Saturday, we headed a few hours over to see my Grandma Bunts at my Uncle Fred’s in the grand city of Haw River, NC. :) We were able to take a “Four Generations” photo which is pretty special, I think.
My fabulous Grandma is 88 years old, and I only hope I can have her strength of mind and body if I ever reach her age! Her memory is just phenomenal. We sat and talked and reminisced, and I was amazed once again as she recalled specific events and dates of anniversarys and birthdays. Mom unfortunately isn’t as gifted with the super memory power. Bette Anne is about 21 weeks or so in her first pregnancy and is getting frustrated with Mom and I because we can’t recollect at what particular part of our pregnancy/s we experienced the specific pain or experience she is having. Mom, of course, has a better excuse than I do, since she had her last baby (BA) 25 years ago. I only had Haylee 3+ years ago and yet I am unable to remember much of the details. I’m lucky I wrote some things down in the baby book and scrapbook or I wouldn’t remember anything. :)
Mom says her excuse is that in her day they didn’t measure things by weeks. It was months. I’ve heard her ask an expectant mom how far along she is with the specific instruction… Don’t tell me weeks. Tell me months. Maybe she never learned the trick of dividing the weeks by four to get the month. :)
When we got to Uncle Fred’s, an old family friend saw me and immediately said, “You must be Bette’s!” So you be the judge. Can you tell we’re family?
This is great! I have an incredible 5 generation picture that I was able to get when Claire was about 4 months,… but my Great Grandmother has gone home to be with the Lord since then… so Lilli will have just the 4. Very precious though, and something I feel sure Haley will treasure down the road.