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Giving Thanks

It’s Thanksgiving. We all know what that means. Christmas is right around the corner! I got Wednesday through Friday off which was a nice break. Wednesday was jam-packed, however with all sorts of things being accomplished.

We started the morning getting Wade’s 9 month check up. He is 27 and 3/4 inches long and weighs 20 lbs! He is right at the 50th percentile for height and weight so he’s right at the average. His doctor heard a bit of wheezing in his lungs again, so we are back on the breathing treatments a few times a day. He has four teeth coming in… two on top and two on bottom. Haylee’s didn’t come in until 10 or 11 months so he’s a little faster than her!

He is on the move constantly and very adept at his roll and pivot method of getting where he wants to go. He has just started scooting around a bit. I guess you would call it scooting. He basically is using his arms to drag the rest of his 20 lbs along. He usually only is willing to do it when he is intent on getting his hands on something.

We’ve started the “no-no” thing, and I find it intriguing that he only smiles when he hears the dreaded “no-no” from mommy. However, when Chris delivers his “no-no” it is much more effective. It is quite hard to maintain my sterness when my little one is staring up at me with his cutest grin. :)

Soooo, after his checkup, we met Sam and Heather at Walmart because “we” decided to get a smaller tree this year. Chris guestimated our old tree to be almost 5 feet in diameter at its base. This new tree was only 36 inches. It makes a huge difference in our little house. I’m hopeful that it will be at least easier to keep Wade away from the tree.

Haylee helped me hang the ornaments. She loves to hang all of them in one particular spot. It’s great. :) I just try to “redo” some of hers without making a big deal out of it, so we can both be happy.

We had a huge diaper episode while at Walmart that was not for the faint of heart. I’m fairly certain that it only occurred because I left the house without wipes. So the ickiest diaper episode of all times was conquered with mere damp paper towels.

After the craziness, we headed over to check out the trees and also looked at some Christmas decor. We found the tree I was looking for and I picked up some new ornaments too! Wade was pretty tired, so we headed home so he could nap.

Later that evening we had an appointment to get our family pictures made at Portrait Innovations in Charlotte. They have the best photo value/vs quality around in my opinion (barring my super talented sis, of course!). Chris’s cousin Amy clued me in on them several years ago, and I think this was our third year of going there. (Last year, B did our Christmas pics…) You get a ka-jillion pics on one pose for $9.99 and then 3 sheets of another pose for only $24. The price even goes down the more sheets you buy. You also get a cd of all the poses if you buy a certain amount of poses.

The place was the most crowded I’ve ever seen it. It was INSANE! Our appointment was at 7:10. We ended up being about 15 to 20 minutes late, but we didn’t get called back until around 7:45 or 8:00. It was crazy, like I said, but Haylee and Wade both cooperated pretty well, and the overall session itself was virtually painless. That is, if you don’t count Wade spitting up on his white turtleneck while we were in the waiting room.

One great selling point of PI, is that they print your pictures right there in the studio in about 20 minutes. Not many other places do that, and especially not for that price. Of course, by the time we got the printed pictures it was close to 10 pm, and we were all ready to get home….

We had a fun day today, with a nice LAZY morning watching the parade together. We headed to mom’s around lunch time and then to Chris’s grandparents around 4:00… We ended our evening on an unpleasant note with Haylee getting sick (literally) while we were there. We headed home and set her up in our bedroom watching Noggin. Chris headed out to Walmart and picked up the nausea staples, ie… Children’s Pepto, Ginger Ale, Saltines, and Gatorade. Hopefully, she’ll be feeling better soon. I hate seeing her feeling so bad… I am thankful that she didn’t end up coming down with this last night during our portrait session. Not exactly the moment I wanna remember for posterity.
8 Responses to Giving Thanks
  1. Ellen
    November 28, 2008 | 5:14 pm

    Sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving. Ours has been overshadowed with sickness as well – mostly mine – but we’re all a little bit of a mess…

    I love all the pics you had taken! They are so good. Your new tree is great too. It looks soooo nice. We just put ours up today and I’m excited to have it.

    Hope you are enjoying the remainder of your break. Praying for you!

  2. Jackie
    November 29, 2008 | 3:44 am

    Your family picture is great! I hope Haylee is feeling better!

  3. Sam
    November 29, 2008 | 4:46 am

    I feel sorry for her. I have been violently sick since last night. There is that virus going around. I can’t believe I missed Black Friday. I hope she feels better. I’m still recovering.

  4. Heather
    November 29, 2008 | 4:48 am

    Your tree looks very good! I am hoping we can put one up in the next few days! I did Black Friday for Sam this year, poor guy. Hope Haylee feels better soon and the rest of you don’t get sick!

  5. Bette Anne
    November 29, 2008 | 9:14 am

    Loved all the pics… :) I guess it’s my turn cause my stomach was upset tonight, and now I’ve thrown up and other yucky things throughout the night… :( Here’s hoping tomorrow will be a better day! Hope everyone is on the mend!

  6. Amy
    November 30, 2008 | 9:57 pm

    Hey I love your pics…they turned out so good. I’m going to get someone to take our pics at our house this year because I really won’t feel up to it after the C section.
    Poor thing! I hope that Haylee feels better soon.


  7. Rachel
    December 1, 2008 | 5:32 pm

    Hey I enjoy all your coupon links since I have recently started clipping them myself and trying to figure out this “grocery game” I’ve already found some really good deals but can use any extra tips! Great family pics…we love the good deals from there too! =)

  8. Rachel
    December 16, 2008 | 9:05 pm

    Whew, it’s been awhile since I’ve had a chance to read everyone’s blogs! Sorry I’m so behind on yours!

    Love the family pic. It’s great! I know what you mean about B’s pictures, though. It’s disgusting how good she is, lol!

    Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!

Giving Thanks

It’s Thanksgiving. We all know what that means. Christmas is right around the corner! I got Wednesday through Friday off which was a nice break. Wednesday was jam-packed, however with all sorts of things being accomplished.

We started the morning getting Wade’s 9 month check up. He is 27 and 3/4 inches long and weighs 20 lbs! He is right at the 50th percentile for height and weight so he’s right at the average. His doctor heard a bit of wheezing in his lungs again, so we are back on the breathing treatments a few times a day. He has four teeth coming in… two on top and two on bottom. Haylee’s didn’t come in until 10 or 11 months so he’s a little faster than her!

He is on the move constantly and very adept at his roll and pivot method of getting where he wants to go. He has just started scooting around a bit. I guess you would call it scooting. He basically is using his arms to drag the rest of his 20 lbs along. He usually only is willing to do it when he is intent on getting his hands on something.

We’ve started the “no-no” thing, and I find it intriguing that he only smiles when he hears the dreaded “no-no” from mommy. However, when Chris delivers his “no-no” it is much more effective. It is quite hard to maintain my sterness when my little one is staring up at me with his cutest grin. :)

Soooo, after his checkup, we met Sam and Heather at Walmart because “we” decided to get a smaller tree this year. Chris guestimated our old tree to be almost 5 feet in diameter at its base. This new tree was only 36 inches. It makes a huge difference in our little house. I’m hopeful that it will be at least easier to keep Wade away from the tree.

Haylee helped me hang the ornaments. She loves to hang all of them in one particular spot. It’s great. :) I just try to “redo” some of hers without making a big deal out of it, so we can both be happy.

We had a huge diaper episode while at Walmart that was not for the faint of heart. I’m fairly certain that it only occurred because I left the house without wipes. So the ickiest diaper episode of all times was conquered with mere damp paper towels.

After the craziness, we headed over to check out the trees and also looked at some Christmas decor. We found the tree I was looking for and I picked up some new ornaments too! Wade was pretty tired, so we headed home so he could nap.

Later that evening we had an appointment to get our family pictures made at Portrait Innovations in Charlotte. They have the best photo value/vs quality around in my opinion (barring my super talented sis, of course!). Chris’s cousin Amy clued me in on them several years ago, and I think this was our third year of going there. (Last year, B did our Christmas pics…) You get a ka-jillion pics on one pose for $9.99 and then 3 sheets of another pose for only $24. The price even goes down the more sheets you buy. You also get a cd of all the poses if you buy a certain amount of poses.

The place was the most crowded I’ve ever seen it. It was INSANE! Our appointment was at 7:10. We ended up being about 15 to 20 minutes late, but we didn’t get called back until around 7:45 or 8:00. It was crazy, like I said, but Haylee and Wade both cooperated pretty well, and the overall session itself was virtually painless. That is, if you don’t count Wade spitting up on his white turtleneck while we were in the waiting room.

One great selling point of PI, is that they print your pictures right there in the studio in about 20 minutes. Not many other places do that, and especially not for that price. Of course, by the time we got the printed pictures it was close to 10 pm, and we were all ready to get home….

We had a fun day today, with a nice LAZY morning watching the parade together. We headed to mom’s around lunch time and then to Chris’s grandparents around 4:00… We ended our evening on an unpleasant note with Haylee getting sick (literally) while we were there. We headed home and set her up in our bedroom watching Noggin. Chris headed out to Walmart and picked up the nausea staples, ie… Children’s Pepto, Ginger Ale, Saltines, and Gatorade. Hopefully, she’ll be feeling better soon. I hate seeing her feeling so bad… I am thankful that she didn’t end up coming down with this last night during our portrait session. Not exactly the moment I wanna remember for posterity.
8 Responses to Giving Thanks
  1. Ellen
    November 28, 2008 | 5:14 pm

    Sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving. Ours has been overshadowed with sickness as well – mostly mine – but we’re all a little bit of a mess…

    I love all the pics you had taken! They are so good. Your new tree is great too. It looks soooo nice. We just put ours up today and I’m excited to have it.

    Hope you are enjoying the remainder of your break. Praying for you!

  2. Jackie
    November 29, 2008 | 3:44 am

    Your family picture is great! I hope Haylee is feeling better!

  3. Sam
    November 29, 2008 | 4:46 am

    I feel sorry for her. I have been violently sick since last night. There is that virus going around. I can’t believe I missed Black Friday. I hope she feels better. I’m still recovering.

  4. Heather
    November 29, 2008 | 4:48 am

    Your tree looks very good! I am hoping we can put one up in the next few days! I did Black Friday for Sam this year, poor guy. Hope Haylee feels better soon and the rest of you don’t get sick!

  5. Bette Anne
    November 29, 2008 | 9:14 am

    Loved all the pics… :) I guess it’s my turn cause my stomach was upset tonight, and now I’ve thrown up and other yucky things throughout the night… :( Here’s hoping tomorrow will be a better day! Hope everyone is on the mend!

  6. Amy
    November 30, 2008 | 9:57 pm

    Hey I love your pics…they turned out so good. I’m going to get someone to take our pics at our house this year because I really won’t feel up to it after the C section.
    Poor thing! I hope that Haylee feels better soon.


  7. Rachel
    December 1, 2008 | 5:32 pm

    Hey I enjoy all your coupon links since I have recently started clipping them myself and trying to figure out this “grocery game” I’ve already found some really good deals but can use any extra tips! Great family pics…we love the good deals from there too! =)

  8. Rachel
    December 16, 2008 | 9:05 pm

    Whew, it’s been awhile since I’ve had a chance to read everyone’s blogs! Sorry I’m so behind on yours!

    Love the family pic. It’s great! I know what you mean about B’s pictures, though. It’s disgusting how good she is, lol!

    Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!