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Fun Run

Haylee’s class getting ready to go outside
It was a bit chilly that morning! (Haylee’s in the bottom left corner.)
Singing the National Anthem
Running through the tunnel….

Getting ready to start! Haylee’s teacher is Mrs. Baldwin. She’s the second one from the right.

It was so hard checking off the kids’ laps as they went by…

Run, run, run!

I was so shocked when Haylee told me that she ran 26 laps. I couldn’t believe it. One of the teachers who was checking off her laps said she kept asking her, “How many more do I have to do??” :)
My class did really well too… They ran a combined total of 487 laps with over $3,300 pledged! Ten percent of whatever money is turned in by Wednesday goes to our class itself which is pretty cool.
I’m not sure what we would spend the money on, although my class suggested a stereo system. :)

2 Responses to Fun Run
  1. Ellen
    September 30, 2008 | 11:05 pm

    Go Haylee!!! That’s awesome! And the money your class raised is pretty cool too. I laughed when you said they want to get a stereo system! Too funny. ;)

  2. Heather
    October 1, 2008 | 3:56 pm

    Go Haylee GO!!! That’s really cool. Maybe she will grow up to be a marathon runner someday! ;)

Fun Run

Haylee’s class getting ready to go outside
It was a bit chilly that morning! (Haylee’s in the bottom left corner.)
Singing the National Anthem
Running through the tunnel….

Getting ready to start! Haylee’s teacher is Mrs. Baldwin. She’s the second one from the right.

It was so hard checking off the kids’ laps as they went by…

Run, run, run!

I was so shocked when Haylee told me that she ran 26 laps. I couldn’t believe it. One of the teachers who was checking off her laps said she kept asking her, “How many more do I have to do??” :)
My class did really well too… They ran a combined total of 487 laps with over $3,300 pledged! Ten percent of whatever money is turned in by Wednesday goes to our class itself which is pretty cool.
I’m not sure what we would spend the money on, although my class suggested a stereo system. :)

2 Responses to Fun Run
  1. Ellen
    September 30, 2008 | 11:05 pm

    Go Haylee!!! That’s awesome! And the money your class raised is pretty cool too. I laughed when you said they want to get a stereo system! Too funny. ;)

  2. Heather
    October 1, 2008 | 3:56 pm

    Go Haylee GO!!! That’s really cool. Maybe she will grow up to be a marathon runner someday! ;)