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Fabulous First Day… Your Questions Answered!

Thanks for all the sweet comments… :) You guys know how to make a girl feel good… especially when she fishes for compliments!

I thought I would answer some questions from the comments in a new post since I’m not sure if the majority of you guys subscribe to comments after leaving one. (Do you? If so, then I’ll know I can just answer questions via another comment in the future…)

Carla asked… “I haven’t seen in a grade school classroom in soo long, is the semi-random desk groupings a normal thing for elementary school? “
The desks are arranged in groups of two… slanted but touching corner to corner. We do a lot of small group work and grouping the desks together works better with that setting. Also, the slanted factor helps with the temptation of copying your neighbor’s paper…

Amy B. asked, “Ok, ok, gotta know, did the kids think you were mean today???? Were they sitting there in fear and trembling???? Did you go along with that idea and act tough today or do they know that they have a really fun teacher??? “
I’m not sure if I lived up to the “mean teacher” rap or not. Definitely not on the first day. So far they seem like a very mellow, calm class which means we will be able to accomplish so much and have the opportunity to do more fun stuff since so far they seem like they can handle it!

Ellen asked, “How’d Wade do in the nursery/preschool room?”
He’s doing so well, really. The teachers in the infant room are so sweet and gentle. You can honestly tell how much they love all the babies in there. It’s not like it’s ideal. I’m realistic enough to recognize that, but under the circumstances it’s the just about the best I could hope and pray for. (For which I am oh-so-thankful.)

Sam said, “Wow, it looks like you had professional help with all of that. It looks great. Especially those welcome signs.”
I did have professional help with my room and all my obsessive “Welcome” signs thanks to you, Sam!!!! Sorry I didn’t give you the proper shout out you deserved. You really were such a huge and tremendous-beyond-comprehension-HELP to me making my in-service week so much less stressful!

And now…. another week begins! :)

3 Responses to Fabulous First Day… Your Questions Answered!
  1. Ellen
    August 25, 2008 | 1:04 am

    You’re too funny — glad you have such a wonderful bunch of students. :) That truly can make the year so much more enjoyable. -I do love the way you’ve arranged your desks. I can’t say I’ve ever seen them like that, but I’m certainly making a mental note of it just in case I need the idea for future use. Glad Wade is faring well in his room and with the teachers. Your room really does look FABULOUS – you outdid yourself. Glad you had some help from Sam. :) Wishing you a wonderful second week!!! :)

  2. Sam
    August 25, 2008 | 2:49 am

    I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but it seems like the the years you have gotten a lot more mellow. I was totally poking fun and you didn’t get offended at all. Your coolness factor went way up in my books. Thanks for the shout out, I really do enjoy helping people, but don’t tell anyone, I don’t want it to get around.

  3. Leah
    August 26, 2008 | 3:48 pm

    Glad you had a good first day (and week, I gather) The grouping that your room has is similar to what Emma-Grace has in her room at school. She loves being able to see a few kids at a time and her teacher says she will switch it around so they will get to work with different kids. Fun. i just had the straight rows. how boring! :-) I know you are a great teacher! Your kids are gonna love you.

Fabulous First Day… Your Questions Answered!

Thanks for all the sweet comments… :) You guys know how to make a girl feel good… especially when she fishes for compliments!

I thought I would answer some questions from the comments in a new post since I’m not sure if the majority of you guys subscribe to comments after leaving one. (Do you? If so, then I’ll know I can just answer questions via another comment in the future…)

Carla asked… “I haven’t seen in a grade school classroom in soo long, is the semi-random desk groupings a normal thing for elementary school? “
The desks are arranged in groups of two… slanted but touching corner to corner. We do a lot of small group work and grouping the desks together works better with that setting. Also, the slanted factor helps with the temptation of copying your neighbor’s paper…

Amy B. asked, “Ok, ok, gotta know, did the kids think you were mean today???? Were they sitting there in fear and trembling???? Did you go along with that idea and act tough today or do they know that they have a really fun teacher??? “
I’m not sure if I lived up to the “mean teacher” rap or not. Definitely not on the first day. So far they seem like a very mellow, calm class which means we will be able to accomplish so much and have the opportunity to do more fun stuff since so far they seem like they can handle it!

Ellen asked, “How’d Wade do in the nursery/preschool room?”
He’s doing so well, really. The teachers in the infant room are so sweet and gentle. You can honestly tell how much they love all the babies in there. It’s not like it’s ideal. I’m realistic enough to recognize that, but under the circumstances it’s the just about the best I could hope and pray for. (For which I am oh-so-thankful.)

Sam said, “Wow, it looks like you had professional help with all of that. It looks great. Especially those welcome signs.”
I did have professional help with my room and all my obsessive “Welcome” signs thanks to you, Sam!!!! Sorry I didn’t give you the proper shout out you deserved. You really were such a huge and tremendous-beyond-comprehension-HELP to me making my in-service week so much less stressful!

And now…. another week begins! :)

3 Responses to Fabulous First Day… Your Questions Answered!
  1. Ellen
    August 25, 2008 | 1:04 am

    You’re too funny — glad you have such a wonderful bunch of students. :) That truly can make the year so much more enjoyable. -I do love the way you’ve arranged your desks. I can’t say I’ve ever seen them like that, but I’m certainly making a mental note of it just in case I need the idea for future use. Glad Wade is faring well in his room and with the teachers. Your room really does look FABULOUS – you outdid yourself. Glad you had some help from Sam. :) Wishing you a wonderful second week!!! :)

  2. Sam
    August 25, 2008 | 2:49 am

    I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but it seems like the the years you have gotten a lot more mellow. I was totally poking fun and you didn’t get offended at all. Your coolness factor went way up in my books. Thanks for the shout out, I really do enjoy helping people, but don’t tell anyone, I don’t want it to get around.

  3. Leah
    August 26, 2008 | 3:48 pm

    Glad you had a good first day (and week, I gather) The grouping that your room has is similar to what Emma-Grace has in her room at school. She loves being able to see a few kids at a time and her teacher says she will switch it around so they will get to work with different kids. Fun. i just had the straight rows. how boring! :-) I know you are a great teacher! Your kids are gonna love you.