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Happy Fall Ya’ll!

I don’t think you would believe me if I told you how crazy life is right now. Does the craziness that is my life excuse my gross lack of blogging? I do enjoy blogging so much, but something has to give or my little ole brain will just explode I think.

Speaking of my brain exploding, I’ve been plagued with chronic headaches since college I think. They have gotten increasingly worse and more frequent as the years have rolled by. I’ve been taking some prescription meds for a while now, and called in to get a refill in August. Dr. Peach wasn’t there, so another doctor (I’ll leave him un-named, but he NEVER wants to give me meds.) got the call and said that I was refilling my meds too often and he referred me to a neurologist.

Sooooo, I finally got in to see the neurologist in September and he referred me to get an MRI and some physical thereapy (translation… MASSAGES!).

The theory is that the headaches are triggered by stress. Hello! Do you think all these appointments, i.e. leaving work early, getting babysitters etc is alleviating my stress level or compounding it?? I’ve had my MRI and started my physical therapy which I’ll be doing twice a week, but what has made the biggest improvement is plain old cheapie vitamins.

Chris’s cousin Angela and his Aunt Linda both have headache issues and both had success with trying a daily vitamin dose of B12 and Magnesium. So, I figured that I would give it a try. If it helped with Angela’s headaches (which I know were very severe) than I had the tiniest hope that maybe it would help with mine.

So I’ve been taking them for a little over a week, and I haven’t had to take any of my prescription meds since SUNDAY! I was having headaches every other day or every three days or so. So this was a huge accomplishment! I am hopeful that the good feeling will keep up…

Wade is doing good. Still staying sick on and off, but I think I have resigned myself to the fact that this may just be our reality.

He is just growing up too fast. He is taking his time with moving and grooving which is probably the best. :) I’m glad he’s staying my “baby” as long as possible. He rolls over constantly, and is sitting up pretty well, but so far no crawling.

Haylee continues to be his biggest form of entertainment, and he will often give the cutest giggle at some silly antic she is performing for him. I hope to one day actually capture it on camera. :)

I picked up this Lion costume at Old Navy last October after Halloween. It was only like $6, marked down from like $25 or something. I wasn’t sure if it would fit or not, but was happy to see that it did. I don’t know how thrilled he was with it, but I thought he was a cute little lion!

Whew! What an update. I’ll try not to neglect you so much in the future. :)

Here’s some more pics of the fam for your viewing pleasure….

7 Responses to Happy Fall Ya’ll!
  1. Amy
    October 18, 2008 | 3:52 pm

    Yay! glad the headaches have subsided. Wade is such a CUTE lion! What will Haylee be for halloween? Cameron is going to be a power ranger this time. :)


  2. Pumpkinhead-Michelle
    October 18, 2008 | 9:52 pm

    That is such a cute costume!! I love it. He makes such a great Lion! I will be praying for you about your headaches.

  3. Ellen
    October 19, 2008 | 1:53 am

    WOW. I am going to have to pass that info. about the headaches along to my cousin! I dont’ get them often, but when I do get them, they are bad… just might have to try it myself. SO GLAD that it seems to be working for you so far. I pray it will continue. I love the pics of the kids… they are growing up so fast! Lilli is our “sickly” child too – catching everything…. I too, have tried to come to terms w/ the fact that that is just the way it’s going to be. So good to hear an update from you. I completely understand the craziness of life! Hope it settles down soon for both of us. Praying for you!!!!!

  4. Leah
    October 19, 2008 | 1:25 pm

    Wow! I have headaches too and am on Topomax which makes me quite loopy. I might have to try the vitamins! Thanks for the info!
    Wade looks too cute in his little outfit. It’s never cold enough here for that type of costume. Madalynn was a bumble bee her first year and she ended up HATING it! but don’t they look adorable. Great pics and thanks for the update.

  5. Sam
    October 19, 2008 | 3:26 pm

    I’m glad you got back to taking pictures. I’ve been going through my family’s pictures and there are so many for Rachel and David, but then they get less and less as the years go by. Glad to see you found something for your headaches. It’s nice when what helps is all natural. You never know what some pills are doing to you in the long run.

  6. Rachel
    October 21, 2008 | 4:30 pm

    I’m so sorry to hear about your headaches! It’s difficult to function with those types of pains, and good for you for keeping up with everything and having that to deal with too!

    You know, my uncle gets migraines like that, and the B12 really helped him a lot too. He finally found out that what was triggering it was stress, sulphites in food (dried foods especially) and the sugary stuff in diet soda.

    Hope you continue to feel better!

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    January 2, 2014 | 11:09 am

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Happy Fall Ya’ll!

I don’t think you would believe me if I told you how crazy life is right now. Does the craziness that is my life excuse my gross lack of blogging? I do enjoy blogging so much, but something has to give or my little ole brain will just explode I think.

Speaking of my brain exploding, I’ve been plagued with chronic headaches since college I think. They have gotten increasingly worse and more frequent as the years have rolled by. I’ve been taking some prescription meds for a while now, and called in to get a refill in August. Dr. Peach wasn’t there, so another doctor (I’ll leave him un-named, but he NEVER wants to give me meds.) got the call and said that I was refilling my meds too often and he referred me to a neurologist.

Sooooo, I finally got in to see the neurologist in September and he referred me to get an MRI and some physical thereapy (translation… MASSAGES!).

The theory is that the headaches are triggered by stress. Hello! Do you think all these appointments, i.e. leaving work early, getting babysitters etc is alleviating my stress level or compounding it?? I’ve had my MRI and started my physical therapy which I’ll be doing twice a week, but what has made the biggest improvement is plain old cheapie vitamins.

Chris’s cousin Angela and his Aunt Linda both have headache issues and both had success with trying a daily vitamin dose of B12 and Magnesium. So, I figured that I would give it a try. If it helped with Angela’s headaches (which I know were very severe) than I had the tiniest hope that maybe it would help with mine.

So I’ve been taking them for a little over a week, and I haven’t had to take any of my prescription meds since SUNDAY! I was having headaches every other day or every three days or so. So this was a huge accomplishment! I am hopeful that the good feeling will keep up…

Wade is doing good. Still staying sick on and off, but I think I have resigned myself to the fact that this may just be our reality.

He is just growing up too fast. He is taking his time with moving and grooving which is probably the best. :) I’m glad he’s staying my “baby” as long as possible. He rolls over constantly, and is sitting up pretty well, but so far no crawling.

Haylee continues to be his biggest form of entertainment, and he will often give the cutest giggle at some silly antic she is performing for him. I hope to one day actually capture it on camera. :)

I picked up this Lion costume at Old Navy last October after Halloween. It was only like $6, marked down from like $25 or something. I wasn’t sure if it would fit or not, but was happy to see that it did. I don’t know how thrilled he was with it, but I thought he was a cute little lion!

Whew! What an update. I’ll try not to neglect you so much in the future. :)

Here’s some more pics of the fam for your viewing pleasure….

7 Responses to Happy Fall Ya’ll!
  1. Amy
    October 18, 2008 | 3:52 pm

    Yay! glad the headaches have subsided. Wade is such a CUTE lion! What will Haylee be for halloween? Cameron is going to be a power ranger this time. :)


  2. Pumpkinhead-Michelle
    October 18, 2008 | 9:52 pm

    That is such a cute costume!! I love it. He makes such a great Lion! I will be praying for you about your headaches.

  3. Ellen
    October 19, 2008 | 1:53 am

    WOW. I am going to have to pass that info. about the headaches along to my cousin! I dont’ get them often, but when I do get them, they are bad… just might have to try it myself. SO GLAD that it seems to be working for you so far. I pray it will continue. I love the pics of the kids… they are growing up so fast! Lilli is our “sickly” child too – catching everything…. I too, have tried to come to terms w/ the fact that that is just the way it’s going to be. So good to hear an update from you. I completely understand the craziness of life! Hope it settles down soon for both of us. Praying for you!!!!!

  4. Leah
    October 19, 2008 | 1:25 pm

    Wow! I have headaches too and am on Topomax which makes me quite loopy. I might have to try the vitamins! Thanks for the info!
    Wade looks too cute in his little outfit. It’s never cold enough here for that type of costume. Madalynn was a bumble bee her first year and she ended up HATING it! but don’t they look adorable. Great pics and thanks for the update.

  5. Sam
    October 19, 2008 | 3:26 pm

    I’m glad you got back to taking pictures. I’ve been going through my family’s pictures and there are so many for Rachel and David, but then they get less and less as the years go by. Glad to see you found something for your headaches. It’s nice when what helps is all natural. You never know what some pills are doing to you in the long run.

  6. Rachel
    October 21, 2008 | 4:30 pm

    I’m so sorry to hear about your headaches! It’s difficult to function with those types of pains, and good for you for keeping up with everything and having that to deal with too!

    You know, my uncle gets migraines like that, and the B12 really helped him a lot too. He finally found out that what was triggering it was stress, sulphites in food (dried foods especially) and the sugary stuff in diet soda.

    Hope you continue to feel better!

  7. orthomol vital M Natural prenatal vitamins
    January 2, 2014 | 11:09 am

    i understand this question, Is ready to help orthomol Vital vitamin 12