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Growing and Growing

It’s been a while since I posted some Wade spam, so I thought I would share some pics I took today… He will be four months old next Tuesday and was 14 lbs last time I weighed him. He is still my little fussbudget, although he thankfully does have his adorable moments where he melts my heart. It makes the fussy times a bit more bearable. :)

His sleeping is somewhat eratic… He was on a trend of sleeping from 9 pm or so until about 5 am which is awesome compared to what we were doing. Twice in the last week though, he was slept past 8 am! Shocking, I know. Last night, however, I was up feeding him around 1:45 am.

I think that we need to form more of a consistent schedule at bedtime even though that’s not always easy to do.

I am a bit down-trodden after a day of Wade sapping all my strength and spirit from me. Can you tell I’m feeling a tad dramatic?? :)

I’m heading now to Food Lion for a sweet treat to lift my spirits. I’m hoping for some a $1 box of ice-cream sandwiches. yum-yum.

2 Responses to Growing and Growing
  1. Ellen
    June 24, 2008 | 2:20 am

    He IS growing and changing so fast! Love the pic.

    Oh, I can so relate to how your feeling… … Lilli was VERY MUCH the same way. I am praying for you daily and I can tell you with much assurance that it DOES get better. It seems almost near impossible that it could on some days, but it will.

    I hope you found something yummy to treat yourself to. Thinking of you — have a great week!!

  2. Leah
    June 24, 2008 | 12:55 pm

    He is such a cute baby! I know the fussiness factor. Madalynn seemed fussy for a while. but, like Ellen said, it does get better.
    A dollar for ice cream sandwiches, huh? YUM! Have a good one!

Growing and Growing

It’s been a while since I posted some Wade spam, so I thought I would share some pics I took today… He will be four months old next Tuesday and was 14 lbs last time I weighed him. He is still my little fussbudget, although he thankfully does have his adorable moments where he melts my heart. It makes the fussy times a bit more bearable. :)

His sleeping is somewhat eratic… He was on a trend of sleeping from 9 pm or so until about 5 am which is awesome compared to what we were doing. Twice in the last week though, he was slept past 8 am! Shocking, I know. Last night, however, I was up feeding him around 1:45 am.

I think that we need to form more of a consistent schedule at bedtime even though that’s not always easy to do.

I am a bit down-trodden after a day of Wade sapping all my strength and spirit from me. Can you tell I’m feeling a tad dramatic?? :)

I’m heading now to Food Lion for a sweet treat to lift my spirits. I’m hoping for some a $1 box of ice-cream sandwiches. yum-yum.

2 Responses to Growing and Growing
  1. Ellen
    June 24, 2008 | 2:20 am

    He IS growing and changing so fast! Love the pic.

    Oh, I can so relate to how your feeling… … Lilli was VERY MUCH the same way. I am praying for you daily and I can tell you with much assurance that it DOES get better. It seems almost near impossible that it could on some days, but it will.

    I hope you found something yummy to treat yourself to. Thinking of you — have a great week!!

  2. Leah
    June 24, 2008 | 12:55 pm

    He is such a cute baby! I know the fussiness factor. Madalynn seemed fussy for a while. but, like Ellen said, it does get better.
    A dollar for ice cream sandwiches, huh? YUM! Have a good one!