongue as far as she can when she wants your food or drink! It’s so cute. It makes it hard to resist her! She has learned what a dog and a cow say and loves to read her books. She will often mimic you by covering her mouth with her hand when she laughs or coughs! She will copy you and say “No, No!” very sternly after she’s been corrected about something! She definitely livens up any crowd!

Monday, August 09, 2004
We caught our first glimpse of Haylee’s top two teeth coming in. Her left one is showing a little more than the right one, but we are so excited to finally see some more teeth! She’s just started saying “Bye Bye” very distinctly too. It’s so cute!
5 Responses to Haylee… The Early Years…
  1. Bette Anne
    June 28, 2008 | 3:49 pm

    It was fun re-reading all of her antics! It seems like forever ago and just yesterday she could only say “B” instead of “Aunt B”… :)

  2. Andi
    June 28, 2008 | 5:12 pm

    Hi Renee, I’m the owner of Babies Online and got wind of your post today. I wanted to let you know that Babies Online is under major reconstruction right now, and I guarantee that you will find it much easier to update when we’re finished. We’re also adding several new features that I’m sure you will find fun and useful. I hope you don’t give up on us while we’re updating everything! (Oh, and we changed that 90 day rule last year. Accounts are not automatically deleted any longer – so feel free to pop back in whenever you like). I hope we’ll see you back at Babies Online soon!

  3. Renee
    June 28, 2008 | 5:41 pm

    Wow! I sure didn’t expect the owner of BO to read this post, yikes! While I’m better at updating blogspot, I’m sure BO is easier and better for others! :0

    It definitely was awesome for us journaling Haylee’s early years… w/o it, we probably wouldn’t even remember 90% of these entries!

  4. The Barth Family
    June 29, 2008 | 5:15 am

    Well, well, well… isn’t our little Renee’s blog getting around?!

    Guess you better be careful what you write from now on, huh? :)

    Loved re-reading Haylee’s journal! (Has she lost her chipped tooth yet?) :)

  5. Ellen
    June 29, 2008 | 6:08 pm

    Very neat. I kept a paper journal for each girl… it’s something I treasure. I can understand why you wouldn’t want to part with these entries.

Haylee… The Early Years…

I used to use a Babies Online website to update with pics and little tidbits about Haylee and her funny antics and things. It’s kind of an obsolete concept now – at least in my opinion. You can only have a few pics on the actual page, and obviously I’m better at updating on blogspot and facebook. The main reason I’ve been hanging onto the babies online page is because of the journal. I started keeping the journal in 2004 with some of Haylee’s firsts and just can’t bear to part with it all. Soooooo…. my solution in order to enable me to LET GO of it is to just post my journal here. Then it will be preserved for posterity, and I can forget about the babies online site. (You have to log in every 90 days or something, or they will delete your page.)

Sooooo, I present to you “My Journal of Haylee’s life” 2004 to 2006….

Please don’t feel obligated to read all of it… I know it’s quite long and a bit boring. Plus I’m too lazy to edit it. I’m pretty sure that I completely overused the exclamation point. So I apologize in advance… :)

Monday, July 24, 2006
Last week, Mom and I began starting our day walking in the mall, so that meant getting Haylee up perhaps before she was quite ready to join the world. One morning she seemed rather grouchy and I repeatedly reminded her to be sweet. After being reminded yet again, she looked at me calmly and said, “If you say that again, I will beat you up.” Needless to say that wasn’t an answer I was expecting! We’re not even sure where she heard it, and when Chris asked her later what does it mean to “beat someone up” she shrugged her shoulders and said,”I don’t know!”

Saturday, May 20, 2006
Well, Haylee is nearly at her 3 year birthday. So hard to believe! She is growing so much. Surprising us each day with something new! Her new favorite word is “Why?” It is just about every other word in her vocabulary. She finished up this year in preschool and is very excited to be able to “stay home with mommy!” She likes to tell me each night before she goes to bed that she’ll be staying with me the next day! It’s nice to feel loved! :)

Sunday, January 22, 2006
Nana taught Haylee what her Pastor’s name is. If you ask her, she’ll say something like, “Pastor Rett.” Short for Surrett! She even knows Mrs. Surrett’s name. When Robin first asked her the Pastor’s name she replied with “Bro. Bru!” (He’s our Music Man!) She loves Bro. Bru’s hair, or should I say his lack of it! He let her feel his bald head a week or so ago and now she must do it every time she sees him! He came and spoke to us last Sunday and Haylee turned to me and said, “He doesn’t have any hair?” She loves his enthusiastic response when she does rub his head!

Sunday, January 15, 2006
After church, Haylee said to me, “Mommy, I want to show you.” She then said, “Be ye kind one to another!” We were both so shocked at the memory of her first Bible verse so I asked where she learned the verse, Sunday School (Grandma is her teacher) or Miss Sarah (her teacher during the AM service). She said, “No, no. Miss Grandma!”

Monday, August 01, 2005
Haylee is now a great big girl. She turned two years old May 30, 2005! We were so excited because Uncle Mack, Aunt Jen, & Jared and Aunt B got to come to her birthday party! She actually got to have two parties. One at Grandma’s house on Saturday, the 28th with Mommy’s side of the family and one Monday the 30th at Nanny’s house with Daddy’s side of the family! Her theme was Strawberry Shortcake, and Mommy had lots of fun shopping for the party decorations and for Haylee’s birthday gifts. She got lots of neat presents from lots of people! She is finally getting the last of her teeth! We are so happy! She has just started spending lots of time in the pool and does really well with her floaties! She doesn’t want to be held so she can feel like she’s swimming by herself! She also loves to count to three and jump off the edge to Mommy or Daddy! She’s definitely keeping us busy everyday, but it’s lots of fun!

Sunday, July 17, 2005
On the way home from church tonight, Haylee started singing a song she’s heard in her class, “God made Haylee, God made Haylee, God made everything, God made Haylee!” Then of course she started singing it with everyone that she knows name plugged in!

Saturday, July 16, 2005
Chris was teaching Haylee her middle and last name. He told her say “Elaine”, and say “ourlastname.” When she said “ourlastname” he said that’s your last name. So she said, “Haylee ourlastname.” We were shocked that she would be able to make that connection all by herself, and then she looked at me and said, “Mommy OurLastName” and then “Daddy OurLastName.” We asked what everyone’s last name was and she would answer, “OurLastName” no matter what side of the family we were asking about. Only it sounded more like “Cotton” than “OurLastName.”

Thursday, July 14, 2005
We were watching the new Ambassador college promotional video at the Alumni Fellowship and Pastor Surrett started talking so I told Haylee to look, it was Pastor. Then they shot to Dr. Comfort and Haylee said, “Where the Pastor??” Everyone around us heard and started laughing! It then shot back to Pastor Surrett and she said, “There the Pastor!” About 10 or 15 minutes later, she came running up to me saying, “Pastor, Pastor” because he had just come into the room!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005
We were lying in bed with Haylee this morning singing some of her favorite songs. I asked her what she wanted to sing and she said, “Jesus loves me, this I know.” We were both shocked and asked her to say it again and she did! She normally just mouths along while we sing so it surprised us when she actually said it outloud!

Thursday, June 30, 2005
Haylee was playing outside with Grandma watching the lightning bugs and they kept flying to close to her face. She would hold her hands up on either side of her face to ward them off and she would say, “Haylee no like bugs!” She also saw a guy riding down the road on a bicycle and said really loudly, “Motorcycle!” Haylee loves the pool! She wanted to get up on the side, but I told her it was too hot. So she started blowing on it like she does when her food’s too hot! She also started jumping off the second step by herself and swimming away (with the arm floaties on) like she’s been doing this all her life!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Haylee is recently getting into Barney! OH NO! She loves to watch him, and can get upset waiting for him to appear on the screen! She especially loves the “I love you, you love me” song since Mommy has sung that to her lots of times! She’s enjoying VBS this week, especially putting pennies in the girl’s bucket for the penny offering!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Haylee is growing so fast! She’ll be 21 months old the end of February. It seems hard to believe, but she shows us she’s growing by all the new things she is learning. I counted 100+ words she can say including phrases like, “I love you, Mommy”, “Bye Bye, Daddy”, “Here, Grandma”, and “Thank you, Nana.” Her favorite song is “Sleep, Baby” and she sings or hums it seemingly 24/7! She only sings the words “Sleep baby”, but the rest of the song she sings in gibberish but with the right tune and number of syllables! She gives great hugs and kisses with lots of sound effects. She was giving all the Valentine teddy bears hugs last week in Walmart with a nice “Ahhhh” sound effect! She loves her two cousins, Miller (Daddy’s side) and Jared (Mommy’s side.) But she prefers to call them Mee-Mee and JJ! Each day brings more exiting surprises and we look forward to the “terrible two’s” ahead of us!

Saturday, January 08, 2005
Haylee gave up her passy this week! Mommy put her down for her nap forgetting to bring it in the room. That seemed like a good time to decide to go without it. She had napped before occasionally without it, but this time was goodbye for good! She asked for it occasionally after that but overall it was an easy transition!

Thursday, October 21, 2004
Haylee just chipped one of her front teeth! She was standing on a 6 inch high rubbermaid box and shifted her weight. That made the box tip and she went down and hit her tooth on the edge of the plastic box. We didn’t even realize she had chipped it until about 30 minutes later! We took her to the Pediatric Dentist, but he recommended just leaving it alone and letting her lose it naturally!

Thursday, September 30, 2004
Haylee is such a big girl! She is now 16 months old! She loves to be put down so she can run “free.” She is saying lots of words and performing lots of tricks for us! She now has 4 teeth and 4 more coming in! One of her new tricks is to hold out her tongue as far as she can when she wants your food or drink! It’s so cute. It makes it hard to resist her! She has learned what a dog and a cow say and loves to read her books. She will often mimic you by covering her mouth with her hand when she laughs or coughs! She will copy you and say “No, No!” very sternly after she’s been corrected about something! She definitely livens up any crowd!

Monday, August 09, 2004
We caught our first glimpse of Haylee’s top two teeth coming in. Her left one is showing a little more than the right one, but we are so excited to finally see some more teeth! She’s just started saying “Bye Bye” very distinctly too. It’s so cute!
5 Responses to Haylee… The Early Years…
  1. Bette Anne
    June 28, 2008 | 3:49 pm

    It was fun re-reading all of her antics! It seems like forever ago and just yesterday she could only say “B” instead of “Aunt B”… :)

  2. Andi
    June 28, 2008 | 5:12 pm

    Hi Renee, I’m the owner of Babies Online and got wind of your post today. I wanted to let you know that Babies Online is under major reconstruction right now, and I guarantee that you will find it much easier to update when we’re finished. We’re also adding several new features that I’m sure you will find fun and useful. I hope you don’t give up on us while we’re updating everything! (Oh, and we changed that 90 day rule last year. Accounts are not automatically deleted any longer – so feel free to pop back in whenever you like). I hope we’ll see you back at Babies Online soon!

  3. Renee
    June 28, 2008 | 5:41 pm

    Wow! I sure didn’t expect the owner of BO to read this post, yikes! While I’m better at updating blogspot, I’m sure BO is easier and better for others! :0

    It definitely was awesome for us journaling Haylee’s early years… w/o it, we probably wouldn’t even remember 90% of these entries!

  4. The Barth Family
    June 29, 2008 | 5:15 am

    Well, well, well… isn’t our little Renee’s blog getting around?!

    Guess you better be careful what you write from now on, huh? :)

    Loved re-reading Haylee’s journal! (Has she lost her chipped tooth yet?) :)

  5. Ellen
    June 29, 2008 | 6:08 pm

    Very neat. I kept a paper journal for each girl… it’s something I treasure. I can understand why you wouldn’t want to part with these entries.