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Field Day

The last week of school, First Grade had a Field Day!  Oh, the excitement!  Well, I know a few first graders who were excited anyway.  I didn’t have any classes that morning, so I got to come out and enjoy all the fun too.


Obstacle Course


Huge Tarp Roll the Ball thing… I’m sure this has an official name, but alas, we were not cool enough to have games like this when I was a kid…
007   Tug-of-War… Didn’t end well…  :)

Field Day fun was had by one and all… :)

3 Responses to Field Day
  1. Ellen
    June 5, 2010 | 3:46 pm

    Come now, you SERIOUSLY never played with a parachute at any point when you were a kid?! That's what it is called… ;) That was my FAVORITE thing when they'd bring it out in gym class or at special field day activities such as this. Always fun! :)

    Looks like Haylee had a FUN day!

  2. Renee
    June 5, 2010 | 6:02 pm

    Ha, ha! Sorry, I was deprived! Thanks for the clarification, tho! :)

  3. Ellen
    June 6, 2010 | 8:10 pm


Field Day

The last week of school, First Grade had a Field Day!  Oh, the excitement!  Well, I know a few first graders who were excited anyway.  I didn’t have any classes that morning, so I got to come out and enjoy all the fun too.


Obstacle Course


Huge Tarp Roll the Ball thing… I’m sure this has an official name, but alas, we were not cool enough to have games like this when I was a kid…
007   Tug-of-War… Didn’t end well…  :)

Field Day fun was had by one and all… :)

3 Responses to Field Day
  1. Ellen
    June 5, 2010 | 3:46 pm

    Come now, you SERIOUSLY never played with a parachute at any point when you were a kid?! That's what it is called… ;) That was my FAVORITE thing when they'd bring it out in gym class or at special field day activities such as this. Always fun! :)

    Looks like Haylee had a FUN day!

  2. Renee
    June 5, 2010 | 6:02 pm

    Ha, ha! Sorry, I was deprived! Thanks for the clarification, tho! :)

  3. Ellen
    June 6, 2010 | 8:10 pm
