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From the Archives…

{As I was reminiscing reading through ancient posts on my old myspace blog, I decided that I needed to repost some here since they are things I just don’t want to forget.}

This week’s is more on the Blast from the Haylee Past…

{Originally posted August 24, 2006}

Haylee 7-6-06

Tonight after dinner, Chris announced to us that he wanted some c-o-o-k-i-e-s’s (that’s cookies for those of you running a bit slow!).

Haylee then hollered out very loudly and quite offended… "You can’t have any!"

Chris asked her “What can’t I have?”

So she tried to spell what he spelled and answered, "P-b-s-kids-dot-org!"

Just about all she watches on tv is PBS, so evidently she hears the frequent plug for their website!

I was laughing so much.  It was all I could do to repeat what she said for Chris.  Too funny.

Of course, she had to keep hollering it over and over since we were laughing so hard!



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From the Archives…

{As I was reminiscing reading through ancient posts on my old myspace blog, I decided that I needed to repost some here since they are things I just don’t want to forget.}

This week’s is more on the Blast from the Haylee Past…

{Originally posted August 24, 2006}

Haylee 7-6-06

Tonight after dinner, Chris announced to us that he wanted some c-o-o-k-i-e-s’s (that’s cookies for those of you running a bit slow!).

Haylee then hollered out very loudly and quite offended… "You can’t have any!"

Chris asked her “What can’t I have?”

So she tried to spell what he spelled and answered, "P-b-s-kids-dot-org!"

Just about all she watches on tv is PBS, so evidently she hears the frequent plug for their website!

I was laughing so much.  It was all I could do to repeat what she said for Chris.  Too funny.

Of course, she had to keep hollering it over and over since we were laughing so hard!



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