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Happy Memorial Day!

Memorial Day was a nice, relaxing day with Chris home from work and nothing really to do! We spent the day being lazy and then grilled some burgers with Heather and Chris’s bud, Larry. Wade and Haylee enjoyed being outside for a bit this afternoon, although it was actually pretty warm today. After we all got too hot, Wade took a nap while the rest of us played some games… Memory and Candyland. Chris won two games of Memory, but I managed to sail by with the Candyland victory!

I cleaned the dirt and cobwebs out of Haylee’s playhouse, so she would actually go in there since she is Miss Priss and can’t stand the dirt or bugs. Seeing her inside really made me see how much she has grown!!! It’s hard to believe she will be five on Friday. Where has the time gone??

This is a picture of her in her house right after she got it when she was only three, and then a picture of her today… just two years later!

Here’s some pics of our day…

7 Responses to Happy Memorial Day!
  1. Ellen
    May 27, 2008 | 12:24 pm

    Love all the pics! Wade is continually changing. -I love to see all those smiles! He’s such a cutie.

    Haylee’s turning 5, huh? Wow, where does the time go? What’s your party theme this year?

    Glad you had a nice, relaxing day.

  2. AmyQ
    May 27, 2008 | 12:33 pm

    The kids are growing so very quickly. We have been down here in SC with my family. It was a nice break. We are heading back this morning.

  3. Rachel
    May 27, 2008 | 1:50 pm

    Cute pictures!

  4. Heather
    May 28, 2008 | 12:24 am

    Soooo cute! I love all the pics! I had fun with y’all. You guys really are the best neighbors ever. Promise. =)

  5. Sam
    May 28, 2008 | 12:44 am

    I should have been there. It looked like the perfect day.

  6. Bette Anne
    May 28, 2008 | 3:18 am

    Looks like so much fun and I can’t believe the difference between 3 and 5!! The time just flies by!

    Can’t wait to celebrate her Birthday! :)

  7. Amy's Journal
    May 28, 2008 | 3:33 am

    If you ever want to sell that house.. holler might be interested.. xoxoxo .. cute pics

Happy Memorial Day!

Memorial Day was a nice, relaxing day with Chris home from work and nothing really to do! We spent the day being lazy and then grilled some burgers with Heather and Chris’s bud, Larry. Wade and Haylee enjoyed being outside for a bit this afternoon, although it was actually pretty warm today. After we all got too hot, Wade took a nap while the rest of us played some games… Memory and Candyland. Chris won two games of Memory, but I managed to sail by with the Candyland victory!

I cleaned the dirt and cobwebs out of Haylee’s playhouse, so she would actually go in there since she is Miss Priss and can’t stand the dirt or bugs. Seeing her inside really made me see how much she has grown!!! It’s hard to believe she will be five on Friday. Where has the time gone??

This is a picture of her in her house right after she got it when she was only three, and then a picture of her today… just two years later!

Here’s some pics of our day…

7 Responses to Happy Memorial Day!
  1. Ellen
    May 27, 2008 | 12:24 pm

    Love all the pics! Wade is continually changing. -I love to see all those smiles! He’s such a cutie.

    Haylee’s turning 5, huh? Wow, where does the time go? What’s your party theme this year?

    Glad you had a nice, relaxing day.

  2. AmyQ
    May 27, 2008 | 12:33 pm

    The kids are growing so very quickly. We have been down here in SC with my family. It was a nice break. We are heading back this morning.

  3. Rachel
    May 27, 2008 | 1:50 pm

    Cute pictures!

  4. Heather
    May 28, 2008 | 12:24 am

    Soooo cute! I love all the pics! I had fun with y’all. You guys really are the best neighbors ever. Promise. =)

  5. Sam
    May 28, 2008 | 12:44 am

    I should have been there. It looked like the perfect day.

  6. Bette Anne
    May 28, 2008 | 3:18 am

    Looks like so much fun and I can’t believe the difference between 3 and 5!! The time just flies by!

    Can’t wait to celebrate her Birthday! :)

  7. Amy's Journal
    May 28, 2008 | 3:33 am

    If you ever want to sell that house.. holler might be interested.. xoxoxo .. cute pics