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Clutter Confessions… Under the SINK!

Today is a snow day for most everyone around us, but since Chris’s office never closes and we are homeschooling, it seems to be just a regular ol’ day around here… just sprinkled with some envy and worry about him being out on the roads on the way to and especially from work. 
We have around 3.5 inches according to Chris’s measuring, but it is still falling.  Our road is actually WHITE which just makes me wanna worry.

Can you really consider no Snow Days to be a perk of homeschooling?  I know one 7 year old that definitely doesn’t think so.  When she learned of others’ Snow Days, her thought was that she hoped it would snow in our house so we could have our own Snow Day.  :)

While we are continuing on with school today, maybe I’ll be able to keep up with the organizational challenge, although the challenge over the weekend was organizing the pantry.  Eek! Not sure I’m up for that today!
The organizational madness has been continuing… under the kitchen sink was next on the agenda.

I actually cleaned out under the sink while in a nesting mood back in August. Sadly it was already in need of some purging and organizing only a few months later!
I actually took before and after pics then, but just never got around to posting them.
Here’s the sad, sad before. What’s really, really sad is that this picture does not even do the awfulness justice.
And the after…


And… what it has turned into now…
Not too bad, but definitely in need of some work.  You can see some baby paraphernalia that has been added to the mix too. :)

And… now the Grand Finale After…


I tossed some, rearranged some, and found new homes for others. I think that container-izing everything just makes the space feel more neat and tidy, doesn’t it?

I actually am considering this still a work in progress since I picked up some wire organizers that attach to the inside of the cabinet doors that will free up some more underneath space.

Linking up to Bowl Full of Lemon’s!

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Clutter Confessions… Under the SINK!

Today is a snow day for most everyone around us, but since Chris’s office never closes and we are homeschooling, it seems to be just a regular ol’ day around here… just sprinkled with some envy and worry about him being out on the roads on the way to and especially from work. 
We have around 3.5 inches according to Chris’s measuring, but it is still falling.  Our road is actually WHITE which just makes me wanna worry.

Can you really consider no Snow Days to be a perk of homeschooling?  I know one 7 year old that definitely doesn’t think so.  When she learned of others’ Snow Days, her thought was that she hoped it would snow in our house so we could have our own Snow Day.  :)

While we are continuing on with school today, maybe I’ll be able to keep up with the organizational challenge, although the challenge over the weekend was organizing the pantry.  Eek! Not sure I’m up for that today!
The organizational madness has been continuing… under the kitchen sink was next on the agenda.

I actually cleaned out under the sink while in a nesting mood back in August. Sadly it was already in need of some purging and organizing only a few months later!
I actually took before and after pics then, but just never got around to posting them.
Here’s the sad, sad before. What’s really, really sad is that this picture does not even do the awfulness justice.
And the after…


And… what it has turned into now…
Not too bad, but definitely in need of some work.  You can see some baby paraphernalia that has been added to the mix too. :)

And… now the Grand Finale After…


I tossed some, rearranged some, and found new homes for others. I think that container-izing everything just makes the space feel more neat and tidy, doesn’t it?

I actually am considering this still a work in progress since I picked up some wire organizers that attach to the inside of the cabinet doors that will free up some more underneath space.

Linking up to Bowl Full of Lemon’s!

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