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Happy Easter!

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In Christ Alone!

We sang this Easter Sunday, and it is such an amazing song.  It was so moving to sing this on Easter.  I am so thankful that we have a Savior who gave His life for us, and ROSE from the grave!

Our Easter celebration started on Saturday at our Sunday School par-tay.  We had a wild afternoon with a leaky flat tire on our van that had to be fixed pronto.  While Chris headed off to be Super Dad, I tried to convince Davis that it would be okay for me to fix the food for the party!

I had to make a cake {a birthday cake!} and mashed potatoes.  My great dilemma with the potatoes was coming up with a plan to keep them warm.  No one wants to eat cold mashed potatoes right?

I was sooooo proud of myself as I sat down in my chair to eat and put my fork of potatoes to my mouth holding my breath to see if all my planning and scheming was successful.  In spite of being fixed probably an hour and a half earlier, they were still warm!

In case you care how I accomplished this feat…

I turned on the crockpot to High before I started, fixed the potatoes as normal and spooned them a glass dish.  Then I covered the dish with foil and placed the whole dish inside my crockpot.  I put the lid on and turned it to Low. 

When it was time to go,  I didn’t even bring the whole crockpot with me. I just lifted the bowl part out with the glass dish of potatoes inside.

We were late {because of the flat tire debacle} and we didn’t even eat until after the Easter Egg Hunt.  And STILL the potatoes were warm. 

Can you tell I was pleased with the victory?

Now, the cake, on the other hand, wasn’t quite as “successful.” It was a tad, uh, overcooked, and it stuck to the pan when I tried to take it out.  I tried my best to salvage it with icing, sprinkles, and some strawberry slices.


Happy Birthday to me!  {See my pretty white platter back there? That was a birthday find at Goodwill!}

The Easter egg Hunt was much fun…

egg hunt collage
Even Davis got in on the fun, though his big brother was not all that interested in letting him touch chew on his eggs. 


Davis is really bothered by that, as you can tell.

The next morning was Easter! 

After everyone was dressed, I brought out the Easter basket goodies.  Davis was taking a quick nap, but he had a basket too.  Though all that was in it was a sippy cup and empty eggs, poor thing.


I’m not really sure why Wade is making such an odd face, but then again I don’t know why he does a lot of what he does.

He is his father’s child, after all.  :)

We decided to go crazy with the curls for Haylee.  My normal attempts at curling often fall flat within just an hour or so, but wearing sponge rollers all night produced the wild results below.

easter collage

You can see that the difference between “before church” and “after church” curls is quite drastic.  :)


Getting a shot with all three looking at the camera {let alone smiling} is nothing short of a miracle. So keep that in mind when you notice Davis’s somewhat dazed look below.  

This was the best of the lot.  Good thing they are cute… even if they don’t look at the camera.  :)



Happy Easter!


2 Responses to Happy Easter!
  1. Leah
    April 30, 2011 | 8:01 pm

    Great pics!

  2. Renee
    May 4, 2011 | 2:45 pm

    Thanks so much! It was so fun to match them, haha!

Happy Easter!

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In Christ Alone!

We sang this Easter Sunday, and it is such an amazing song.  It was so moving to sing this on Easter.  I am so thankful that we have a Savior who gave His life for us, and ROSE from the grave!

Our Easter celebration started on Saturday at our Sunday School par-tay.  We had a wild afternoon with a leaky flat tire on our van that had to be fixed pronto.  While Chris headed off to be Super Dad, I tried to convince Davis that it would be okay for me to fix the food for the party!

I had to make a cake {a birthday cake!} and mashed potatoes.  My great dilemma with the potatoes was coming up with a plan to keep them warm.  No one wants to eat cold mashed potatoes right?

I was sooooo proud of myself as I sat down in my chair to eat and put my fork of potatoes to my mouth holding my breath to see if all my planning and scheming was successful.  In spite of being fixed probably an hour and a half earlier, they were still warm!

In case you care how I accomplished this feat…

I turned on the crockpot to High before I started, fixed the potatoes as normal and spooned them a glass dish.  Then I covered the dish with foil and placed the whole dish inside my crockpot.  I put the lid on and turned it to Low. 

When it was time to go,  I didn’t even bring the whole crockpot with me. I just lifted the bowl part out with the glass dish of potatoes inside.

We were late {because of the flat tire debacle} and we didn’t even eat until after the Easter Egg Hunt.  And STILL the potatoes were warm. 

Can you tell I was pleased with the victory?

Now, the cake, on the other hand, wasn’t quite as “successful.” It was a tad, uh, overcooked, and it stuck to the pan when I tried to take it out.  I tried my best to salvage it with icing, sprinkles, and some strawberry slices.


Happy Birthday to me!  {See my pretty white platter back there? That was a birthday find at Goodwill!}

The Easter egg Hunt was much fun…

egg hunt collage
Even Davis got in on the fun, though his big brother was not all that interested in letting him touch chew on his eggs. 


Davis is really bothered by that, as you can tell.

The next morning was Easter! 

After everyone was dressed, I brought out the Easter basket goodies.  Davis was taking a quick nap, but he had a basket too.  Though all that was in it was a sippy cup and empty eggs, poor thing.


I’m not really sure why Wade is making such an odd face, but then again I don’t know why he does a lot of what he does.

He is his father’s child, after all.  :)

We decided to go crazy with the curls for Haylee.  My normal attempts at curling often fall flat within just an hour or so, but wearing sponge rollers all night produced the wild results below.

easter collage

You can see that the difference between “before church” and “after church” curls is quite drastic.  :)


Getting a shot with all three looking at the camera {let alone smiling} is nothing short of a miracle. So keep that in mind when you notice Davis’s somewhat dazed look below.  

This was the best of the lot.  Good thing they are cute… even if they don’t look at the camera.  :)



Happy Easter!


2 Responses to Happy Easter!
  1. Leah
    April 30, 2011 | 8:01 pm

    Great pics!

  2. Renee
    May 4, 2011 | 2:45 pm

    Thanks so much! It was so fun to match them, haha!