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Clutter Confessions… Linen Closet

Closets are a high commodity here at our complex.   We try to squeeze in every little bitty bit of space wherever we possibly can. When we renovated our house, Chris redesigned some of the floor plan, and we came up with our own design for the hall closet.  It has hanging space on the left side and shelves and room for the vacuum on the right side. 

The closet recently got some attention when the new foot spa needed a home and even more recently when Chris decided to go through his  jackets in there.  So… this before picture is better than it was.  It doesn’t look all that pretty, but not too horrifying either. {Unlike the junk cabinet! Eek!}


We weren’t really fully utilizing the space in there and just like anywhere in your house… there’s always some stuff that can just be tossed.

After a bit of time invested in the process….

Wala!  A much neater, more organized and more pleasing to the eye Linen Closet!


No fun online Lowes trip for this project unfortunately, so no cute matching bins to impress you with.  I had to scrounge around and find what I could to contain the madness this time around. 

In the bottom box on the floor is our stash of air freshener, shampoo, conditioner, and cleaners, and in the Luvs box {classy, I know} is a supply of baby food and some other baby items.  Behind the vacuum is the foot spa’s new home!

I tried to fold the towels and blankets in a tri-fold method, and where I could I left the pretty side out which just looks sooooo very much better, don’tcha think?

It would be spectacular if I had pretty matching hangers  and cutesy bins, but who am I kidding? Probably not going to happen. :)

And, really… that’s okay.  I love that it’s neat and organized, and I even have some room to grow!


Ah! Not a huge transformation but still so much better!  :)

I’m linking up to Bowl Full of Lemon’s organizing party!!

One Response to Clutter Confessions… Linen Closet
  1. Centsible Savings
    January 7, 2011 | 6:20 pm

    love all your organizing projects! I did my kitchen last week and have like EVERY ROOM/CLOSET in the house to do but have to wait till my next day off to do another!

    I am hoping to have an organizing link up party too next week so come link up yours there too! :)

Clutter Confessions… Linen Closet

Closets are a high commodity here at our complex.   We try to squeeze in every little bitty bit of space wherever we possibly can. When we renovated our house, Chris redesigned some of the floor plan, and we came up with our own design for the hall closet.  It has hanging space on the left side and shelves and room for the vacuum on the right side. 

The closet recently got some attention when the new foot spa needed a home and even more recently when Chris decided to go through his  jackets in there.  So… this before picture is better than it was.  It doesn’t look all that pretty, but not too horrifying either. {Unlike the junk cabinet! Eek!}


We weren’t really fully utilizing the space in there and just like anywhere in your house… there’s always some stuff that can just be tossed.

After a bit of time invested in the process….

Wala!  A much neater, more organized and more pleasing to the eye Linen Closet!


No fun online Lowes trip for this project unfortunately, so no cute matching bins to impress you with.  I had to scrounge around and find what I could to contain the madness this time around. 

In the bottom box on the floor is our stash of air freshener, shampoo, conditioner, and cleaners, and in the Luvs box {classy, I know} is a supply of baby food and some other baby items.  Behind the vacuum is the foot spa’s new home!

I tried to fold the towels and blankets in a tri-fold method, and where I could I left the pretty side out which just looks sooooo very much better, don’tcha think?

It would be spectacular if I had pretty matching hangers  and cutesy bins, but who am I kidding? Probably not going to happen. :)

And, really… that’s okay.  I love that it’s neat and organized, and I even have some room to grow!


Ah! Not a huge transformation but still so much better!  :)

I’m linking up to Bowl Full of Lemon’s organizing party!!

One Response to Clutter Confessions… Linen Closet
  1. Centsible Savings
    January 7, 2011 | 6:20 pm

    love all your organizing projects! I did my kitchen last week and have like EVERY ROOM/CLOSET in the house to do but have to wait till my next day off to do another!

    I am hoping to have an organizing link up party too next week so come link up yours there too! :)