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Grocery Game Challenge

I thought this was pretty funny… a Grocery Gamer against a frugal shopper. It doesn’t look like the FS is using any coupons, but I can’t tell…

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

I know it’s annoying to have to follow the links, but I couldn’t find the code to embed it in the post for your viewing convenience!! :)

I’ve been going crazy this week with some Food Lion sales. They have ground beef for $.99/lb for the jumbo 5 lb pack which you can couple with a $1 off $5 of FL beef coupon. There was also boneless, skinless chicken on sale for $1.99/lb which you can couple with a $1 off FL chicken coupon. Another deal was FL flushable wipes on sale for $1.50 and there was a printable coupone for $1.50 off.

I think I went six different times to get these deals! We ended up with about 30 lbs of ground beef, about 8 or 9 lbs of chicken and four packs of flushable wipes. I have already started dividing the meat up in smaller portions to freeze. I am excited about having such a nice stockpile of meat to last us for quite a while. I think for the above three things, we paid about $36 or so… maybe a bit more or less, which is pretty cool since meat is one thing that can really rack up your grocery bill.

I also was able to get two large bottles of Kraft Dressing for free with a coupon I got from the free Kraft magazine. The dressing was on sale for by one get one free, so I was able to get TWO bottles for free (after I had to explain that to the cashier actually!).

If you don’t already get that magazine, you can go to the Kraft Foods website and subscribe! It’s a pretty neat website and magazine with lots of pictures and easy recipes too.
The grocery game has definitely won the challenge in my book as it has saved our family tons of $$ and changed the way I grocery shop!

4 Responses to Grocery Game Challenge
  1. ~Joan
    May 28, 2008 | 12:25 pm


    Hi from Joan Parker. I’ve been doing the GG for about 6 weeks now. I don’t need to tell you that my large family has saved lots and lotsa money.

    I have a tip for you. If you can, brown as much of the ground beef as you can to use later. Brown, drain (and I even rinse it with hot water to get the last bits of grease off). Put 2 cups per Ziploc sandwich baggie. That equals about one pound of ground beef, browned. Put those little bags into a large freezer bag. When you want to make a recipe that uses pre-browned beef like spaghetti sauce, tacos, sloppy joes, etc., just pull out a baggie per pound and defrost it for a minute. No mess on THAT cooking day!

    Check out my blog for a few of our savings.


  2. ~Joan
    May 28, 2008 | 12:26 pm

    One more thing…I meant to add that the browned beef goes into the freezer. Our family does enough for about 3 months at a time, or until ground beef goes on sale again!

    I watched the GG clips and kept thinking “that poor girl” about the non-GG woman.


  3. Ellen
    May 28, 2008 | 2:39 pm

    WOW. I’m so jealous of the cheap (CHEAP) meat prices!!!!!!! Seriously, I need to move back South! The prices you mention and the deals you get, … we just don’t get those up here! Grrrr. We generally buy our meat at Sam’s b/c it’s the cheapest way to go up here… which means we’re always buying in bulk. We have a large chest freezer that we store it all in. I use a kitchen scale to weigh and mark all the bags accordingly so I know what I have in ea. bag. I have pre-cooked my meat before, … but I found it better to leave some uncooked for those last-minute meal changes and for varying recipes. It is a time-saver to pre-cook some of it though.

    Kudos to you on all of your savings. –And yes, I LOVE the Kraft magazine… I try to tell everyone I know to subscribe to it. I love the recipes! ;)

    Have a great day!

  4. Bette Anne
    May 28, 2008 | 6:13 pm

    That made me so happy to see when she was announcing that the difference was 97 to like 83 and then the lady taps her to look back at the register and you can tell she is shocked that there is that much of a difference! I thought it was cool that the FS was like, “I’m signing up!” ;)

    And that is awesome about the meat deals… We had some chicken at Kroger on sale for $1.99 a pound and I bought a bunch up, but haven’t seen the ground beef for that good of a deal! Sounds like we’re having burgers for Eli’s party (hint hint!) ;)

    Possibly will see you tomorrow! ;)

Grocery Game Challenge

I thought this was pretty funny… a Grocery Gamer against a frugal shopper. It doesn’t look like the FS is using any coupons, but I can’t tell…

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

I know it’s annoying to have to follow the links, but I couldn’t find the code to embed it in the post for your viewing convenience!! :)

I’ve been going crazy this week with some Food Lion sales. They have ground beef for $.99/lb for the jumbo 5 lb pack which you can couple with a $1 off $5 of FL beef coupon. There was also boneless, skinless chicken on sale for $1.99/lb which you can couple with a $1 off FL chicken coupon. Another deal was FL flushable wipes on sale for $1.50 and there was a printable coupone for $1.50 off.

I think I went six different times to get these deals! We ended up with about 30 lbs of ground beef, about 8 or 9 lbs of chicken and four packs of flushable wipes. I have already started dividing the meat up in smaller portions to freeze. I am excited about having such a nice stockpile of meat to last us for quite a while. I think for the above three things, we paid about $36 or so… maybe a bit more or less, which is pretty cool since meat is one thing that can really rack up your grocery bill.

I also was able to get two large bottles of Kraft Dressing for free with a coupon I got from the free Kraft magazine. The dressing was on sale for by one get one free, so I was able to get TWO bottles for free (after I had to explain that to the cashier actually!).

If you don’t already get that magazine, you can go to the Kraft Foods website and subscribe! It’s a pretty neat website and magazine with lots of pictures and easy recipes too.
The grocery game has definitely won the challenge in my book as it has saved our family tons of $$ and changed the way I grocery shop!

4 Responses to Grocery Game Challenge
  1. ~Joan
    May 28, 2008 | 12:25 pm


    Hi from Joan Parker. I’ve been doing the GG for about 6 weeks now. I don’t need to tell you that my large family has saved lots and lotsa money.

    I have a tip for you. If you can, brown as much of the ground beef as you can to use later. Brown, drain (and I even rinse it with hot water to get the last bits of grease off). Put 2 cups per Ziploc sandwich baggie. That equals about one pound of ground beef, browned. Put those little bags into a large freezer bag. When you want to make a recipe that uses pre-browned beef like spaghetti sauce, tacos, sloppy joes, etc., just pull out a baggie per pound and defrost it for a minute. No mess on THAT cooking day!

    Check out my blog for a few of our savings.


  2. ~Joan
    May 28, 2008 | 12:26 pm

    One more thing…I meant to add that the browned beef goes into the freezer. Our family does enough for about 3 months at a time, or until ground beef goes on sale again!

    I watched the GG clips and kept thinking “that poor girl” about the non-GG woman.


  3. Ellen
    May 28, 2008 | 2:39 pm

    WOW. I’m so jealous of the cheap (CHEAP) meat prices!!!!!!! Seriously, I need to move back South! The prices you mention and the deals you get, … we just don’t get those up here! Grrrr. We generally buy our meat at Sam’s b/c it’s the cheapest way to go up here… which means we’re always buying in bulk. We have a large chest freezer that we store it all in. I use a kitchen scale to weigh and mark all the bags accordingly so I know what I have in ea. bag. I have pre-cooked my meat before, … but I found it better to leave some uncooked for those last-minute meal changes and for varying recipes. It is a time-saver to pre-cook some of it though.

    Kudos to you on all of your savings. –And yes, I LOVE the Kraft magazine… I try to tell everyone I know to subscribe to it. I love the recipes! ;)

    Have a great day!

  4. Bette Anne
    May 28, 2008 | 6:13 pm

    That made me so happy to see when she was announcing that the difference was 97 to like 83 and then the lady taps her to look back at the register and you can tell she is shocked that there is that much of a difference! I thought it was cool that the FS was like, “I’m signing up!” ;)

    And that is awesome about the meat deals… We had some chicken at Kroger on sale for $1.99 a pound and I bought a bunch up, but haven’t seen the ground beef for that good of a deal! Sounds like we’re having burgers for Eli’s party (hint hint!) ;)

    Possibly will see you tomorrow! ;)