Okay, let me preface this by saying he’s really not that bad. I’m sure there are many, many others that have it way worse with a colicky baby that spends a few hours a day screaming. BUT, Wade often just likes to fuss and fuss with no apparent reason for the fussing.
This is what babies do, I suppose, but it is beyond frustrating to deal with sometimes when you just don’t know what to do about it.
We spent the evening last Friday with Chris’s parents and although he wasn’t that bad during our dinner out, he grew inconsolable after his feeding after dinner at Nana and Pop’s house.
Sunday morning, Chris and I had nursery, and it was painfully obvious of our offspring’s poor behavior when compared with the other two perfect angels we were watching. One little one, who was born just two weeks before him never even got out of her carseat. She slept through Sunday School and the worship service!
Then we have Wade who had to be constantly rocked and bounced and amused! He also decided to do a nice opening act where he sprayed the entire changing station while I was trying to change his messy diaper. First of all, he continued with his messy diaper in the midst of my changing, so smart me thought it would be a good idea to wait and sec or two and see if he was really finished. Then the spraying commenced. It got on the church’s wipes case and wax paper box and formed a nice sized puddle under the changing pad… which thankfully, I thought to lift up and check. :)
It left me wondering if this is how my child acts every week in the nursery, and the smiles from the workers are ones of relief that I am finally picking him up!
We did pick up some more gas drops since we had run out several weeks ago, and those seemed to help. By the way, we found them for $6.50 at Dollar General when from what I remember they are close to $8 at Walmart. You know, Walmart, the place where everything is supposed to be oh-so-cheap.
We’ve also been using this cool new toy that we’ve “borrowed” from cousin Eli. It’s a fisher price aquarium toy that snaps onto the crib. It makes these soothing water noises and lights up which provides a welcome fascination for our little Wadester.
He IS growing like crazy and is bringing us constant joy along with the minor, occasional headache or two, that I shouldn’t really complain about. :)
Little Wade, Are you being a stinker for mommy and daddy? Jared did that changing episode to me in a rest stop bathroom on our way to NC from CT. What a mess! Ladies were walking by and stopping to see the baby while I had pee and poop up to my elbows.
Jacob had a really fussy time for a while,which I thought was gas, so I gave drops too. He would get SOO mad when I would try to rock him/soothe him to sleep. So I tried more formula and he seemed to settle down. Is he ready for more formula? Have you tried that already? When they are so young it is so hard to know what they want or need, you know? Thankfully, we have internet and lots of advice from which to choose…
Lots of love, Jen
So sorry about the rough patches — our Lilli was certainly more of a challenge in every way during her first months of life. We spent several weeks in great chaos and sheer horror of what things could be like if they continued on the trend we were on… imagine my relief when we finally learned she had a mild case of GERD. It was at least a REASON and was TREATABLE. We still had our moments of cranky baby syndrome, but they really improved once we changed formula and she’d been on the medicine for a while. I think that it’s definitely worth a mention with your pediatrician… the worst (s)he’s going to say is that you just have a baby who likes to fuss.
These moments will pass quicker than you think right now while you’re in the “thick of it.” I can certainly relate to the frustration it can cause… I’ll be praying even more for you guys.
He sure is a cutie…changing every time you post pics. His smile is so big and beautiful. Love the shirt.
okay i found target brand gas drops were the cheapest like 4 bucks with marli, dye free, they are clear and the others stained to much for me.. but i loved them. have you thought about chaning his formula to see. I had to play with that with Sage and Marli just loved Good start.. i has the least iron so less harsh on the stomach! good luck.. you can’t get too upset cuase he is so flipping cute!
oh and yes the aquarium is now in marli’s crib .. sage loved it so as soon as we got marli’s room done i put it right up.. now marli until she falls asleep she will turn it on herself.
i know some people will flipp over this but have you tried rice cereal at night time yet. I did at 3 months ..
No, actually, I will support the rice ceral — we started mixing it in w/ the formula per Dr’s instructions when Lilli was just a month old b/c he said w/ the GERD it would help to make the formula a little heavier and stay in her stomach better… less likely to reflux. There was another reason too, but I don’t remember that now — I try not to remember too much of the tough times… LOL.
Hey, Renee,
Wade sounds just like Julie did months ago. She would get really fussy and could not be comforted after her feedings. Her Dr. said she had GERD and gave her Axid. We also switched to SOY formula. Boy, what a change. She is now a year old and we have had a GREAT 9 months since the switch. We have just started mixing 1/2 soy and 1/2 milk based formula. She is doing well, so I hope in the next month she will be on whole milk.
BTW – I love keeping up on your family. The kids love it too.
Praying for the best for ya, Dawn Schneider