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Entertain Me…

Out of desperation today, I dragged Haylee’s humongous exersaucer from the attic as well as the “new” bumbo seat in hopes of finding a magical remedy to produce Happy Wade. He already has every “activity” imaginable all stuffed in our living room. We’re beginning to look like the church nursery. It’s getting a bit ridiculous really. Especially when he doesn’t seem to care for these “activities.” I thought perhaps he would like the “sitting up” feeling instead of the “reclining” action of his bouncer, swing, rocker, and activity mat. Well, he did seem to enjoy them, I suppose, but not as much as he enjoys the activity called “Mommy.”
I also tried a new method I’ve named the “Activity Rotational” which consists of moving him from seat to seat when the whining reaches the level of “I’m not going to stop, mom. Seriously.” We almost circled the room via the Baby Seat Train. He ended in the swing and fell asleep while listening to the demo on the piano. He actually likes the piano demo way, way better than the tinkling little songs on his swing.

I discovered his affinity for the piano one day as I was playing (which hushed him), and then had the brilliant idea of utilizing the demo which gives Mommy time to do something else!!! Chris once doubted the allure of the piano and rashly turned down the volume so he could turn on the tv and actually hear it. Wade didn’t want me to look bad, so he promptly began to fuss. So you see, my piano theory has thus been proven.

I have been wondering what the women of yester-year (is that a word?) did for their clingy babies? I suppose they could have had some sort of sling to carry them around as they did their daily housework and things. I wonder how much of it though could have been they just didn’t pamper babies as much “back in the day”. Life was hard for everyone… including babies, right?

My Uncle Paul would I agree with that I think, since he was child number 8 of the 11 kids and apparently my mom and he are so close in age that she was still occupying the crib when he was born. So that left Uncle Paul to sleep in the dresser drawer. I’m not kidding. He really did sleep in a dresser drawer.

It’s one of those “stories” that you hear so many times and honestly coming from Uncle Paul, the famous (or infamous, I’m not sure) storyteller, you really can’t ever be quite sure of a story’s truth. This particular story has been verified by many others, however, so I do suppose it really did happen. Can you imagine anyone doing that nowadays? Not a chance. We have to have every amenity on the market for our new little bundles of joy. I’m obviously guilty of it as well given I’m living in a church nursery.

They say that Uncle Paul used to cry so loud when he was a baby, and some of the older siblings tried to rock his carriage so he wouldn’t cry. Grandma Bunts actually told them to just let him cry because it would strengthen his lungs! I think things were different then. People’s mindsets were different. They didn’t make their worlds revolve around their children. They couldn’t. Life was hard and was going on even though the baby was crying. I think that my stress wouldn’t be so bad if I could gain some of that mindset from those days…

Wow, I didn’t know I could get so philosophical. Ah, the joys of nap time.

5 Responses to Entertain Me…
  1. Twinmama
    June 27, 2008 | 3:35 pm

    Sorry you are having to be such a circus performer, juggling activities for Wade. Hope he grows out of that phase….and soon, for your sanity’s sake!

  2. Heather C.
    June 27, 2008 | 5:49 pm

    How could he be so whiny? He’s SO cute! LOL I’m thinking and praying for you to have patience because I know it has to be so frustrating…especially where you are used the Haylee (the angel child). You know that we were of the mindset with ours to let them cry and learn to self-soothe….but neither of mine ever cried/whined excessively. Matthew was worse, and it was harder for me to listen to it than with Mikayla because he’s “my boy”. Just hang in there!

  3. Rachel
    June 27, 2008 | 6:00 pm

    Oh bless, you, honey, just hang in there! I found with my kids when they were little, it took about a week of whining and “neglect” on my part before they figured out that Mommy wasn’t going to “snap to it” every time they whined for something. After that, they were pretty independent, although we always had to “detox” them after the grandparents came to visit, lol!

    I’d really recommend a sling, though, if you’re able to get a hold of one to try out.

  4. Bette Anne
    June 28, 2008 | 3:10 am

    First of all, he looks so big and I just saw him like a week ago! I also love that Aunt B got both of those baby toys! Maybe that’s why you are able to keep your “Church Nursery” going! As to the whining, I had it off and on with Eli, but mostly just when it was time to go to sleep! Hopefully he’ll grow out of his needy phase as he starts to realize toys are fun!

  5. The Barth Family
    June 29, 2008 | 5:10 am

    I have to admit that I was a baby-wearer… or subscribed to the “attachment parenting” philosophy or whatever they’re calling it today. My Baby Bjorn barely survived… I know they’re expensive, but I hear that if you can manage to get your hands on a ERGObaby, babywearing-life is grand! I’ll definitely be saving up for one if we are blessed again!

Entertain Me…

Out of desperation today, I dragged Haylee’s humongous exersaucer from the attic as well as the “new” bumbo seat in hopes of finding a magical remedy to produce Happy Wade. He already has every “activity” imaginable all stuffed in our living room. We’re beginning to look like the church nursery. It’s getting a bit ridiculous really. Especially when he doesn’t seem to care for these “activities.” I thought perhaps he would like the “sitting up” feeling instead of the “reclining” action of his bouncer, swing, rocker, and activity mat. Well, he did seem to enjoy them, I suppose, but not as much as he enjoys the activity called “Mommy.”
I also tried a new method I’ve named the “Activity Rotational” which consists of moving him from seat to seat when the whining reaches the level of “I’m not going to stop, mom. Seriously.” We almost circled the room via the Baby Seat Train. He ended in the swing and fell asleep while listening to the demo on the piano. He actually likes the piano demo way, way better than the tinkling little songs on his swing.

I discovered his affinity for the piano one day as I was playing (which hushed him), and then had the brilliant idea of utilizing the demo which gives Mommy time to do something else!!! Chris once doubted the allure of the piano and rashly turned down the volume so he could turn on the tv and actually hear it. Wade didn’t want me to look bad, so he promptly began to fuss. So you see, my piano theory has thus been proven.

I have been wondering what the women of yester-year (is that a word?) did for their clingy babies? I suppose they could have had some sort of sling to carry them around as they did their daily housework and things. I wonder how much of it though could have been they just didn’t pamper babies as much “back in the day”. Life was hard for everyone… including babies, right?

My Uncle Paul would I agree with that I think, since he was child number 8 of the 11 kids and apparently my mom and he are so close in age that she was still occupying the crib when he was born. So that left Uncle Paul to sleep in the dresser drawer. I’m not kidding. He really did sleep in a dresser drawer.

It’s one of those “stories” that you hear so many times and honestly coming from Uncle Paul, the famous (or infamous, I’m not sure) storyteller, you really can’t ever be quite sure of a story’s truth. This particular story has been verified by many others, however, so I do suppose it really did happen. Can you imagine anyone doing that nowadays? Not a chance. We have to have every amenity on the market for our new little bundles of joy. I’m obviously guilty of it as well given I’m living in a church nursery.

They say that Uncle Paul used to cry so loud when he was a baby, and some of the older siblings tried to rock his carriage so he wouldn’t cry. Grandma Bunts actually told them to just let him cry because it would strengthen his lungs! I think things were different then. People’s mindsets were different. They didn’t make their worlds revolve around their children. They couldn’t. Life was hard and was going on even though the baby was crying. I think that my stress wouldn’t be so bad if I could gain some of that mindset from those days…

Wow, I didn’t know I could get so philosophical. Ah, the joys of nap time.

5 Responses to Entertain Me…
  1. Twinmama
    June 27, 2008 | 3:35 pm

    Sorry you are having to be such a circus performer, juggling activities for Wade. Hope he grows out of that phase….and soon, for your sanity’s sake!

  2. Heather C.
    June 27, 2008 | 5:49 pm

    How could he be so whiny? He’s SO cute! LOL I’m thinking and praying for you to have patience because I know it has to be so frustrating…especially where you are used the Haylee (the angel child). You know that we were of the mindset with ours to let them cry and learn to self-soothe….but neither of mine ever cried/whined excessively. Matthew was worse, and it was harder for me to listen to it than with Mikayla because he’s “my boy”. Just hang in there!

  3. Rachel
    June 27, 2008 | 6:00 pm

    Oh bless, you, honey, just hang in there! I found with my kids when they were little, it took about a week of whining and “neglect” on my part before they figured out that Mommy wasn’t going to “snap to it” every time they whined for something. After that, they were pretty independent, although we always had to “detox” them after the grandparents came to visit, lol!

    I’d really recommend a sling, though, if you’re able to get a hold of one to try out.

  4. Bette Anne
    June 28, 2008 | 3:10 am

    First of all, he looks so big and I just saw him like a week ago! I also love that Aunt B got both of those baby toys! Maybe that’s why you are able to keep your “Church Nursery” going! As to the whining, I had it off and on with Eli, but mostly just when it was time to go to sleep! Hopefully he’ll grow out of his needy phase as he starts to realize toys are fun!

  5. The Barth Family
    June 29, 2008 | 5:10 am

    I have to admit that I was a baby-wearer… or subscribed to the “attachment parenting” philosophy or whatever they’re calling it today. My Baby Bjorn barely survived… I know they’re expensive, but I hear that if you can manage to get your hands on a ERGObaby, babywearing-life is grand! I’ll definitely be saving up for one if we are blessed again!