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Fun in the Snow!

We enjoyed a rare treat this weekend… SNOW!  It started snowing before we left school Friday afternoon and it wasn’t long before the ground was covered!  Whoo hoo!  Love how pretty the white stuff looks!!  I can happily pass on getting out in it, however…  Isn’t it so much working FINDING the snow stuff, then layering and wrapping everyone up only to go out for just a few minutes before someone’s whiny?  :)  I know I’m such a buzz-kill, aren’t I? 

I did go out and have a blast with the kiddos once Chris got home from work Saturday.  Yes, you heard that right.  Chris had to go into work Saturday morning at 9 am.  I didn’t think it was possible for anyone to have a worse Snow Day policy than Vanguard, his former employer, but no, there is!  Their policy is “Just-do-your-best-to-come-in-and-if-you-need-a-ride-just-call-us.”

Seriously.  That’s their snow policy. This was actually their answer when Chris asked if their was a number he should call if he just couldn’t make it.  Wow.

ANYWAY, so he got home around 3 or so and we searched high and low for the snow gear, bundled everyone up and headed out for some fun.  It was amazing how the ice had hardened and packed the snow.  We only got about an inch or two maybe, but it was enough to cover everything and make it pretty!!

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I didn’t really want them to stay out very long because Wade was still getting over Croup from earlier in the week, and Haylee was showing signs of coming down with a cold.  Plus, Mommy was c-o-l-d!   :)


Chris did some snow angels with them and even taught them how to roll down the hill.  The fun culminated with a few trips around the yard on our redneck sled… a plastic tarp.  :)
They had fun and so did mom and dad…. and that’s what counts, right?

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Some snow videos still to come!  :)

3 Responses to Fun in the Snow!
  1. Ellen
    February 1, 2010 | 5:16 pm

    LOL at your "redneck sled" comment…. I'm so glad that you guys got a chance to play in some snow! :) Every kid needs memories like that, in my opinion. :o) I love it, but can most certainly see the frustration I'd have if I was not prepared for it on a regular basis. ;) Can I assume correctly that you did not have school today? Enjoy the time with family — and praying everyone remains healthy!

  2. Sam
    February 1, 2010 | 10:48 pm

    That looks like so much fun.

  3. Bette Anne
    February 3, 2010 | 4:12 pm

    Is that the coat that Eli gave him? If so Eli always stayed really toasty with it, so hopefully the Wadester stayed warm! I never got the chance to go and play this time, but such is life! Hope to see y'all soon!

Fun in the Snow!

We enjoyed a rare treat this weekend… SNOW!  It started snowing before we left school Friday afternoon and it wasn’t long before the ground was covered!  Whoo hoo!  Love how pretty the white stuff looks!!  I can happily pass on getting out in it, however…  Isn’t it so much working FINDING the snow stuff, then layering and wrapping everyone up only to go out for just a few minutes before someone’s whiny?  :)  I know I’m such a buzz-kill, aren’t I? 

I did go out and have a blast with the kiddos once Chris got home from work Saturday.  Yes, you heard that right.  Chris had to go into work Saturday morning at 9 am.  I didn’t think it was possible for anyone to have a worse Snow Day policy than Vanguard, his former employer, but no, there is!  Their policy is “Just-do-your-best-to-come-in-and-if-you-need-a-ride-just-call-us.”

Seriously.  That’s their snow policy. This was actually their answer when Chris asked if their was a number he should call if he just couldn’t make it.  Wow.

ANYWAY, so he got home around 3 or so and we searched high and low for the snow gear, bundled everyone up and headed out for some fun.  It was amazing how the ice had hardened and packed the snow.  We only got about an inch or two maybe, but it was enough to cover everything and make it pretty!!

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I didn’t really want them to stay out very long because Wade was still getting over Croup from earlier in the week, and Haylee was showing signs of coming down with a cold.  Plus, Mommy was c-o-l-d!   :)


Chris did some snow angels with them and even taught them how to roll down the hill.  The fun culminated with a few trips around the yard on our redneck sled… a plastic tarp.  :)
They had fun and so did mom and dad…. and that’s what counts, right?

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Some snow videos still to come!  :)

3 Responses to Fun in the Snow!
  1. Ellen
    February 1, 2010 | 5:16 pm

    LOL at your "redneck sled" comment…. I'm so glad that you guys got a chance to play in some snow! :) Every kid needs memories like that, in my opinion. :o) I love it, but can most certainly see the frustration I'd have if I was not prepared for it on a regular basis. ;) Can I assume correctly that you did not have school today? Enjoy the time with family — and praying everyone remains healthy!

  2. Sam
    February 1, 2010 | 10:48 pm

    That looks like so much fun.

  3. Bette Anne
    February 3, 2010 | 4:12 pm

    Is that the coat that Eli gave him? If so Eli always stayed really toasty with it, so hopefully the Wadester stayed warm! I never got the chance to go and play this time, but such is life! Hope to see y'all soon!